Bahá’ism was incepted by, and has always been a tool of, imperialism

As was stated above, this sect was originally created to serve the objectives of the Czarist Russian government. According to Dolgorouki's admission, the original impetus behind `Alí Muammad Shírází's fabricated claims, was his (Dolgorouki's) very person who, in the clerical attire and with the fictitious name of "Sheikh Issa", carried out his mission to make religion. Sayyid Kazim Rashti, who was Ali Mohammad's teacher, was also a Russian agent. All through the course of events which have taken place since the creation of this sect, footmarks of the imperialist governments and the Russian and British embassies in Iran, Iraq Turkey and Palestine are clearly in evidence. By relying on credible history books and particularly those of the Bahá’is themselves, some instances of such facts are mentioned hereunder:

A. Spread of Bahá’ism in Iran by the Russian agent penetrating the Qajar establishment, Mr. Manouchehr Khan, governor of Isfahan, which was mentioned in the previous section.

B. Imperialist support tor Bahá’i rioters in Iran:

(a) Abbot, the British government envoy who passed through Zanjan at the time of the Bahá’i riots, has written in his memoirs;

"...Mullah Mohammad Ali, leader of the fanatic group of the Zanjan Babis, told his followers: Do not be afraid to fight,' and he assured them that the Russian government would come to their aid."

(b) Not only the British envoy but also the Bahá’i officials have spoken of the relationship with pride. The author of "Old History" (Nuqtatul Qaf), a Bahá’i history book printed in London, on page 23, mentioning Abbot's statement, writes:

"...His Excellency Hojat (Mullah Mohammad Ali Zanjani) was disappointed with Amir [Kabir].... He therefore wrote some letters to ministers of foreign governments, telling them about himself. So they interceded for him with Amir who did not accept the intercession. ...I heard that one of the faults that the Russian monarch had taken with Amir, which had caused his dismissal, was the murder of the oppressed dynasty. Anyway, after that the Russian and Roman envoys came to see His Excellency Hojat..."

(c) In this connection (the Zanjan incidence) the British Ambassador has written:

"Mullah Mohammad AH (leader of the Zanjan Bahá’is), the outstanding clergyman from Zanjan, sent me a letter begging me to put in a good word for him with the government."

(Documents published by the British Foreign Ministry, Shill to Palmerstone, July 22, 1850, Britain 60/152)

(d) Shill (the British ambassador), responding to Mullah Mohammad Ali's plea, in a letter to Amir Kabir to prevent execution of the Bahá’i leaders involved in the Zanjan disturbance, wrote:

"...Babia's riots have caused many deaths including that of many rioters. With the intellectuality I know you possess, it would not be justifiable to execute these few or to exercise any prejudice against the belief of any sect."

(Britain 60/159 - Shill to Palmerstone, March 14, 1851).

As is evident, not only do imperialist Britain and its allies show token support for ter­rorists and cry crocodile tears for their execution today, but in the past, they used to show off such sympathies and, by mediation and writing letters, tried to protect their fostered clients when they became captive to the people's wrath, and that for such per­sons, the mention of an example of whose countless atrocities represents their cha­racters.

"... They expelled one third of the people of the town (Zanjan) who continued to adhere to the Shia religion (believing in the 12 Imams) and disagreed with the Babis in that respect. After their departure, the Babis plundered their homes and shops and took away all their utensils, provisions, food and drinks and pillaged the Zanjan bazaar, then burned it and destroyed the houses and..." (Rozalsafa, Reza Gholi Khan Hedayat, vol. 10, p.449)

Page 66 of "The Babi Calamity" by Etezad-o-Saltaneh, second edition reads as under:

"...Mulla Mohammad Ali ordered a fire made, in which they put a few metal pieces until they were red hot and then placed them on his (one of the army leaders) body and tore up his flesh by scissors. He then had his body burned."

C. The Czarist government not only supported the Bahá’is within the Iranian territory, but also provided them with full facilities, within its own territory, to print and publish their false, baseless news. The Bahá’i centre in ‘Ishqábád, Russian Turkmenistan, was called Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, and was visited by Husain `Ali Bahá. However, after the Bolsheviks and Communists came to power in Russia, and the Bahá’is rolled into the British trap, they became subjected to the Russians' anger, and their centre in ‘Ishqábád was closed.

The Czarist Russian ambassador's views on the Bahá’is was reported to Moscow as under:

"It is indeed good that the Babi sect has started a hard campaign in opposition to the Muslim leaders and has accused them of deviation and..."

1 comment:

  1. Muhit Tabatabai proved the Dolgoruki diaries a forgery. There is better evidence to discredit Bahaism but Dolgoruki isn't one of them. FYI
