Baha'is stabbed Rafsanjani’s daughter in the back

Baha'i Faith and Hypocrisy are two faces of the same coin. If benefits are due, the Baha'is will deceive the friends and foes alike.

Recently the betrayal by the Baha'is was done to Ms. Faezeh Hashemi, the daughter of Ex-president of Iran Mr. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Who made a courtesy visit to temporarily paroled Baha'i leader Fariba Kamalabadi, with whom she apparently shared a prison cell in 2009. Fariba Kamalabadi, along with six other Baha'i colleagues of the seven-men ad-hoc Iranian Baha'i administration known as the Yaran, was tried on charges of espionage and spying for Israel, found guilty and sentenced to ten years imprisonment.

The whole episode was stage managed by Universal House of Justice. Faezah Hashemi was made to seat with a group of Baha'i women all unveiled with a picture of Abbas Effendi Abdu’l-Baha prominently displayed on the wall to the left of the assembled party. Although the visit of Ms. Hashemi was on humanitarian ground, the Baha'i Administration showed as if she being nearer to the Faith and due to this Iran is Losing Battle against the Baha'is. This is nothing but betrayal by deception.

The Baha'i Administration blew this incidence out of proportion through their international contacts. The UHJ sent Messages to National Assemblies to publicize the incidence. This forced the Ex-President to denounce her visit and reprimand saying ‘she had made a big mistake that had to be rectified.’ The Ex-President described the Baha'i faith as "a deviant sect", which "he disavows and have always done".

Baha'is are master of betrayal. By this way they created a rift between a father and daughter and tarnished her image amongst her own countrymen. At the same time they put the position of Mrs. Kamalabadi under severe pressure restricting the possibility of her any further release in future.

Iran Human Rights watch reported thus :

Inmates at the Women’s Ward in Evin Prison have been told that their furloughs (temporary leave) have been canceled and that they will no longer be able to send letters to relatives, a source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

The measures appear to be collective punishment in retaliation against prisoner and Baha'i leader Fariba Kamalabadi’s high-profile meeting on May 13, 2016 with former Tehran MP Faezeh Hashemi during Kamalabadi’s furlough.

“When Fariba Kamalabadi’s five-day furlough ended, the family asked the Tehran prosecutor for an extension, but his representative refused and said the reason was the meeting between Fariba and her former cellmate [Faezeh Hashemi],” the source told the Campaign.

  • This also gave Iran's religious establishment to denounce the Baha'i Faith as a heretical sect. This opportunity was gifted by UHJ to the Iranian authorities.
  • In the Message of UHJ dated 24 May 2016 , the Baha'is worldwide are ordered to propagate the matter against Iran and keep informing the UHJ based in Haifa Israel about the development. The Message undoubtedly confirms that the Baha'is are working under the supervision of Israel.
  • The Baha'i administration also created a fake Ayatollah Masumi Tehrani to create problems for Iranian Baha'is. The UHJ is only interested in filling their own pockets irrespective of what situation the Persian Baha'is are going to face in their country.
  • Sometimes back they betrayed a Pakistani International journalist Ms. Asma Jehangir using her name in denouncing the Government of Iran for persecuting the Baha'is. Very soon she realized the treachery of Baha'is and she dissociated herself from Baha'is.
  • The Baha'is do not spare sincere and devoted Baha'is by writing to them threatening letter and making Blogs in their name for sowing seeds of discord amongst the Baha'is.
  • There is deception in their every action and saying. They say JYSEPs are for imparting spiritual / moral knowledge to Baha'i youths but the fact is that these programs are a cause of immorality, envelopment and extramarital affairs amongst the Baha'is.
  • The list of deception goes on and on. It seems this has become the part of their faith to deceive people and make sure they trap other “useful ones” into their cult.
  • The Baha'is worldwide are getting aware of this plot of UHJ and have started distancing themselves from such administration. A Baha'i teacher Ms. Ruth white has observed the same attitude which she penned in her book ‘Is Baha'i administration enemy of Baha'i Faith.’
Alongside your own efforts, the Bahá’í International Community United Nations and Brussels Offices will be undertaking complementary initiatives at the international level. - Haifan Universal House of Justice

The Message of UHJ dated 24 May 2016

You are asked, through your Offices of External Affairs, to meet with your government contacts, appropriate non-governmental organizations, and individuals of influence and bring to their attention the recent action taken by the authorities in Iran against the largest non-Muslim religious minority in the country. They should become fully aware of the extent to which a widespread, coordinated, and systematic attack has been orchestrated by the Iranian authorities against a segment of its own citizens. They can be asked to consider whatever action they deem appropriate—from making a public statement to privately contacting the government of Iran, or any other action that they might consider would ameliorate the situation. While the media will not be the focus of your endeavours, those whose support you seek will naturally be free to make approaches as they wish. This campaign to incite religious hatred against the Bahá’ís has originated from the highest offices in that land. It is of added concern that the month of the Muslim fast will begin soon, a time in which religious fervour can be more easily aroused in Iran. Background materials that may be of use in its work will soon be supplied directly to your Office of External Affairs.

Alongside your own efforts, the Bahá’í International Community United Nations and Brussels Offices will be undertaking complementary initiatives at the international level.

Kindly keep the Universal House of Justice and the Bahá’í International Community United Nations Offices apprised of the outcome of your efforts in this matter. The House of Justice will offer prayers in the Holy Shrines on your behalf for bountiful confirmations from Bahá’u’lláh on all your endeavours.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat

cc: International Teaching Centre Bahá’í International Community,
United Nations Office, New York and Geneva
Bahá’í International Community, Brussels Office
Offices of External Affairs of the National Assemblies of Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada (Ottawa and Toronto), France, Germany, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States

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  1. "Caution Baha'is at work" Loooool

  2. Did you heard people are pissing and spitting on the grave of the Muslim terrorist who bombed nice? Good riddance! Never go near a Muslim...who knows what they're packing!

  3. Did you heard people are pissing and spitting on the grave of the Muslim terrorist who bombed nice? Good riddance! Never go near a Muslim...who knows what they're packing!
