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Dr. Farzam Arbab a Zionist servant |
The Rockefeller Foundation pumps the money, the FUNDAEC provides the manpower, the Bahai Faith provides the required Administration and Religious Camouflage. The Ruhi Study Circle, the ISGP, JYSEP, the Children classes all provides the mean. The Sacrificial Goat of this unholy alliance is the innocent Children, Junior Youths and Women of Other Faiths.It is time the World wakes up to the Baha’i and Jewish-Zionist connections and how they are spreading havoc in the world and deviating the innocent children and youth through the RUHI INSTITUTES.
Dr. Farzam Arbab has been serving
as member of Universal House of Justice (UHJ) since 1993. Prior to this he was
a member of the International Teaching Centre (ITC) since 1983. He is the
controlling force behind the UHJ elections and present activities of the Baha’i
Faith. He is instrumental in implementing Zionist Agenda throughout the world
through Bahai Faith.
He was a member of the National
Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Colombia and a Continental Counselor
before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre (ITC). It would be
very interesting to know where he was serving before being inducted/planted
into the highest body of the Baha’i faith.
Dr. Farzam Arbab, born in Iran,
obtained his doctorate in physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He
was the representative for the Rockefeller Foundation in Colombia (1974 to
1978) and the president of the FUNDAEC development foundation there. Since 1993
he is a member of Universal House of Justice of Bahai Faith. Where he is
implementing the ideas of Zionism (gained by him through Rockefeller
foundation) in Bahai Faith through RUHI STUDY CIRCLES and FUNDAEC
It is interesting to note that
Rockefeller Foundation had opened a field office in Cali, Colombia and Dr.Arbab
was there from 1974 onwards and interestingly the office closed on Dec 31,
1983, the same year in which Dr.Arbab was posted to the ITC.
The Rockefeller Foundation is a
prominent philanthropic organization and private foundation based at 420 Fifth
Avenue, New York City. It was established by the six-generation a prominent Jew
family the Rockefeller family, it was founded by John D. Rockefeller.
Its central historical mission is
"to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” But what is
that the foundation is all about?
It is a Jewish Foundation and
“mankind” is nothing except the JEWISH COMMUNITY. That is the reason why the
maximum funding from Rockefeller foundation goes to “JUSTICE FOR JEWS”.
What is Rockefeller foundation
which they claim?
The Rockefeller foundation is
also widely known for cavorting with the Maoist Shining Path Communist
organization (Sendero Luminoso), a bonafide terrorist organization under its
former leader Guzman. People who recall their recent South American history
will note that - even after the capture of Guzman - Sendero Luminoso was
several times implicated as acting within courier capacities for the Colombian
drug cartel. Apparently Guzman was a personal friend of Mr. Arbab's and it is a
well known fact that the Bahai RUHI Institutes were pretty much modeled
on the pattern of the Shining Path indoctrination cells.
The Rockefeller foundation has
been involved in all sorts of scams across the years and it’s still going on.
The Rockefeller family control, and have controlled, more NGO groups than any
other one on the planet. Rockefeller foundation also looks after the Carnegie
Trust now or the Ford Trust (one of them or probably the Carnegie). So the same
board controls both. There’s not a single University in the United States or in
Canada that does not get a grant from Rockefeller along with a say in the
policies, what should be taught, what should perhaps not be taught. And money
talks, as we all know.
When we talk of Rockefeller
another name which pops up is that of Maurice Strong. This is a man of many
colors and seasons, an old-dog professional UN bureaucrat who has not set foot
in the US ever since he got implicated as an "Iraq oil for food"
profiteer. This was the UN program during the '90s sanctions regime against
Saddam that was designed to help average Iraqis with bare necessities which
turned into a massive international scam-fest. Nowadays Strong is hiding out in
China. He's got long, well-established connections to the Rockefeller
foundation and few other assorted big-whigs of the moving and shaking who's who
of the global glitterati elite. Although the online Baha’i hacks deny it (or
misdirect regarding his affiliation), Maurice Strong is a devout Baha’i.
It is time the World wakes up to
the Baha’i and Jewish connections and how they are spreading havoc in the world
and deviating the innocent children and youth through the RUHI INSTITUTES.
Arbab and Bahai Faith
Dr.Arbab was thus groomed as per
the Jewish-Zionist culture and then planted in the Baha’i apex body. He is the
brain behind the RUHI BOOKS and RUHI INSTITUTES which the Baha’is uses for
spreading their belief among the innocent children and youths.
Since his
election/selection/plantation in the Bahai Apex Body, the so called Universal
House of Justice, he went of cleansing the Bahai organization from the Iranian
Bahais having Mullah’s culture. Like Hushmand Fatheazam and Ali
Slowly and steadily took control
of UHJ by introducing Ruhi culture and by backing of Zionism. He made sure that
any one opposing Ruhi agenda is shown the way out of the Bahai Faith. These
tentacles of Ruhi culture spread out throughout the world and resulted in
expulsion of many devoted Bahais like Feroz Anaraki, Jamshed Fozdar, Fredrick
Glaysher, Juan Cole etc.
