Bahá’ism was incepted by, and has always been a tool of, imperialism

As was stated above, this sect was originally created to serve the objectives of the Czarist Russian government. According to Dolgorouki's admission, the original impetus behind `Alí Muammad Shírází's fabricated claims, was his (Dolgorouki's) very person who, in the clerical attire and with the fictitious name of "Sheikh Issa", carried out his mission to make religion. Sayyid Kazim Rashti, who was Ali Mohammad's teacher, was also a Russian agent. All through the course of events which have taken place since the creation of this sect, footmarks of the imperialist governments and the Russian and British embassies in Iran, Iraq Turkey and Palestine are clearly in evidence. By relying on credible history books and particularly those of the Bahá’is themselves, some instances of such facts are mentioned hereunder:

A. Spread of Bahá’ism in Iran by the Russian agent penetrating the Qajar establishment, Mr. Manouchehr Khan, governor of Isfahan, which was mentioned in the previous section.

B. Imperialist support tor Bahá’i rioters in Iran:

(a) Abbot, the British government envoy who passed through Zanjan at the time of the Bahá’i riots, has written in his memoirs;

"...Mullah Mohammad Ali, leader of the fanatic group of the Zanjan Babis, told his followers: Do not be afraid to fight,' and he assured them that the Russian government would come to their aid."

(b) Not only the British envoy but also the Bahá’i officials have spoken of the relationship with pride. The author of "Old History" (Nuqtatul Qaf), a Bahá’i history book printed in London, on page 23, mentioning Abbot's statement, writes:

"...His Excellency Hojat (Mullah Mohammad Ali Zanjani) was disappointed with Amir [Kabir].... He therefore wrote some letters to ministers of foreign governments, telling them about himself. So they interceded for him with Amir who did not accept the intercession. ...I heard that one of the faults that the Russian monarch had taken with Amir, which had caused his dismissal, was the murder of the oppressed dynasty. Anyway, after that the Russian and Roman envoys came to see His Excellency Hojat..."

(c) In this connection (the Zanjan incidence) the British Ambassador has written:

"Mullah Mohammad AH (leader of the Zanjan Bahá’is), the outstanding clergyman from Zanjan, sent me a letter begging me to put in a good word for him with the government."

(Documents published by the British Foreign Ministry, Shill to Palmerstone, July 22, 1850, Britain 60/152)

(d) Shill (the British ambassador), responding to Mullah Mohammad Ali's plea, in a letter to Amir Kabir to prevent execution of the Bahá’i leaders involved in the Zanjan disturbance, wrote:

"...Babia's riots have caused many deaths including that of many rioters. With the intellectuality I know you possess, it would not be justifiable to execute these few or to exercise any prejudice against the belief of any sect."

(Britain 60/159 - Shill to Palmerstone, March 14, 1851).

As is evident, not only do imperialist Britain and its allies show token support for ter­rorists and cry crocodile tears for their execution today, but in the past, they used to show off such sympathies and, by mediation and writing letters, tried to protect their fostered clients when they became captive to the people's wrath, and that for such per­sons, the mention of an example of whose countless atrocities represents their cha­racters.

"... They expelled one third of the people of the town (Zanjan) who continued to adhere to the Shia religion (believing in the 12 Imams) and disagreed with the Babis in that respect. After their departure, the Babis plundered their homes and shops and took away all their utensils, provisions, food and drinks and pillaged the Zanjan bazaar, then burned it and destroyed the houses and..." (Rozalsafa, Reza Gholi Khan Hedayat, vol. 10, p.449)

Page 66 of "The Babi Calamity" by Etezad-o-Saltaneh, second edition reads as under:

"...Mulla Mohammad Ali ordered a fire made, in which they put a few metal pieces until they were red hot and then placed them on his (one of the army leaders) body and tore up his flesh by scissors. He then had his body burned."

