Узбекистан: В Ташкенте пресечена «идеологическая диверсия» - выдворен казахский проповедник-бахаист

Хамзинский районный суд города Ташкента выдворил из столицы Узбекистана без права въезда гражданина Казахстана, 36-летнего Тимура Чекпарбаева. Такая участь постигла казахского гостя за активную пропаганду идей религиозной общины «Бахаи», со ссылкой на решение суда сообщают местные Интернет-СМИ.

«Со стороны кажется странным, как иностранец сумел за короткий срок сколотить серьезную религиозную общину, в которую вошли молодые люди не только из Ташкента, но и Джизакской, Бухарской областей Узбекистана», - пишет автор статьи на веб-сайте gorizont.uz, курируемом Службой национальной безопасности Узбекистана. – «Однако в Узбекистане «миссия» проповедника идей религиозной общины «Бахаи» оказалась короткой. 24 июля сего года за проведение своего очередного «схода» в доме 36 по улице Байкурганской, что в Хамзинском районе Ташкента, господин Чекпарбаев был задержан и передан в руки правосудия».

Решением Хамзинского районного суда он был приговорен к 15-суточному аресту и депортации из Узбекистана без права повторного въезда.

«В принципе, у Чекпарбаева не было возможности официально вести миссионерскую деятельность ввиду того, что сама бахаи так и не признана мировым сообществом в качестве самостоятельной и официальной религии», - сообщает автор статьи. – «Таким образом, у этой идеологической диверсии имелись вполне четкие и ясные цели, связанные с усилением геополитического влияния Ирана, внесения смятения в души миллионов жителей Узбекистана. А морального урона, нанесенного неокрепшим душам молодым людей (кстати, среди так называемой паствы господина Чекпарбаева были и несовершеннолетние дети!) не восстановить так легко».



  1. Is Bahaism a sect or a religion? it is possible that the adherents of the Bahai cult will insist that it is without a doubt the new world religion, but opponents say that a little-known sect, than they are probably right. But this does not mean that Baha'is may not eventually become a religion, provided that they survive for a long time enough for at least a few centuries, and will attract a significant number of followers.

    The essence of the new is that - a young man came to Uzbekistan, and began to conduct illegal missionary activities - to promote the Baha'i sect. Apparently and literature handed out on the street, and confidential conversations with passers-by and friends and relatives were involved in this, well, methods of all the sects almost identical. In general, their goal seems to be quite harmless - to attract more supporters in the ranks, but the results of such activities are generally disappointing - from the lost of money, property, destroyed families and unending sectarian tensions, becuase representatives of other faiths are beginning to show true anger, sometimes resulting in to collisions.

    In short, this kind of activity is a violation of the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, as the methods used to recruit and attract new supporters of the sect - are treated as "coercion", and according to this law: "... No one may be forced to define his attitude to religion, to profess or teach religion, to participate or not participate in religious services, rites and ceremonies, to receive religious education ..."

    That is. if you stopped a stranger on the street and began to convince that Darwin was wrong, that God is really there. given while reading a religious magazine, and was invited to visit a church or a meeting of followers, it is already- Coercion . It does not matter what religion it belongs to the stranger, the Baha'i. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons or Church of the Jedi - it is a violation of the law.

  2. Fortuanately , since the Bahais had never had any issue with Uzbek authorities in the past, it is rather easy to ask the question:

    What cahnged?

    Why all of a sudden are Bahais being targeted by the Uzbek Authorities?

    The following might provide some clues, especially in light of anti Bahai Statements made by IRI in public as well as secret documents, that expressed the need for plans to fight the progress and influence of Bahais within Iran as well as out side.

    Anti Bahai activities within Iran against Bahais are obvious and well documented and need not be mentioned, however, The pressure and influence that The Government of Iran and its visiting "trade" envoys can bring to bear is another worth examining.

    Upon examination of such influence, Could there be any doubt that the Islamic Republic has a definite hand in asking its Uzbek friends for a big "favour".

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 5 Issue: 118

    June 20, 2008 12:00 AM Age: 1 yrs

    "The countries share a number of affinities, both religious and cultural. Both Tehran and Tashkent are members of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), formed in 1985 to promote regional socioeconomic development. The ECO also includes Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan. The relationship also has military overtones, as Iran has applied to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, of which Uzbekistan is a charter member."

    Both countries have also suffered international isolation. The burgeoning U.S.-Uzbek relationship was severely strained in the aftermath of the tragic May 2005 turmoil in Andijan. The following October the EU imposed an arms embargo on Uzbekistan and an entry ban on top Uzbek security officials. In response, Tashkent considered its foreign policy options, and Iran was a beneficiary. At a meeting of the eighth Iran-Uzbekistan Economic Commission in Tehran in 2007, Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister Nodir Khanov noted that in 2006 bilateral trade increased 42 percent from its 2005 level, adding that that 89 firms with Iranian investment now operated in Uzbekistan, three of which were owned by Iranians (Iran Daily, February 21, 2007).

    Payvand's Iran News ...
    2/23/06 Are Uzbekistan And Iran Seeking Rapprochement? By Gulnoza Saidazimova

    There has been a noticeable change in the Uzbek media's coverage of Iran recently. Since most of the country's media are strictly controlled, freedom of speech is nearly nonexistent and most journalists exercise self-censorship. Media coverage of any issue, particularly those related to international affairs, is done in concert with the government. Positive articles on Iran along with the recent visit of an Iranian delegation to Tashkent may signal a change in the country's foreign-policy orientation.

    "Media Reflects Changing Policy

    However, lately there seems to be a change in the Uzbek state-controlled media's coverage of Iran.

    Articles and reports on Iran are more numerous and positive, with most of them expressing support for Tehran's right to develop its nuclear program."

    "Isolated Iran Seeking More 'Friends'

    Analysts say that now that Tashkent has Russia's backing it feels more confident in developing cooperation with Tehran.

    Djalili also says that the intention to improve bilateral relations comes not only from Tashkent, but also from Tehran.

    Iran is looking for new friends as it risks becoming even more isolated from the West because of its pursuit of a full-fledged nuclear program over the objections of Western capitals."

    also http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=33738&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=166&no_cache=1

  3. Bahaism is a New World Order cult who must be and will be stopped:


  4. Also, about Mr Faryar Mansouri:
