Baha'is create a website specifically to act as damage control against the "Baha'is in My Backyard" documentary (

[–]wahidazal66 5 points  
I am not sure that Naamah Pyritz, one of the co-producers, actually signed off on the documentary being a mockumentary. I communicated with her directly after it aired in OZ and on email, and that view was the farthest thing from her sentiment at the time. Pyritz also indicated that she was frightened of these people and that she would not pursue anything further, like a sequel to the documentary.
It is possible that Naamah and her other producers may have been pressured by the Israeli establishment afterwards given that the concerns they expressed to Frederick Glaysher about the clout of the Baha'is in Israel and the West are very real, legitimate concerns.
Furthermore, for this documentary to have been a mockumentary would entail that Negar Baha'i was a fake, that they were kidding about Moshe Sharon's Hebrew book about Bahaism being a piece of propaganda garbage (since this book denies the existence of Haba's family in occupied Palestine), and that neither Dr. David Kelly or his DIA handler Mia Pederson-Saadat were real people and that the post-Iraq invasion scandal that erupted around them never happened!
This blog is merely engaging in damage control, and because the producers are Israeli, it stands to reason that the Haifans pressured the Israeli establishment to lean on these people to make such a ridiculous public back peddle (if it is even real).
[–]komorikomori[S] 3 points  
Yeah, the "mockumentary" claim seems to run counter to the whole sentiment of the documentary in my opinion, and they don't even address any of the claims in it. They just handwave it all away and poison the well by connecting it to Iran. It's typical Baha'i fundamentalist kneejerkism, and this website's existence clearly shows that the spreading of this documentary has worked and that it has been a real thorn in the side of the Baha'is.
[–]i-Aqdas_Cola 1 point  
Wait a fuckin second. So this damage control website claims the documentary to be a "mocumentary" yet the site itself reads like a satire? WTF?
"....a film which was done with such a light touch"
I spit my drink out laughing so hard at how try-hard this is.
"making fun of the serious investigation we set out to undertake, to prove anything about the Bahais, is more than ridiculous"
That folks is 'Bahai-levels' of convincing.
[–]wahidazal66 1 point  
Indeed, that site must be for internal consumption because no one in their right mind who has watched it and followed the issues around it can come away with the same impression. And it is certainly NOT what at least one of the producers, namely Naamah Pyritz, communicated to me about it in 2007.

Source :

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