C. The Czarist government not only supported the Bahá’is within the Iranian territory, but also provided them with full facilities, within its own territory, to print and publish their false, baseless news. The Bahá’i centre in ‘Ishqábád, Russian Turkmenistan, was called Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, and was visited by Husain `Ali Bahá. However, after the Bolsheviks and Communists came to power in Russia, and the Bahá’is rolled into the British trap, they became subjected to the Russians' anger, and their centre in ‘Ishqábád was closed.

The Czarist Russian ambassador's views on the Bahá’is was reported to Moscow as under:

"It is indeed good that the Babi sect has started a hard campaign in opposition to the Muslim leaders and has accused them of deviation and..."

Bahá's release by Russian agents

A. Part of "A Brief History of Nabil Zarandi" (by Shoghi Effendi) reads:"... The Russian ambassador refused to surrender His Holiness Bahollah to the Shah's agent, told His Holiness to go to the Prime Minister's home, and wrote a letter to the Prime Minister saying: 'You should receive His Holiness on my behalf and you must make every effort to protect this token of trust. Should any harm come to His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh, you will be personally responsible to the Russian Embassy'."

B. Mirza Husain `Ali Bahá's daughter wrote to Blanfid about the role played by the Russian embassy to release her father, as verified by Abbas Effendi and the Bahá’i community in London: "... The Russian Consul rose without the slightest fear and, addressing the members of Bahá's court of trial, said:'... I have decided to bring this innocent nobleman (Bahá) under the Russian Government's protection. So, beware! If any harm should befall him, streams of blood will run in this city in your punish­ment... Know that my sovereign government supports me in this issue.' "; Blanfid, p.240.

C. In this connection, Shoghi Effendi writes in "God Passes By", p. 41: "... Having learned of the royal order (to execute Bahá) and the purport thereof, the Russian ambassador requested His Holiness to give permission to his sovereign government to facilitate His Holiness' travel to Russia... Some years later, in a writing by His Holiness to honour Emperor Nickoleevitch Alexander II of Russia, His Holiness appreciated the gesture by the ambassador, saying: '... When I was in prison in chains, one of Your Majesty's ambassadors came to my aid. In recognition of this service, God has given you a high office'."

D. Bahá’i historian Abdul-Hossein Avareh writes on page 169 of "Kavakeb-al-Dorieh Fi Ma'asser-ol-Bahá’ieh": "When he (Bahá) was in Darjaz, a village in Mazandaran, the Russian servants and guards, who had found a befitting devotion towards His Holiness, decided to seize His Holiness from the Iranian agents or to facilitate his escape to Russia, but His Holiness refused and... and then news of Mohammad Shah's death was received, and the Russian admiral rejoiced and brought about Bahá’u’lláh's release. On this trip he was accompanied by Seyed Basir Hindi."

E. Describing Ali-Mohammad Shirazi's execution, Abbas Effendi writes on page 49 of "Maghaleh Shakhsi Sayyah":"... On the second day the Russian Consul came and photographed the two bodies as they lay next to the pit.".

We can see that the Russian Government even used Báb's body and photographed it for its objective of instigating the Bahá’is.

Foreign Governments continued to support Bahá’is in Iraq and Turkey

A.On page 125, volume II of God Passes By, Shoghi Effendi writes "Colonel Sir Arnold Burroughs Cambell, the then British Consul-General in Baghdad, having felt the magnanimity of His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh, wrote a friendly letter to His Holiness and... proposed to him his sovereign government's acceptance to support His Holiness. In audience in His Holiness' presence, he committed himself to transmit any message that His Holiness might want to send to Queen Victoria. He even went as far as to say that he was prepared to arrange to settle him in India (British colony) or any other place His Holiness might wish..."

B.Page 27, vol. II of God Passes By reads: "Such issues as well as the respect extended towards His Holiness (Bahá) by the foreign consuls residing in Turkey, made the Ottoman Government determined to adopt a suppressive policy."'

