Bahá's release by Russian agents

A. Part of "A Brief History of Nabil Zarandi" (by Shoghi Effendi) reads:"... The Russian ambassador refused to surrender His Holiness Bahollah to the Shah's agent, told His Holiness to go to the Prime Minister's home, and wrote a letter to the Prime Minister saying: 'You should receive His Holiness on my behalf and you must make every effort to protect this token of trust. Should any harm come to His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh, you will be personally responsible to the Russian Embassy'."

B. Mirza Husain `Ali Bahá's daughter wrote to Blanfid about the role played by the Russian embassy to release her father, as verified by Abbas Effendi and the Bahá’i community in London: "... The Russian Consul rose without the slightest fear and, addressing the members of Bahá's court of trial, said:'... I have decided to bring this innocent nobleman (Bahá) under the Russian Government's protection. So, beware! If any harm should befall him, streams of blood will run in this city in your punish­ment... Know that my sovereign government supports me in this issue.' "; Blanfid, p.240.

C. In this connection, Shoghi Effendi writes in "God Passes By", p. 41: "... Having learned of the royal order (to execute Bahá) and the purport thereof, the Russian ambassador requested His Holiness to give permission to his sovereign government to facilitate His Holiness' travel to Russia... Some years later, in a writing by His Holiness to honour Emperor Nickoleevitch Alexander II of Russia, His Holiness appreciated the gesture by the ambassador, saying: '... When I was in prison in chains, one of Your Majesty's ambassadors came to my aid. In recognition of this service, God has given you a high office'."

D. Bahá’i historian Abdul-Hossein Avareh writes on page 169 of "Kavakeb-al-Dorieh Fi Ma'asser-ol-Bahá’ieh": "When he (Bahá) was in Darjaz, a village in Mazandaran, the Russian servants and guards, who had found a befitting devotion towards His Holiness, decided to seize His Holiness from the Iranian agents or to facilitate his escape to Russia, but His Holiness refused and... and then news of Mohammad Shah's death was received, and the Russian admiral rejoiced and brought about Bahá’u’lláh's release. On this trip he was accompanied by Seyed Basir Hindi."

E. Describing Ali-Mohammad Shirazi's execution, Abbas Effendi writes on page 49 of "Maghaleh Shakhsi Sayyah":"... On the second day the Russian Consul came and photographed the two bodies as they lay next to the pit.".

We can see that the Russian Government even used Báb's body and photographed it for its objective of instigating the Bahá’is.

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