Covenant-breakers live longer

The shrine of Subh-i-Azal in Cyprus

Subh-i-Azal: Died 81
Mizá Muhammad Ali: Died 83
Majd'ud Din: Died 99
Charles Mason Remey: Died 100
Joel Marangella: Died 95

Abdu'l-Bahá: Died 77
Bahá'u'lláh: Died 74
Shoghi Effendi: Died 60

It isn't just about the so-called Guardian dying at a relatively young age. In fact, he.....​ 
•  Died suddenly of Asiatic Flu,
•  Died in London, not the Baha’i World Center,
•  Died in the middle of the Ten Year World Crusade (1953-1963),
•  Left no will and testament,
•  Had appointed no successor, and
•  Had expelled from the Baha’i Community, often for trivial reasons, EVERY ONE OF HIS BROTHERS, SISTERS, AND MALE AND FEMALE COUSINS!

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