C. "... The French Deputy Consul, who had been acquainted with His Holiness Baha’u’l­lah, secretly went to see him and held a private meeting for half an hour or less so that the agents would not find out about his intentions..." - Kavakeb-al-Dorieh, p. 381.

Sincere Co-operation between the Bahá’is in Palestine with Britain

Following his arrival in Palestine, owing to the strict control exercised by the Ottoman rulers and the absence of communications with the Russian and British embassies, Husain ‘Ali Bahá wrote Nassereddin Shah a letter full of flattery expressing repentance at his past belief and confessing to criminal acts.

At the outset of World War I, the leadership of Bahá’ism was in the hands of Abbas Effendi, the elder son of Bahá. This man pretended to be a Muslim and attended congregational prayers of the Muslims in spite of the apparent prohibition by the Bahá’i faith (2).

However, as soon as the British imperialists scored victories in the war with the Ottomans which drew Palestine into the conflict, the Bahá’is acted as a powerful espionage group in support of the British government and against the Muslims and the Ottoman government.

Effendi went so far that Jamal Pasha, commander of the Ottoman forces, decided to hang him on the slopes of Mount Carmel (3).

Soghi Effendi clearly states on page 291, vol. Ill of God Passes By: "Jamal Pasha, commander of the Ottoman forces, decided to execute Abbas Effendi on charges of espionage."

As soon as the British cabinet received news of this through the British Army Intelligence, Lord Curzon and Lord Lamington began taking measures, and Lord Balfore, the British Foreign Minister (promotor of the Zionist Government) immediately cabled General Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine, ordering him to use all his powers to protect Abbas Effendi, his family and his friends. General Allenby accordingly ordered the commander of the Haifa front to take the necessary measures to protect the leader of the Bahá’is. After conquering Haifa and saving Abbas Effendi from Jamal Pasha, General Allenby transmitted a cable to London and reported the safety and health of His Holiness Effendi to the officials.(4)

When the aggressive British forces triumphantly marched into Palestine, they encoun­tered some problems in respect of provisions in Palestine. But their Bahá’i friends had already prepared for such an event. Abbas Effendi hurried to their welcome, and placed at the disposal of the alien army large stores of provisions which he had prepared and hidden away.(5)

It is clear that at that time, the entire Palestine as well as the entire Ottoman territories were stricken with famine resulting from the war, and masses of people died of hunger and poverty everyday, but this unpatriotic spy had stealthily hoarded the wheat produce of these wretched people's land and water to feed the foreign aggressors.

Following the British victory in Palestine, they exteneded their appreciations to their Bahá’i spies for their outstanding services. Abdul-Hossein Avareh writes in Kavakeb-al-Dorieh, vol. II, p. 305: "... The British commander who conquered Haifa on 22nd July 1918... was assigned by the Emperor of Britain to especially go to meet His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá upon his arrival, at which time he was given an M.B.E. from the British Emperor." He was also rewarded with large amounts of money and gold as well as a knighthood bearing the title of "Sir" which was bestowed upon this sincere servant of the British Government by Gen. Allenby during an official ceremony. (6)

In this connection, Blomfield writes on page 214: "... The British Government hon­oured `Abdu’l-Bahá with a knighthood, which he accepted as a gesture of honouring formality from a just king."

Shoghi Effendi writes on page 299 of God Passes By: "After the end of the war and... officials of the British Government, gratified by the valuable services rendered by His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá during those days, extended their appreciation and respect by bestowing upon him the title of 'knighthood' and presenting him with the special insignia from the Government." His Excellency Effendi, in response, wrote a letter of gratitude, the text of which rightly attests to the foregoing:

"O God, the tabernacle of justice has truly been erected on this holy land, and we thank and praise Thee. O God, may Emperor George V, Ruler of Britain, be assisted in his divine achievements, and may his shadow over this realm be everlasting." (7)

Note how this impostrous religious hypocrite had interpreted the aggression of the British forces and the defeat of the Muslims in terms of "erection of the tabernacle of justice", how he thanked and praised God, how he esteemed the British Emperor and how he prayed to God for continuation of the British rule over the Islamic territory of Palestine.

