Open Letter to Ali Reza Maybodi

Dear Mr Maybodi,

I am writing in reference to one of your recent segments in order to express my disgust at your declining journalistic standards and contempt regarding your shameless public cheerleading on behalf of the Haifan Baha'i organization. It appears that you have sold out any integrity you once possessed upon the altar of the highest bidder: a situation that, alas, plagues many of your other colleagues in Tehrangeles as well, nay the entire Iranian emigre media establishment of North America as a whole - an establishment increasingly fixated on the most shallow and banal surface appearances which mirror the worst aspects of North American popular culture. It is people like yourself who again and again have given the lie away to the mullahs throughout these past 30 years thereby discrediting an opposition movement who could have potentially dispatched the infernal regime of the Khomeinist Islamic republic long ago. And the reason for this is because of a basic lack of integrity coupled with myopic greed and the cynical politicking that has become the veritable sickness of an entire generation of Iranians like yourself who are daily compromising any and all values whilst slowly being culturally lobotomized by the cancer eating away at all genuine Iranianity: that disease which is the soulless, Western and modernist reign of quantity over quality with its complete lack of all standards and total disregard of truth over the sound bite.

Now you may ask why I am so incensed at a segment aired by you that otherwise has received appalause and accolades, and my answer is this: you have blindly and uncritically repeated sectarian propaganda and complete historical fiction. But before I detail what these are, allow me to say a few words about myself to give you some context as to where I am coming from. I am a Bayani, what popular diction has labeled Azali, and I am proudly a former Baha'i who does not mince his words or pull his punches regarding this organization and creed. I was born into Baha'ism and on my maternal side they count six-generations of Baha'i adherents. My (estranged) extended family still remain adherents to this creed; which as far as I am concerned is not a religion at all, but a political movement and an NRM cult masquerading as one. I draw your attention to the following blog by myself which includes a compilation of factual information I have gathered that casts Baha'ism in a far less favourable light than what you have attempted to cast it in:

I also draw your attention to one of my own blogs, that includes some personal information about myself:

That stated, in your segment you claim that the Baha'i holy land is Iran. While this might be an attempt on your part to inordinately flatter your Baha'i audience and benefactors, it is in fact unfactual and incorrect. The Baha'i holy land is not Iran. It is Israel / Palestine. The reason why you might be under this erroneous impression that Iran is the Baha'i holy land is because of the possible misrepresentations made to you regarding the connection of Baha'ism with Babism (that is, the religion of the Bayan) -- a connection that in itself has been falsely appropriated by the Baha'is, but which in real historical terms is an outright lie and fabrication! Iran, and Shiraz specifically, is indeed the Bayani holy land. In fact Shiraz is scripturally considered to be the qibla by the people of the Bayan since it was there that the Essence of the Seven Letters, Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab (d. 1850), proclaimed his mission on May 23rd 1844 and revealed the first part of his commentary on the quranic Surah of Joseph (12), the Best of Stories (ahsan al-qissas).

Whether you are aware of the situation or not, Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab, before his death on July 8th 1850 appointed a successor in Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i-Azal (d. 1912). Until the mid-1860s the Baha'i founder and older brother of Subh-i-Azal, Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri Baha' (d. 1892), himself paid allegiance to the Bab's designated successor. But beginning in 1863 he decided to violently usurp the authority and succession invested in his younger brother and proclaim himself a new theophany or manifestation of God, thus founding Baha'ism. Now what happened next is something that if you are not aware of, you should be. As British orientalist E.G. Browne states in his annotated volume of A Travellers Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab, "All prominent supporters of Subh-i-Azal who withstood Mirza Husayn Ali's claims were marked out for death, and in Baghdad Mulla Rajab Ali "Kahir" and his brother, Hajji Mirza Ahmad, Hajji Mirza Muhammad Reza, and several others fell one by one to the knife or bullet of the assassin" p.359. "As to the assassination of the three Ezelis, Aka Jan Bey, Hajji Seyyed Muhammad of Isfahan, and Mirza Riza-Kulli of Tafrish, by some of Beha's followers at Acre, there can, I fear, be but little doubt...the passage in the Kitab-i-Aqdas alluding (apparently) to Hajji Seyyed Muhammad's death...proves Beha'u'llah regarded this event with some complaisance" p.370. On the murder of one Aqa Muhammad Ali of Isfahan in Istanbul (who first bore allegience to Husayn Ali and then went back to Azal) by one Mirza Abu'l-Qasim the Bakhtiyari, Browne quotes the words of Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri addressed to the latter, "O phlebotomist of the Divine Unity! Throb like the artery in the body of the Contingent World, and drink of the blood of the Block of Heedlessness for that he turned aside from the aspect of thy Lord the Merciful!"

I won't tire you with further details of what Bayanis know as the Direful Mischief (fitna-i-saylam). You can read any further details for yourself if you wish at and follow the links provided there. But what should be obvious by now, and a fact detailed by numerous Western and Iranian scholars alike, is that there is no direct, filial connection between Baha'ism and Babism/the religion of the Bayan, and that Baha'ism is largely a violent schism of the former. As such given this fact the claim that Iran then constitutes the Baha'i holy land becomes more than a little probelmatic, especially since the Baha'i qibla itself is claimed as being Bahji in Acre Israel/Palestine.

