Poor charitable performance of NSA Canada!

Since 2006 Charity Intelligence Canada (Ci) has been providing information about charities which accept donations from public. It provides high quality evidence-based research to help us guide our charity giving decisions.

Charity Intelligence's analysis goes beyond plain subjectivity or narrow financial analysis to dig deeper to arrive at those charities which either perform the best or the worst. This helps the common Canadian and other donors make an informed selection of the most impactful charity while donating their funds.

Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable, and focused on results.

Its Latest report on National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, Charity Intelligence shows the NSA in poor light in the matter of collection and usage of its charitable funds. In fact, it has been graded a poor LOW in its demonstrated Impact per dollar of funds received. (F-Grade) https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/991-national-spiritual-assembly-of-the-baha-is-of-canada

This report highlights the following shameful facts about NSAs charitable funding.

1. National Spiritual Assembly holds $83.2m in excess unutilised funding, which can cover 16.6 years of its current charitable expenses and costs. That is its spending on acts of charity is so low that if it receives no donations for the next 16.6 years it can carry on its present paltry charitable expenses.

2. Another important fact highlighted is the fact that in 2021 for a mere $5m of spending on national and international charities it bore an administrative cost of $1.411m which is a whooping 28% (Just for identifying and transferring every 1$ of its charity funds it spends $0.28). As compared to this poor fund management by NSA Canada

Another Charity “LifeWater Canada” which incidentally got a 5 star rating by Charity Intelligence spent only $ 0.003 for every dollar it spent on its charitable activities.

3. Continuing the Comparision with “LifeWater Canada” who managed to spend $3255m in 2022 with only one fulltime support staff, NSA Canada spend a mere $5m in 2021 by employing 24 fulltime staff! So much for its efficient management. https://www.charityintelligence.ca/charity-details/889-lifewater-canada


1. At a time when humanity in the third world countries is suffering from severe economic crises, the rich NSA of Canada is hoarding its funds and not utilising them pro-actively. This speaks volumes of the NSA Canada’s commitment to the principles of the Bahai Faith.

2. NSA Canada has failed the UHJ and the Bahai faith which prides itself on efficient and effective management by utterly failing in the financial management of its human resources, Funds and expenses.

3. It seems that NSA Canada has just converted the entire NSA to offer easy and idle employment to its cahoots friends and relatives to live in luxury by denying thousands of deprived and needy in the society.


The sincere Bahais and general donors are hereby cautioned against donating their hard earned earnings to NSA Canada as these donations will remain unutilised and rather be used to pay salaries of idle workers in NSA Canada.

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