In a speech to the British, Abbas Effendi said: "I am pleased with the British people and government... My coming here has been the cause of friendship between Iran and Britain which will produce a relationship that will reach such a degree that the Iranian people will soon give their lives for Britain." - Collection of `Abdu’l-Bahá's Speeches, vol. I, p. 23.

Following a number of trips to America and Europe where he was warmly received by his principals, Abbas Effendi died in 1921. Here again there is evidence of the gratitude expressed by the British Government towards the Bahá’is and their leader:

The following cable was sent to Haifa by the British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill:

"Convey to the Bahá’i community His Majesty the British King's expression of sympathy and condolences."

General Congreve, General Sir Arthur Monye and other officials of the British Government, too, communicated similar cables (8), and finally, Sir Herbert Samuel and Sir Ronald Storrs attended his funeral on behalf of the British Government. (9)

Page 508 of Kavakeb-ol-Dorieh reads: "... At this time, the crowd approached the body of the high clergy (`Abdu’l-Bahá), led by Sir Hebert Samuel, the British High Commissioner in Palestine, who was called Mandoob Sami, accompanied by his entourage who had come especially to attend the funeral:"

Such were some scenes of the remote past. Now, after the lapse of long years, there are clear evidences, which indicate Bahá’ism, its leaders and its followers are totally at the service of international Zionism and western imperialism. Some such evidences are cited below:

The Bahá’i Role in Setting up the Quds-Occupying Regime (Israel)

At about the same time as implementation of the Zionists' sinister plans for Jewish migration to Jerusalem, the Bahá’is co-operated in every way to exert pressure on the Arabs. Shoghi Effendi, the fourth Bahá’i leader, wrote a cable reading: "The relative number of people in that community (British Bahá’is), who have migrated, has been unprecedented in any other community. The British Bahá’i community has performed its historic mission very well." (Akhbar-i Amri-yi magazine, news letter of the Iranian Bahá’i community, dated July 26, 1950).

At a time when the Zionists were pressuring the United Nations to give official status to their usurpant government, Mr. Shoghi Effendi, in a letter to the United Nations on behalf of the Palestinians, which was published in the Akhbar-i Amri-yi magazine No. 7, has not in any way defended the rights of the people of that occupied territory, but has emphasized his sincere relationships with the Jews and the necessity thereof and has supported their plans for occupation.

The Bahá’i establishment is today centered in Israel, in the city of Haifa, near the grave of Abbas Effendi. Its leadership is entrusted to nine persons, mostly American and European, of whom one American woman, Rúhíyyih Maxwell, is the spiritual leader. There are, in Israel, branches of every Bahá’i organization and interest anywhere in the world, which are controlled by the nine-member body or so-called "House of Justice".

Following the formation of the Zionist government, Bahá’ism has been the executor of the Zionist aims throughout the world:

Ever since the United Nations granted official status to the Israeli government, Bahá’ism and Zionism, which are both offsprings of colonialism, came to each other's aid like two dear brothers. Since then, Bahá’ism has been a centre at the disposal of the Zionists, and their assemblies throughout the world have carried out the orders received from occupied Palestine:

Akhbar-i Amri-yi magazine (the Bahá’i organ) dated April 1, 1954 reads: "The Israeli president and his wife Mrs. Ben Zoy paid a scheduled visit to the holy sites of Mount Carmel, following the reception given in their honour at the home of His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá."

The edition dated June 24, 1954 of the same magazine reads: "The [Israeli] Government's relations with His Holiness Vali Amrullah and the International Bahá’i Delegation is friendly and sincere. It is a pleasure that successes have been achieved in recognition of the faith in the holy land."