You also claimed at the beginning of your segment that Baha'is are Iran-lovers. Generally that might be true with individuals, but as far as the official ideology of the creed itself is considered that is categorically untrue. From a young age Baha'is are systematically encouraged (nay, brainwashed) to identify themselves as Baha'is before anything else. That means that all Baha'is define themselves as Baha'is first and whatever follows, be it Iranian or otherwise, only secondarily afterwards. In a situation such as this, whatever individuals themselves feel, I do not see the consistency of any statement posited that makes Baha'i tout court Iran-lovers. It makes a segment of the Iranian Baha'i community Iran-lovers, but not Baha'is as a whole because the ideology of the organization itself does not encourage it at all. Rather it frowns on it, and, furthemore, the Anglocentric tonality of this establishment's entrenched elite is conspicuously anti-Iranian. Also, and as a matter of course, the overt globalist ideology of Baha'ism mitigates precisely against specifically being an Iran-lover, whatever individual Baha'is might say, feel or do otherwise.

Next, throughout your segment you ridiculed and lampooned the notion of the British imperialist connections of Baha'ism, as if these are merely allegations without substance. I wonder what you make, then, of the following two declassfied British cabinet documents from the teens and twenties of the last century which demonstrates a direct connection (obtained from the British National Archives under UK freedom of information legislation):

Moreover, I wonder what you make of the following statement made in the Handbook of Palestine published by the British High Commission for Palestine itself in 1922 regarding the 1919 knighting of Abbas Effendi:

"...Sir 'Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l Baha had travelled extensively in Europe and America to expound his doctrines, and on the 4th December, 1919, was created by King George V. a K.B.E. for valuable services rendered to the British Government in the early days of the Occupation....."

Certainly such facts and information are not merely wild conspiracy theories fabricated by the fertile minds, the mercurial and over-active imaginations of mullahs and Islamists. Rather these are the prima facie statements of the British government and establishment Itself.

I won't go any further into historical and interpretative distinctions about such issues. I am merely highlighting such information to point out that you either do not know what you are talking about, or that you have specifically been courted by the Baha'i establishment to make favourable statements in the media about them completely denuded and divorced from all contextual and historical reality whatsoever. In such a situation, lately, you are not alone. Yet being actively wined and dined by an organization does not mean that one must sacrifice ones objective (and in your case, journalistic) integrity completely. As a journalist - if that is what you are - you must be doubly vigilant and do your homework that much more intently. But here you haven't.

Finally, I wonder what you make of an organization who issues such directives as the one below:


A Document Prepared by the Universal House of Justice
January 29 2001

Protection of the Cause (pp. 15-16)

Although deepening the friends' understanding of the Covenant and increasing their love and loyalty to it are of paramount importance, the duties of the Auxiliary Board members for Protection do not end here. The Board members must remain ever vigilant, monitoring the actions of those who, driven by the promptings of ego, seek to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the friends and undermine the Faith. In general, whenever believers become aware of such problems, they should immediately contact whatever institution they feel moved to turn to, whether it be a Counsellor, an Auxiliary Board member, the National Spiritual Assembly or their own Local Assembly. It then becomes the duty of that institution to ensure that the report is fed into the correct channels and that all the other institutions affected are promptly informed. Not infrequently, the responsibility will fall on an Auxiliary Board member, in coordination with the Assembly concerned, to take some form of action in response to the situation. This involvement will include counselling the believer in question; warning him, if necessary, of the consequences of his actions; and bringing to the attention of the Counsellors the gravity of the situation, which may call for their intervention. Naturally, the Board member has to exert every effort to counteract the schemes and arrest the spread of the influence of those few who, despite attempts to guide them, eventually break the Covenant.

The need to protect the Faith from the attacks of its enemies may not be generally appreciated by the friends, particularly in places where attacks have been infrequent. However, it is certain that such opposition will increase, become concerted, and eventually universal. The writings clearly foreshadow not only an intensification of them machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in the hostility and opposition of its external enemies, whether religious or secular, as the Cause pursues its onward march towards ultimate victory. Therefore, in the light of the warnings of the Guardian, the Auxiliary Boards for Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye" on those "who are known to be enemies, or to have been put out of the Faith", discreetly investigate their activities, alert intelligently the friends to the opposition inevitably to come, explain how each crisis in God's Faith has always proved to be a blessing in disguise, and prepare them for the "dire contest which is destined to range the Army of Light against the forces of darkness.

I don't know where you come from, but in my world such words as the words above are the words of the worst sort of fascists and totalitarian monsters.

I bid you farewell.

Wahid Azal
Queensland, Australia


  1. You have a very warped view of the truth. May God forgive you.

  2. This is factually incorrect. I'm sorry

  3. I would invite you on TRB to debate on this topic.

    You can come here if you want to debate.