Mr. Arbab went to launch his own
Ruhi brigade with Firaydoun Javaheri, Payman Mohajer and very recently Shahriar
Razavi; these three Iranians are well known for the pro Ruhi culture and his
own son in Law Mr. Gustavo Correa.
Today Bahai Faith is nothing but
a way of implementing Zionist agendas through the money of Rockefeller
Foundation by means of Bahai Faith through the Ruhi brigade.
Mr. Arbab after hijacking the
Bahai Faith finally ruined a massive Baha'i Encyclopedia that cost the faith
several hundred thousand dollars; He introduced inaccuracies, and delayed its
publication indefinitely. Arbab is not a professional editor and knows
nothing about making an encyclopedia, and never even bothered to learn Persian.
The Baha'is got extremely annoyed at him for putting his fingers into something
he knows nothing about and ruining it, wasting enormous amounts of money and
bullying and insulting the previous devoted Baha'i editors as crass materialist
Mr. Arbab introduced spying and
shunning culture in Bahai Faith. He shamelessly bullied and threatened Bahais
Due to his arrogant behavior many bahais were hearted broken and left the
faith? Lives were destroyed over this idiocy.
FUNDAEC was created by Dr. Farzam
Arbab in the early 1970s within a worldwide program called at the time
“Education for Development.” As a Bahá’í-inspired organization, the founders
were engaged in the constant study of the writings and their application to
development issues, a process that lead them to define their purpose as a
social and economic development institution in this way: to make it possible
for the masses of humanity not only to have access to information, but to
participate in the generation and application of knowledge. A rigorous study of
the social reality in which development related processes are immersed made it
clear to them that the way knowledge flows in society has to be re-examined.
Fact remains that neither
Baha’u’llah nor Abdul Baha said anything about Social and Economic development.
These claims of Dr. Arbab is to give a Bahai color to the so called Social and
Economic development project otherwise it is just implementing
Zionist/Rockefeller agenda.
According to Farzam Arbab:
"The Rockefeller Foundation agreed to support our first efforts to create
a private foundation, FUNDAEC, to consolidate our group, and to begin certain
educational programs. Fundación para la Educación Superior (FES) was the first
Colombian institution to offer us help. Later on, a number of other agencies,
International Development Research Centre ODRQ the Interamerican Foundation,
Private Agencies Collaborating Together (PACT), Volunteers in Technical
Assistance (VITA), Appropriate Technology International, as well as the
Colombian Ministries of Education, Agriculture, and Planning, contributed to
the expansion of FUNDAEC and the consolidation of its work in Norte del Cauca
where all of its activities during the first 7 years were concentrated.
According to Gustavo Correa,
director of FUNDAEC in 2002, it was originally inspired by a quotation from
Bahá'u'lláh - "Baha'u'llah talks about man as 'a mine rich in gems of
inestimable value.' He says that 'education can, alone, cause it to reveal its
treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.
Farzam spoke lies that FUNDAEC
was a private Foundation and decided to support it. It was all the way to
delink FUNDAEC from Rockefeller Foundation which finally took
control of Socio Economic development in Bahai Faith (OSED). Not surprisingly
the OSED is headed by Haleh Arbab Correa, a sister of Farzam Arbab.
FUNDAEC is, of course, only one
in the network of Bahá’i inspired institutions, all of which are trying to
address some aspect of the social and economic development of specific
populations throughout the world. The watchword is again learning, and the
Universal House of Justice has given the task of fostering, facilitating and
systematizing this learning to the Office of Social and Economic Development.
Bahai Faith is controlled by Ruhi Study circles, OSED and FUNDAEC
The Bahai ideology is nothing but
self-interest. The long-term self-interest of this cult is to implement Zionist
agendas. Their leadership and elite will actively cavort with all sides of the
spectrum - right and left.
and Economic Development
The Baha'i Office of Social and
Economic Development, an agency of the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa, Israel,
monitors the progress of development programs worldwide, provides advice and
support, and facilitates collaborative undertakings with like-minded
Efforts to promote social and
economic development play an important role at the local and national levels of
the Baha'i community. Most of these take the form of small-scale educational,
health, economic and environmental projects.
These projects range from simple
tutorial schools to college-level courses and from village agricultural and
health education projects to participation in major reforestation programs. The
majority of these projects operate at the grassroots level, relying on local
resources and coordination.
Baha'i communities have started
more than 1,500 such development projects during the last decade. Baha'is
operate more than 600 schools and seven radio stations broadcasting
educational, health and agricultural programs as well as information about
Baha'i community activities.
They represent a global effort to
learn about approaches to social and economic development that harmonize the
scientific and technological aspects of development with its spiritual and
moral aspects. In Reality if one visits there programmes, projects and centers he
will realize that all these are lip services, the main agenda is BAHAI FAITH.
for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)
The Bahais say that there should
be a dialogue of Science and Religion, and their Relationship. It was precisely
with these thoughts as they claim that the Institute for Studies in Global
Prosperity, known as ISGP, took up as its initial task the promotion of a
discourse on science, religion and development.