Many years ago, the following statement appeared in the official Bahá’i publication in Iran: "We are very proud and pleased to announce to the Bahá’is the expansion and development of relations between Bahá’ism and the officials of the Israeli Government." (11)

At about the same time, the Bahá’i representatives had meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion, at which they expressed their gratitude and appreciation towards the Israeli Government, as well as the Bahá’is' sincere feelings and emotions towards him, wishing for the primacy and progress of the Israeli Government. (11) Ben Gurion had said: "I hope the Bahá’i World Centre in the State of Israel will always prove to be increasingly effective in the country's progress and eminence and in the people's prosperity. Since the inception of the State of Israel, the Bahá’is have always had sincere relations with the Israeli Government". (12)

Dr. Latifullah Hakim, a member of the International Bahá’i Delegation in Israel, in a letter to the Iranian Bahá’i community, wrote: "These days the Israeli papers, whether in Hebrew, Arabic or English, publish detailed articles on the Bahá’i religion and His Holiness."

Other recurrent contacts between Israeli and Bahá’i officials, such as the former Israeli President Zalman Shazar's visit to the Bahá’i centres on April 7, 1964 and the exchange of extremely sincere compliments between them, are themselves indications of strong relations and intense cooperation between the Bahá’is and the regime occupying Jerusalem. (13)

Cooperation between these two anti-Islamic groups is also witnessed in practice. Bahá’ism is legal and officially recognized in Israel. All its landed properties and endowments are exempt from government taxation and duties. Even the imports required by Bahá’is enjoy exemption from customs duties. Publication of Bahá’i news in the Israeli newspapers and their broadcast on Radio Israel are authorized. Radio Israel sometimes even congratulates the Bahá’is on the occasion of their festivities. The Israeli Ministry of Education relieves the Bahá’i students from attending school on their holidays (15) and thousands of clandestine and unknown relationships that remain secret to us.

The Bahá’is' co-operation with the newly-arrived Zionists was so apparent that Gamal Abdul-Nasser ordered the removal of all Bahá’i communities in Egypt. The "Bureau for Boycott of Israel", organized by the Islamic countries, subjected the Bahá’is to the boycott for co-operating with Israel.

As the final example and document, mention is made of Mrs. Rúhíyyih Maxwell's press conference, in which she said: "I prefer to have the youngest religion, Bahá’ism, germinate in the newest country of the world, Israel. We belong to, and depend on, this country, Israel. Indeed, I should say that ours and Israel's future are interlinked like a chain." (16)

It can be said with certainty that: The fabricated, mock Bahá’i faith, that has been instrumental in sowing discord and disunion among the Muslim people during its hundred-and-thirty year history, is afforded the same function today. Just as the British Government once wanted Bahá, the Bahá’i leader, to go to India (17) or the French Government requested to have Bahá’i missionaries dispatched to North African countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, which were then under its colonial rule (18), the western imperialist governments today are endeavouring to use Bahá’ism as a pretext to forge a propaganda weapon against the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, just as factual realities do not remain concealed for ever, and manipulation of facts cannot be permanently effective, their conspiracies shall be frustrated and shall prove futile, God willing.

As evidenced by the documents presented in the next section, Bahá’ism played a part in all the terrible crimes by the sinister Pahlavi Monarchy throughout its reign, and it has strengthened the usurpant regime of Israel with its material and moral support.

Following the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, too, the Bahá’is acted as agents of Israel and U.S.A. in Iran and took part in conspiracies, the documents of which have been provided by judicial authorities on various occasions.

Bahá’ism is a political party with imperialist affiliations, not a religious or cultural faith

The Bahá’is have tried from the beginning to present their faith as independent of politics, to afford it a merely religious and ideological aspect, to consider themselves as advocate of the principle of non-intervention in political affairs and have always placed the above motto at the top of all their plans and writings. Nevertheless, as evidenced by the following arguments and the events throughout the past and present history of this sect, not only have they intervened in politics, but they are also essentially an imperialist-inspired political party.

