Bahá’ís indeed have strange and mysterious ways of operating. While to the world they declare that Ruhi books are selfless service of the Faith to the humanity towards moral upliftment, but the hidden agenda is conversion.

Therefore to hide their duplicity and hypocrisy, Bahá’ís always have two types of statements one is for "general public" and other "only for Bahá’ís". One will find the two statements always in sharp contradiction to each other.

Recently Dr. Payman Mohajer in his speech to the Bahá’ís said that the purpose of core activities is for betterment of society but the actual Messages to the Bahá’ís clearly states that it is for proselytizing and conversion. This is evident when one reads through the messages circulated by the Faiths supreme body the Universal House of Justice.

What Bahá’ís Say :

"In the course of the consultations, Dr. Mohajer posed a thought-provoking question to the participants, "What is the purpose of our core activities?"

"Dr. Mohajer then went on to share an explanation, by giving the example of a glass. He said that while it is not inaccurate to say that the glass is transparent, it is evident that transparency is not the purpose of the glass. Transparency is one of the attributes of the glass, but its purpose is to hold liquid. Similarly, one of the attributes of our core activities is that they become portals for entry by troops or instruments for teaching - but that is not their purpose ....
.... Now if someone were to ask us whether the purpose of our inviting them to join study circles is to make them Bahá’ís, we can confidently say 'NO' and tell them that the purpose of our core activities is to assist in the transformation and betterment of society."

What Bahá’í writings have to say about it:
1. The Bahá’ís must realize that the success of this work depends upon the individual. The individual must arise as never before to proclaim the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh. The most effective way for them to carry on their work is for the individual to make many contacts, select a few who they feel would become Bahá'ís, develop a close friendship with them, then complete confidence, and finally teach them the Faith, until they become strong supporters of the Cause of God.
(Shoghi Effendi to all National Spiritual Assemblies, 13 May 1955)

2. The role of the individual is of unique importance in the work of the Cause. It is the individual who manifests the vitality of faith upon which the success of the teaching work and the development of the community depends. Bahá'u'lláh's command to each believer to teach His Faith confers an inescapable responsibility which cannot be transferred to, or assumed by, any institution of the Cause. The individual alone can exercise those capacities which include the ability to take initiative, to seize opportunities, to form friendships, to interact personally with others, to build relationships, to win the cooperation of others in common service to the Faith and society, and to convert into action the decisions made by consultative bodies. It is the individual's duty to "consider every avenue of approach which he might utilize in his personal attempts to capture the attention, maintain the interest, and deepen the faith, of those whom he seeks to bring into the fold of his Faith."
(Ridvan Message 1996)

3. ".... As you know, during the time of the Guardian, emphasis was placed on establishing the Faith throughout the world and in raising up the administrative institutions that would provide the foundation for the prosecution of the Divine Plan. As the House of Justice observed in its Ridván 2000 message, this task has been essentially completed. "The structures of an Administrative System that, at the end of the century, stands before the gaze of the world in the wholeness of its essential form." The Cause has now entered a stage in its organic development in which it is necessary to prepare the community for entry by troops and, beyond that, mass conversion. The current series of global teaching Plans have focused the energies of the Bahá'ís on stimulating the processes of growth and community development at the level of the cluster, and the friends have been encouraged to teach the Faith where they live. Those clusters with larger Bahá'í populations have been selected for close attention with the expectation that they can more rapidly advance, and the lessons learned can then be applied to other clusters ....”

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