Yet More Proofs

Exhibit No. 35


Security Classification

News Report

Page one of Copy one of four

1. To: 241

2. From:2H7

3. Report No.: 3H/14409

4. Date of report: 31.2.1357 (May 21, 1978)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 8825

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 24.2.1357 (May 14, 1978)

10.Date news received by source:

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 27.2.1357 (May 17, 1978)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Shiraz Bahá’is

At 18.30 on 24.2.1357 (May 14,1978) a meeting was held in Mr. Massihollah Yazdani's home, attended by Davoud Rohani, Massihollah Rohani, Massihollah Yazdani, Moham­mad Ali Hooshmand, Qasem Karimianfard, Hadi Hooshmand, Fatollah Hooshmand Qadimi and Jahan Hooshmand.

To begin with, Massihollah Rohani said: "There are strong differences between the religious fanatics and the Government. This has given rise to internal riots. Nobody would have believed that the people's security and welfare would be disrupted so quickly. The fact that Bahá’is serve with the Ministry of Imperial Court and the Imperial Commission has caused the clerical community to regard the Establishment with even more suspicion." He added: "Communists will one day take over Iran. We have already anticipated this development. We Bahá’is are originally Iranians, but our intelligence and intellect are attached to the authorities in London and the Universal House of Justice (in Israel). By taking advantage of the situation and through propagation, we make the clergy apprehensive towards the government. With these riots in the country, the nature of the clergy is revealed and is not acceptable to the modem community, as they have proved to the people that the clergy is synonymous with saboteurs and communists."...

Exhibit No. 36


Security Classification

News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/6736

4. Date of report: 30.2.1347 (May 20, 1968)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: Colleague

8. Origin: Bahá’is' meeting

9. Date of incidence: 28.2.1347

10.Date news received by source: 28.2.1347

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 29.2.1347 (May 19, 1968)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Activities of Shiraz Bahá’is

At 5.00 p.m. on 28.2.1347 (May 18, 1968) a meeting of the Bahá’is was held in Haziratul-Quds. Mr. Assadollah Khatibi said in a speech: "O God, save us from this country and keep us safe. We hope that the progress of the Universal House of Justice will be such that it will one day end all these miseries, because the connections between the Universal House of Justice and the leaders of the world is such that U.S. President Johnson regularly congratulates the friends in Iran. A letter has been received from Dr. Brand Scott saying that sufficient money and wealth has been left to us by the friends in Iran. Therefore, if we are officially recognized, we will be wealthy. In this society, there is not a single Bahá’i beggar, because all the Bahá’is are educated and are employed in various capacities. Fortunately, Muslims are today below the Bahá’is, because Muslims are always backward, just as all Muslim governments are behind other governments."

Mr. Adab, Deputy-Governor of Bank Melli, speaking at the Bahá’i Assembly, said: "As long as I am in Bank Melli, I shall endeavour to recruit our required personnel from our brethren. Also, as far as possible, I shall torment and cause the inconvenience for the Muslim employees in respect of salaries, fringe benefits and allowances."

The above news is confirmed.

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