1. The coming into existence of Bahá’ism, as detailed in the last two chapters, was a result of the Czarist Russian Government's political and imperialistic objectives, and was founded by Russian spies under the supervision of the Russian Emperor Nikolayevich Alexander II.

2. Russian, British and Zionist imperialism has always been involved in all the affairs of continuation of the activities of the sect. In Iran, at first, it was a medium for the Czarist government's penetration in the Qajar establishment, thence to oppose constitution, and later to deviate the movement. In Baghdad and Turkey, it was a British-affiliated political affair employed to weaken and bring about the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Following the establishment of the Zionist government, too, Bahá’ism has been a tool in the hands of this anti-humane movement, defending their objectives and acting as a major agent in strengthening the Zionists and undermining the Muslims' unity.

The political dimensions of the Bahá’is' major activities since its inception (which are recorded in history books and documents and on which the existence of this affiliated sect depends) are listed hereunder to clarify its imperialist nature:

I. Weakening of the clergy, who had always been like a steel obstacle against imperialism, by spreading disuniting allegations by the Bahá’i leaders at the start of its coming into existence.

II. Rioting and creation of numerous conflicts and battles in different regions, which were perpetrated by the Bahá’is, brought about the weakening of the central government and the furthering of the influence of the Russians and the British.

III. The Bahá’i conspiracies to assassinate Amir Kabir, the Tehran Imam Jum'a (the Friday Prayers Leader of Tehran) as well as Nassereddin Shah in the circumstances of the time were exactly consistent with the political objectives of the Russian government.

IV. The Bahá’is' seditious acts and blood-shedding, committed over the ten-year period of Bahá's residence in Baghdad had no other objective but to undermine the Ottoman Empire, to provide the grounds for British exploitation and to confront Iran with the Ottomans.

V. The totality of the Bahá’i activities in Turkey comprised:

a) The continuous relationship of their leaders with the British, French and Russian embassies.

b) Agitating the internal and central affairs of the Ottoman Empire which was to the direct benefit of Britain, such that the Ottoman government, citing these same facts, exiled them to Cyprus and Akka.

VI. In Palestine, before establishment of the usurping government, the Bahá’is acted as British spies against the Ottoman Empire. They went so far ahead in their venture that their leader was sentenced to death by the Ottoman Pasha on charges of espionage. However, the British cabinet assigned Lord Curzon and Lord Lamington to save him, and Lord Balfore immediately cabled Gen. Allenby to save him and to protect his life.

VII. After the occupation of Palestine, too, the Bahá’is have concentrated their activities on supporting Israel and strengthening the pillars of this bloodthirsty regime.

VIII. In Iran, prior to the Islamic Revolution, they always supported, and participated in, the regime's crimes in all political affairs; and after the Revolution, they have always taken active part in all political conspiracies against the Islamic Revolu­tion.

In view of the foregoing arguments, only those who consider Zionism to be an innocent infant free of any political brand and a propagator of heavenly teachings, may contend that Bahá’ism is an ideological platform and a religion!!

The Bahá’i Culture and Ideological Platform

Although Bahá’ism had always been an affiliated political affair, the Russian Govern­ment knew very well that under the conditions of the Qajar era and in communities such as Iran and Iraq, where religion had deep roots in the peoples' lives, no imperialist plan would succeed unless with religious appearances. Thus, by taking advantage of the ground-work set by the Shaikhiya sect, the Russian agent first claimed to be Imam Zaman's deputy, then called himself Báb and later claimed prophesy and divinity. For this reason, the Bahá’is' ideological books are filled with contradictions and conflicting contentions. Most interesting of all is that they have sought to put out religious orders which form the most amusing part of the Bahá’i books. Even more interesting is that, today, the western world, claiming civilization, campaigning against extravagant talk, and accusing the Islamic Republic of fundamentalism, regression ... has come to the defense of these people. "Take counsel ye people of insight."