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Exhibit No. 29


Prime Ministry

State Intelligence & Security Organization



Subject: Statements by Hossein... No.: A 100/2126

Location: Tehran Date of incidence:

Source of News: 11 Date news received: 16.11.1344

(Feb. 5, 1966)

Classification: B2 Date of report: 16.11.1344

Hossein financial member of the Ministry of Finance and former deputy director of the Gendarmerie Accounting Dept., who has close connections with Ulema and the clergy, said:

"Owing to the secret deal to sell Iranian oil to Israel, which was accomplished by the will of Amir-Abbas Hoveyda, Israel has given him 140 thousand square metres of land in occupied Palestine."

Exhibit No. 30


Security Classification

News Report

Page of

Copy of

1. To: 724

2. From: 224

3. Report No.. 224/2120

4. Date of report: 29.12.1353 (March 20, 1975)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 224/1

8. Origin: Egyptian Gazette

9. Date of incidence:

10.Date news received by source: 6.12.1353 (Feb.25,1975)

11.Date news received by local operations leader:

12.Security remarks:

The General Committee for the Boycott of Israel decided to dissolve all Bahá’i assemblies in Arab countries and to prohibit their reorganization due to the large aids given to Israel by the Bahá’is all over the world.

Agency's comment:

Since only Israel has recognized the Bahá’i faith, and the Bahá’is have a shrine in that country, they try to extend huge financial assistances to that country in order to aid the Israeli economy.

Exhibit No. 31

Akhbar-i Amri-yi Magzine, official newsletter of the Bahá’i National Assembly of Iran. No. 5, 1330 (1951/52)

2. Message from the International Assembly

Dear Bahá’i Friends,

After His Holiness Vali Amr decided to strengthen his thirty-year activities by organizing the first International Bahá’i Council, it is of the utmost pleasure and pride that our godly friends learn of the progress in the construction of the building called "A'la" in Mount Carmel, as well as ... development of relations with the officials of the Israeli govern­ment…...

Exhibit No. 32


Security Classification

News Report

Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/7596

4. Date of report: 18.2.1350 (May 8, 1971)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1699

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 18.4.1347 (July 9, 1968)

10.Date news received by source: 18.4.1347

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 22.4.1347 (July 13, 1968)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Activities of Shiraz Bahá’is

On 18.4.1347 (July 9,1968) a Bahá’i meeting was held at Ziaollah Hooshmand's home. Col. Aqdassieh said:

"We pride ourselves on our Bahá’i religion. When I was in the army, I used to respect the Bahá’i soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers. But if a Muslim person made a complaint against another, I had him whipped. We are informed that Shahanshah Aryamehr is a Bahá’i. We Bahá’is are all wealthy and will advance even further."

Exhibit No. 33


Security Classification

News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/7779

4. Date of report: 23.4.1347 (July 14, 1968)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1699

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 11.2.1350 (May 1, 1971)

10.Date news received by source: 11.2.1350

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 12.2.1350 (May 2, 1971)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Bahá’is

A meeting of 9 Bahá’is from Shiraz District 15 was held at Mr. Farhang Azadegan's home, chaired by Mr. Loghmani. After reading the letter, Mr. Valiollah Loghmani spoke about the world's religions, their statistics and the martyrs of Bahá’ism. He went on to say: "The Bahá’i gentlemen had better study more and judge by the truth, in order to understand the meaning of Bahá’ism which enjoys more freedom today. In the old days, our Mends could not say they were Bahá’is and could not propagate. Those who campaigned were immediately killed. But, now that such fanaticism has been aban­doned, we now have explicit instructions from America and London to promote dressing and building fashions as well as the women’s being unveiled, so that Muslims shall take off the veil from their faces.

I made some statements [to this effect] at Mr. Motamed's home, and all the Bahá’i girls and boys rejoiced. In Iran and other Muslim countries, offend the Islamic nations as far as possible by applying and promoting fashion, such that they should no longer say that Imam Husain conquered the world and Ali rules the world. Bahá’is agree that national­ism has no place in the Atomic Age, the atom which is made by Bahá’i hands. Weapons and ammunitions are manufactured by our youths in Israel. These Muslims will finally be annihilated by the Bahá’is, and the world of His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh will be promoted."

Sunday's comment: Saturday's statements are confirmed

Wednesday's comment: Saturday's statements are confirmed

H/7's comment: Wednesday's comment is confirmed.

Exhibit No. 34

Subject: Bahá’ism

Location: Shiraz

Source of News: Goudarzi

Classification: B-3

Date news received: 5.11.1341 (Jan. 25, 1963)

... He happened to come across a Bahá’i who works with the National Iranian Oil Company. The latter said: "Sabet Pasal the well-known capitalist was the real man behind Teyeb's execution." He explained that: "Sabet Pasal was received by His Imperial Majesty and told him that Teyeb had been the cause of destruction of the Bahá’i cemetry and Golestan Javid."

To supplement this information, I refer to my memories from last summer when Kamal Sarvestani, an employee of the Ministry of Education, said: "We Bahá’is avenged the destruction by Muslims a few years ago of Haziratul-Quds in Tehran on the Feizieh School in Qom." A few months before that I heard a Shiraz Bahá’i who said: "We not only avenged the past, but continued the Bahá’i issue as far as land reforms." By that, he meant to infer that the "land reforms" issue was one which had been foreseen and that the idea thereof was from the Bahá’is.

On the whole, the Bahá’is believe that the Bahá’is' assemblage in London was the cause of the crises over the past few months as well as the disputes between the Government and the clergy.

Sunday's comment: As you had been advised before, it is this sect's method of operation to attribute any positive action anywhere and at any time to themselves.


  1. Abundance of false allegations, accusations and propaganda against the Baha'i' religion, only makes it more popular. One of the more wise Ayat'u'llas of Iran by the name Taleghani said once in a radio speech: "The Baha'i's weapon is innocence. No one can fight against this weapon".

    1. "only makes it more popular"
      Yeah, every-time a Baha'i has no response they resort to this lame response.

      "The Baha'i's weapon is innocence. No one can fight against this weapon"
      And your proof is? Nothing.