Very surprisingly Dr. Haleh Arbab
Sister of Dr. Farzam Arbab is the Director of the Institute for Studies in
Global Prosperity. (ISGP)
She was born in Iran, educated in
the United States, and lived in Colombia, South America from 1982 to 2005. In
Colombia she worked with the Foundation for the Application and Teaching of the
Sciences (FUNDAEC), and from 1995 to 2005 served as Rector of Centro
Universitario de Bienestar Rural, a Colombian university she helped found in
1988. Currently Dr. Arbab-Correa lives in Haifa, Israel, where, since June 2005.
Similarities in the Aims of Rockefeller Foundation, Ruhi Study Circles (Bahai
Faith) and FUNDAEC
study Circle
Farzam Arbab is the
The Foundation sought to
relieve basic human needs by
1-Establishing rural and
community development programs,
2-strengthening disease
research facilities, and
universities that they might become more responsive to local populations.
4-The RF approach to
development involved the training of local personnel and the strengthening of
local institutions through exchange programs with American universities and
fellowship support for Colombian scholars
Farzam Arbab: Member of
UHJ and implementor of Ruhi programmes
The Ruhi programmes is
controlled by UHJ of which Farzam is a member
The Ruhi Institute's main
sequence of courses aims,
1-providing insights
into spiritual matters,
2-imparting knowledge
about the Bahá'í Faith,
3-Helping to develop
specific acts of service
4-to assist in the
transformation and betterment of society
Farzam Arbab is Founder.
FUNDAEC is headed by Gustavo
Correa who is member of UHJ and son in law of Arbab
According to Gustavo Correa,
director of FUNDAEC in 2002, it was originally inspired by a quotation from
Bahá'u'lláh - "Baha'u'llah talks about man as 'a mine rich in gems of
inestimable value.' He says that 'education can, alone, cause it to reveal
its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom'. Its founding ideals
centered around a goal that
rural populations should not only benefit from higher education, but should
also actively participate in creating and generating knowledge and
technologies, to improve their quality of life and standard of living FUNDAEC
sought to dispel the image of the poor farmer whose life must be planned and
managed by more privileged members of society.
There is a very specific aim in
all the activities of Haifan Bahais, whether Ruhi Study circles or Institute
for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) or activities of the Office of Social
Economic development (OSED) etc and that is development and expansion of Bahai
community by means of DECEPTION.
These activities also provide a
cover for the espionage activities of Rockefeller Foundation and Bahai Faith in
other countries and escaping the scanners of Intelligence Agencies of other
The Rockefeller Foundation
pumps the money, the FUNDAEC provides the manpower, the Bahai Faith provides
the required Administration and Religious Camouflage, The Ruhi Study Circle,
the ISGP, ISJP, the Children classes all provides the mean. The Sacrificial
Goat of this unholy alliance is the innocent Children, Junior Youths and Women
of Other Faiths.
caution by the Intellectuals of every Faith, the Intelligence Agencies of every
country and Society at large will spell doom for the Ruhi Study Circles of
Bahai Faith, the results of which is becoming more and more visible.
Source : TRB
Source : TRB
Farzam Arbab does have a Ph.D. in economics, but he never did anything professionally with that degree of note. He never bothered even to learn Arabic or Persian. He did pioneer in Latin America, but lots of people have pioneered under difficult conditions. Baha'i friends of mine who had anything to do with him found him arrogant and highly anti-intellectual. He has advocated 'writing off' the Baha'i intellectuals of the West. When he was elected to the house of justice in 1993, the first thing he did was to throw a tantrum over the Baha'i Encyclopedia, a huge project involving hundreds of Baha'i thinkers throughout the world. He pronounced its draft a piece of 'secular humanism' and 'materialism' (borrowing code words from the Christian Fundamentalists). He insisted it all be rewritten in fundamentalist fashion, and went about lambasting everyone who had been involved in its production. These included many devoted Baha'i Ph.D.'s in history, philosophy, and other fields. Arbab set himself above all of them, attacked them, sullied their reputations, made all their work useless, and the rest of the House members let him do it because he cared so much and they didn't really
ReplyDeleteSo I haven't had a good experience with nice humble Dr. Arbab. As far as I can see, he's arranged for a large wood-panelled office for himself in Israel, a country with a per capita income of $17,000 a year, with a good view of Haifa's beautiful bay, and is spending $200 million of Baha’i money on marble facades for the buildings in which he works.
What is his salary, by the way? How is that chauffeured Mercedes paid for? And how did he get appointed to the ITC, from which he was elected to the House, in the first place? Whose client was he? To whom does he owe favors? I wouldn't have any problem with all this if he hadn't demonstrated himself a tinpot tyrant and gone about ruining the lives of my friends by slandering them, forcing several of them out of the faith with threats of shunning, for daring complain about how he treated the Encyclopedia issue.
Juan Cole
Farzam Arbab is Representative, The Rockefeller Foundation, Colombia.