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Exhibit No. 24


Bahá’i World Centre

Haifa, Israel

13th November 1967

Holy National Assembly of Iranian Bahá’is Mr. Sheidollah Arkaneh

In reply to your letter dated 12th November 1967, as it has been already notified to H. E. Sabet, the respected representative of your assembly, this Board agrees to present the proposed gift to His Imperial Majesty. Needless to add that you will be advised of the outcome in due course.

With regards

Universal House of Justice

Exhibit No. 25


Prime Ministry

State Intelligence & Security Organization



Re. Elections of the World Bahá’i Leadership Council in Israel

Purpose: For information of the General, Chief of SAVAK

On 9.2.1352 (April 29,1973) elections of nine members of the leadership council of the World Bahá’i Central Assembly are going to be held in Israel. The council will assume leadership of the World Bahá’i Central Assembly for a period of five years.

For this purpose, nine members from each Bahá’i assembly in 113 countries will travel to Israel to participate in the elections.

In view of Israel's recognition in 1972 of the Bahá’i sect as a religion, it appears that the Israeli government, by demonstrating friendly signs towards the sect, is endeavouring to exploit the Bahá’i minorities in other countries, especially in Iran, for political, intelligence and economic purposes.

Seventh Office General

Exhibit No. 26


Security Classification

News Report

Page one of one

Copy of five

1. To: 321

2. From: (H20) 14520

3. Report No.: 4H20/14651

4. Date of report: 10.5.1346 (Aug. 1, 1967)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: Colleagues

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: Recently

10.Date news received by source: 5.5.1346 (July 27, 1967)

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 5.5.1346

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Iranian Bahá’is' assistance to the state of Israel

According to information received, over the past month, about RIs. 1,200 million has been collected by the Iranian Bahá’is who intend to remit this sum ostensibly to the House of Justice in Haifa, but their real intention in remitting this sum is to aid the Israeli army. A considerable sum of this money has been paid by Habib Sabet. A number of Jews, too, have assisted the Bahá’is in collecting the money. The owner of a haberdashery shop on North Jamshidabad Avenue, who is Jewish, has reliable information about the manner of collection and remittance of the sum to Israel.

Operations leader's comment: Iranian Bahá’is' activities in Israel's interest is con­firmed. Since the Bahá’is wish for the triumph and strengthening of the State of Israel, it is not unlikely that they have collected the funds in Israel's interest.

Exhibit No. 27

VERY CONFIDENTIAL Security Classification

News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of four

1. To: R825

2. From: V/300

3. Report No: V/300/20995

4. Date of report: 1.11.1348 (Jan. 21, 1970)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

Copies 1,2,3 (825); copy 4 filing

7. Source: East Azerbaijan Police Dept.

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence:

10.Date news received by source:

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 28.10.1348 (Jan. 18, 1970)

12.Security remarks:

Some Bahá’is are residents of the State of Israel, and some persons, including a person by the name of Ruhollah Moshtagh from Sisan village around Tabriz, travel to that country, taking with them the aids contributed to Israel by this sect. Furthermore, the Bahá’is, who have installations and factories in Azerbaijan and other towns, utilize equipment and devices made in Israel, and by buying them, they indirectly help the economy of that country.

Exhibit No. 28

VERY CONFIDENTIAL Security Classification

News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/6063

4. Date of report: 9.1.1350 (March 29, 1971)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1699

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 25.12.1349 (March 16,1971)

10.Date news received by source: 25.12.1349

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 7.1.1350 (March 27, 1971)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Shiraz Bahá’is

Nine Bahá’is from District 9 attended a meeting at Mr. Shadman's home. To begin with, Qasem Karimian read hymns. Then Mr. Chehrenegar read some pages from Iqan book. Then Mr. Shadman spoke about the Bahá’i history. He then added that the Bahá’is have been famed for their chain-like bondage together and for holding the best positions in the country. In the past, many Bahá’is have been martyred. Nearly two thousand were killed. At that time, there was much anarchy, but Iran has now become stable and has become very good for Bahá’is. American, Israeli and our capitalists have penetrated Iran, and their profits are transferred to the charity fund. Those who attended the meeting included Dr. Shadman, Ahmad Samian, Enayatollah Mehdizadeh, Keramat and Nasser Mehdizadeh, Sedigh Kamaee, Massihollah Rohani, Zabihollah Yazdani, Zabihollah Chehrenegar and Farhad Namvari.

Sunday's comment: Saturday's statements are confirmed

Wednesday's comment: he is on leave

H/7's comment: No comment.

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