  4. What is factually incorrect? Do spell it out. And both Mr Emtessali and myself have an accurate picture of the truth regarding your CULT:

    And Anonymous (= Badi Villar Cardenas), I am always on TRB. Come and debate me.

  5. All religion of a spiritual nature ard invention of man.Just because he has an ego and can not accept it,he has had to externalize it into some great spiritual device wich he calls "God."

    1. This may be your idea. You are free to believe in whatever you like to believe. When people can believe this idiot Baha to be the manifestation of God, you too have the right to believe in your ideas and whims. Have a Good Day !

  6. Nima Hazini shame on you!

    Grow up mate, whats happened to you? why so much hate? why so many lies?

  7. My concern is the Rothschild Banking Monopoly over 2 centuries. They have a big play In Israel or Palestine. Why nothing mentioned of this financial conglomerate who is pro Jewish and in my opinion elite Jewish Segregationists in whole? Also are they not of the Illuminati order and members of the Bilderburger groups?. Have they penetrated the Baha'i Institutions? Is it possible that Baha'ullah;s revelation has been muddied up by the human frailties and corruption? The guardian kicking out all males is a mystery. Is it possible we humans now have to wait for the thousand years to pass before He or She appears as "the Promised One" of that subsequent age? As an individual I can not answer any of these questions but they have appeared in front of my thoughts and have become concerns.
    Baha'ullah and Abdul Baha are two gifts from God in this dispensation. One the Manifestation and the other exemplifies His words. As far as this mis- step with the Guardian...Truly to me it is another curve ball thrown by the creator. The miss step is just what happened and it is Gods will about Shoghi Effendi not having anyone to be appointed as Guardian. The Universal House of Justice maybe emulated in the future maybe as an outcome of the UN. But for now neither has any control of the horrors that are starting to come on this planet. Look now at what has developed in Fukushima Japan,? Imagine ...And rumors are that it involved geopolitical partners(indirectly and directly) of the US, Israel, Iran, N.Korea, Russia, China and of course Britain. But strangely enough an ex inside who is an electrical engineer in the US Military and the Nuclear Industry has said that there involves some hidden Tesler technology and directed by ownership from the Rothschild Family of Financiers. See Gary Yantis. remember Baha'ullah has a vision of the third world conflict being fought with an operator from above that could operate that which appears as a lightning rod. If this is true then I ask, where are the warnings to protect not only Baha'i but the rest of humanity. Maybe Africa and parts of South America will be the home of many Bahai's in the future after the most great calamity. GOD rules all things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Edited version form above:

      My concern is the Rothschild Banking Monopoly over 2 centuries. They have a big play In Israel or Palestine. Why nothing mentioned of this financial conglomerate who is pro Jewish and in my opinion elite Jewish Segregationists in whole? Also are they not of the Illuminati order and members of the Bilderburger groups?. Have they penetrated the Baha'i Institutions? Is it possible that Baha'ullah;s revelation has been muddied up by the human frailties and corruption? The guardian kicking out all males is a mystery. Is it possible we humans now have to wait for the thousand years to pass before He or She appears as "the Promised One" of that subsequent age? As an individual I can not answer any of these questions but they have appeared in front of my thoughts and have become concerns. Another concern is that I have a natural psychological aversion to group robotic thought.
      Baha'ullah and Abdul Baha are two gifts from God in this dispensation. One the Manifestation and the other exemplifies His words. As far as this mis- step with the Guardian...Truly to me it is another curve ball thrown by the creator. The miss step is just what happened and it is Gods will about Shoghi Effendi not having anyone to be appointed as Guardian. The Universal House of Justice maybe emulated in the future maybe as an outcome of the UN. But for now neither has any control of the horrors that are starting to come on this planet. Look now at what has developed in Fukushima Japan,? Imagine ...And rumors are that it involved geopolitical partners(indirectly and directly) of the US, Israel, Iran, N.Korea, Russia, China and of course Britain. But strangely enough an ex inside who is an electrical engineer in the US Military and the Nuclear Industry has said that there involves some hidden Tesler technology and directed by ownership from the Rothschild Family of Financiers. See Gary Yantis. remember Baha'ullah has a vision of the third world conflict being fought with an operator from above that could operate that which appears as a lightning rod. If this is true then I ask, where are the warnings to protect not only Baha'is but the rest of humanity. Maybe Africa and parts of South America will be the home of many Bahai's in the future after the most great calamity. GOD rules all things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS I also worry about group robotic thought.

  8. Wahid
    I have looked at all the attachments that you have referenced and honestly I do not see anything damning. I need to do some more research but so far I have not seen anything of concern. For example the documents that you have referenced which connect bahai to the british gov, are not a secret or damning. It is merely a request to receive funds from the persian followers at a time when the persian gov would not allow transfer of funds and the british were a regional force at the time who could help.
    I have researched this issue and there is ample documentation in the bahai documents talking about the same and also the knighthood.
    There really isn't any damning revelation here.

  9. Answer this question: why was a brutal European imperial power at the time facilitating transactions for Bahais and the Bahai patriarchs? Spin it however you wish. To those of us who know the history, these are damning facts proving the direct links of the Bahais and their leadership with British imperialism.
