Baha'i elections are a bogus sham

By Dale Husband

In larger Baha'i communities, members do not elect National Spiritual Assemblies directly. First, the Baha'is in a specific area will gather and elect among themselves a delegate who will represent them at the National Convention.
I remember attending the National Convention of the Baha'is of the USA in Chicago in 2000. I wasn't a delegate, but I went on vacation anyway and visited the House of Worship in Wilmette, just north of Chicago.
Elections like these are virtually useless because the voters are not given a clear choice; there are no nominations, campaigning is forbidden, and the nine candidates that get the most votes are the winners. The most likely to get elected to an NSA, if not an incumbent, would be a Continental Counselor or Auxiliary Board Member living in that National Baha'i community. People vote for who they know.....kind of like how Baha'i elections run on a global level with the Universal House of Justice members elected from the male members of the International Teaching Center.
Are you sensing a pattern here?

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