Indian Baha'is of Persian origin are involved in full scale moral corruption.

It seems that every Baha’i official, in the Baha’i Administration, is involved in immoral activities whether he is a NSA member, Counsellor, ABM, Children Class teacher, or simply, a card carrying Baha’i!

A new immoral activity has come into picture by a member of LSA of Nashik, Principal of Motiwala Medical College and the husband of ABM, Mrs. Afsaneh Motiwala.

The secret love of Mr. Farooq Motiwala with an employee of Motiwala Medical College has become a talk of the town, and it is no longer a secret. The love affair bloomed for more than a decade. Mrs. Afsaneh Motiwala was fully aware about the secret love, but she kept a nelson eye on the episode, as if her interest was more towards Motiwala College, as her property, than the principal of the college! The College staff, the Baha’i community of Nashik and the students of the college are all talking about this immoral relation, and one wonders what impact it will have on these young innocent minds.

Nashik LSA member, Mr. Farooq Motiwala enjoying life. (Right - in Red Kurta)

Dr. Farooq Motiwala openly declared that Baha’i Faith and Aqdas permit having two wives. Even Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha were polygamous. He also gave the name of another Baha’i from Nashik who lived with two wives, and neither the National Spiritual Assembly of India, nor the Continental Board of counsellors had any objection to it. He said that Baha’i Administration encourages these things provided you keep on giving huge funds and a list of potential converts. He quoted an incidence from the late Universal House of Justice member, Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam, saying that once a wife complained to Abdul-Baha about the extra marital affair which her husband had with another lady. Abdul-Baha reprimanded her of her complain, and said “just mind your own business and not to bother about other's.”

The Local community of Nashik had strong objection about Motiwala’s behavior and they wrote letters to the Counsellor, Mr. Seiosansian, the NSA, and the LSA, to cause Mr. Farooq Motiwala to resign from the Assembly. But they did not bothered, as Motiwala is giving huge sum as donations, and Farooq has made compulsory for all the students of the college to do Ruhi curriculum.

The Baha'i Administration clearly ignored the directives of UHJ letter dated 23 April 2013, that said Administrative Sanction is must for such individuals, and not just their resignation:

“Should the conduct of a believer become so blatant as to attract the attention of the Assembly, it would want, after gaining a relatively clear picture of the issues, to offer loving, but firm advice to the friend involved. In most cases it is necessary, in the first instance, to determine to what extent the believer understands the Faith and its standards. Dispassionate counselling, not infrequently over an extended period, to assist the individual concerned in gaining an appreciation of the requirements of Bahá’í law is generally required. So, too, is patience needed, and he or she should be given sufficient time to bring about a change. The Assembly, often aided by the Counsellors or the members of the Auxiliary Boards, may have to help the individual, reflect on his or her particular circumstances, apply relevant principles, and explore available options. In deciding on what approach to take, the Assembly should be guided by the understanding that its objective is to assist the friends to draw closer to the Faith while taking care to protect the Bahá’í community from the negative influence of those who have no intention of adhering to its standards. When a believer demonstrates allegiance to the Cause and a willingness to rectify the situation, continued patience and loving guidance are in order. All throughout, of course, care is taken to ensure that an individual’s struggles do not become a source of backbiting or disunity in the community. In this the members of the community need to remember that they should focus their energies on their own spiritual development, and on overcoming their personal shortcomings.

Only in circumstances where a believer, ignoring all admonishments, persists in misconduct and knowingly and consistently violates the law, would it be necessary for the Assembly to consider applying administrative sanctions—this, after warning the individual of the consequences of his or her continued disregard for the teachings. ”

It looks like that the Universal House of Justice felt the danger of Mr. Farooq Motiwala continuing as the member of the Nashik Assembly and forced him to resign.

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