Detailed story of Sepehr Taheri

Uzbekistan deports another Baha’i for organizing "illegal meetings" in private homes
16 February 2010

Sepehr Taheri, a Baha'i with British citizenship who had lived in the Uzbek capital Tashkent since 1990, is married to an Uzbek citizen and their children were all born there. In the wake of his deportation, a local news website accused Taheri of "propagandizing Baha'i religious teaching" and increasing the number of "proselytes" in the country. The website's chief editor defended to Forum 18 its publication of the article, which was written by the same author who attacked the previous Baha'i to be expelled from Uzbekistan.

According to a 5 February article by Abduvali Turaev on the Novosti Uzbekistana website, Taheri was working in Tashkent as an English language teacher. He was found guilty of violating the Code of Administrative Offences and, on 17 November 2009, was deported from Uzbekistan. The Baha'i community confirmed Taheri's deportation to Forum 18 without giving details.

The deportation of Taheri is the latest in a series of government moves against the Baha'i community, which has been able to register its groups in Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizak, Bukhara and Navoi.

More than ten officers from the police and NSS secret police, together with an official of the City Justice Department and the head of the mahalla (city district) committee raided the Baha'i centre in Tashkent's Khamza District in July 2009. Two Baha'is were found guilty of resisting the police, charges they denied, and sentenced to fifteen days' imprisonment. After that one of the two was expelled to neighboring Kazakhstan (see F18News 24 September 2009

Turaev's article, "Sower of Alien Ideas", claimed that Taheri had come to live in Uzbekistan in 1990 "for mercenary reasons" and as a missionary. It claimed he married an Uzbek citizen "to legalize his presence in the country, to conceal his mercenary aims and to avoid being unmasked". The author alleged that "by concealing his real aims" he was able to set up nine Baha'i groups across Uzbekistan.

Turaev claimed Taheri had been arrested in August 2008 while "brainwashing" a local woman "with the aim of forcing her to change her religious views". But "on that occasion he was able to evade responsibility". The author then claims that Taheri organized the participation of more than 200 people from Uzbekistan in an "unsanctioned" meeting of Baha'is from Central Asia in Almaty in Kazakhstan in December 2008. The author claimed that most of those who went from Uzbekistan did not know they were going to a religious conference.

The author accused Taheri of organizing "illegal meetings" in private homes in Tashkent in the first three months of 2009, as well as invitations to foreign Baha'is to visit communities in the country. "It is natural that his activities were recognized as contradicting the laws of Uzbekistan," Turaev declared.

In September 24, 2009 another Baha’i Mr.Timur Chekparbayev, was deported for proselytism children as young as 16 years. Mr. Timur Chekparbayev carried out missionary and proselytizing activity without having the consent of the Uzbekistani authorities and the consent of the parents, it was in clear violation of the Uzbekistani law.

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  1. He looks like Mr bean!

  2. Bahai's have lived in the land that is now Uzbekistan at least since the 1880's.

    - dlherrmann

  3. There is no problem as long they live peacefully in any country and abide by its law and do not proselytize. Problem arises only when they give more importance to their Cultist laws and do not obey the law of their country. Just like in Iran where are being punished for their not following the law of Iran. I can prove this.
    Whey baha'is want to proselytize? Why they attract people with girls, beautiful talks and attractive words as peace, unity, oneness when they themselves do not follow.
    Where is oneness in Baha'i faith. They themselves are divided into so many sects. How they will unite the mankind?

  4. After reading all this i have to change my views about Bahai 'Religion'

  5. Freedom of speech and religion are the most important freedoms of all! Thank you.

    Marcus Aurelius from Sydney.

  6. he is my science teacher waaaaaaa im not joking he goes to dhs helppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  7. Reece Morrow has him as a teacher!

  8. Taheri's a dark

  9. Taheri ya currie munchin bass p.s cameron higgins is gay

  10. Mr taheri is the nicest person in the world so shut your gob you wee cunt if I'll find out who you are I'll fucking murder you!!

  11. Hey mr taheri is my dad do shut you stupid little mouth mouth before I do it for you um calling the police and getting it shut down or do you want to shut it down first your choice

  12. this is horrible do you people have no consideration for other peoples feelings like his daughters sick cunts

  13. it is alleged that he sexually exploited the junior youth in uzbekistan. he is a very evil person but he acts very smartly. he should be anything except a teacher. ask him to do a job of toilet cleaner.

  14. even counselors are aware of his immoral activities, counselor nassimova and porsayeva knows that. he is only safe because he has good contacts with international counselor uransaikhan batar

  15. All of Mr Taheris Higher ClassFebruary 8, 2013 at 1:58 AM

    Whoever is commenting on this saying they are reece morrow please get a grip as it obv wasnt him considering you can't even spell his name right! So what if Mr Taheri got deported? It was because of his religion and for standing up for what he believed in! Also think about how his family feel about seeing this? He is one of the nicest teachers in the school and genuinely is a lovely guy so stop being a bunch of immature twats and being racist about him! #teamtaheri

  16. #taheri4thewin

  17. #teamtaheri you legend<3 xxxxxxx


  19. a person is only deported when he is involved in any anti-national activity. taheri was deported because he was imposing his cult to the children and youth deceptively which is illegal in that country. bahais throughout the world are doing this way. taheri is a clever man. he want to impose his persian cult on all of us. beware guys. see this blog, read it articles and expose this guy. he was also involved in misbehaving with uzbek children. the elders of this cult (bahaism) knows that. he should not be considered as a teacher but a cheater.

  20. mr taheri is a kind person with feelings he is my favourite teacher and my bestfirends dad he is so kind and easy to get along with and who ever made this website are sick cunts with no heart and apperntly dont care about anybody apart from them selves all off this is a lie as apperntly it happened in 2008 and since his daughter is almost 14 i think she would of remebered him getting arrested which he didnt so can every horrible person in this can i just say its called jelousy that you dont know someone as kind as him #teamtaheri xxxxxxxxxxx

  21. Uzbekistan’s human rights record remains appalling, with no meaningful improvements. Torture remains endemic in the criminal justice system. Authorities continue to target civil society activists, opposition members, and journalists, and to persecute religious believers who worship outside strict state controls.
    Freedom of expression remains severely limited. Government-sponsored forced child labor during the cotton harvest continues. Authorities continued to deny justice for the 2005 Andijan massacre in which government forces shot and killed hundreds of protestors, most of them unarmed.

    1. ultimately mr. taheri is himself here. who can write about uzbekistan in more detail then him? all these persian rascals should be deported back to their homeland where mollas can take care of them. these bastards want to impose their filthy cult on European countries. this is never acceptable to us. i am going to write to the police regarding his illegal activities in that country, i will inform them about his civil record. he should not be given asylum in UK and he should never be accepted as a teacher in any school in any country. the only suitable job for him is toilet cleaning or send him to haifa to clean the asses of UHJ members.

  22. There's no suck thing as BAHAISM so get your facts right the people who are against mr taheri

  23. The people who pretend to be Reece and morow are the people from dhs or even united kingdom they are from Uzbekistan and they are the people who send mr taheri to this country and they made this website with full of crap every normal person knows that mr taheri is a legend so STOP WRITING BULLSHIT you asshole

    1. We don't want cheater Taheri in UK. Send him to Haifa to clean the BUMs of UHJ members.

  24. he is my physics teacher wtf
