"Coronavirus is a punishment from Baha'u'llah" - Farzam Kamalabadi

Farzam with Ruhiyyih Khanum

Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, many of us would have heard this name. A well-connected, global fixer who has successfully brokered many international deals, many of them shady. Enjoying personal friendship with many heads of States, he knows how to pull the strings. Combined with his connects is a shrewd business brain and extreme loyalty to the Baha’i Faith, which is the religion he practices.

Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, is so influential that he is privy to intelligence and arms deals of few countries. In fact he was deported from the UAE, perhaps as a fall-out of his recent souring of relations with the Sheikh. This background should suffice to estimate the personality.

Farzam Kamalabadi in Bahrain

Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, has shown his true colors recently in an interview, where he expresses an opinion on the spread of the dreadful COVID-19. At a time when entire humanity is beseeching God Almighty to protect mankind and all Governments are co-operating and implementing steps to prevent spread, Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, mocking US President on his statement that “the Govt of US is in control”, conveys that mankind is unaware that COVID-19 is the chastisement of Baha’u’llah (prophet of Baha’i Faith) to the Mankind and more chastisement and difficulties will follow (refer the following video)

Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, it is clear, is only reflecting the tenets of his Baha’i Faith viz :

  1. Baha’i Faith ridicules the followers of other faiths to the extent of being pleased with their sufferings. But if any misfortunes befell them they start shouting from the roof tops. “Help Help We are being persecuted.”  
  2. Baha’i Faith ridicules all Governments, since they believe and work for the breaking of all institutes and ideologies and establishing a Baha’i inspired New World Order, the Baha’i Super-State. 
  3. All the public relations that followers of the Baha’i Faith maintain with the rich and powerful is with the above motive.
Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi works under direct orders of Universal House of Justice at Haifa, Israel – the body administering the affairs of the Baha’i Faith. Needless to say, a lot of international funding, that he has access due to his connects, is channelized to the UHJ.

By ridiculing the sufferings of Mankind from COVID-19, Farzam Kamalabadi has taunted China the worst effected country in this calamity and President of United States, Mr. Trump. Not realizing that due to these two countries he has become a business icon.

It is High time that the world realizes the devilish nature of the Baha’i Faith and its followers and is cautious in dealing with them.

The entire humanity is requested to continue their efforts in eradicating COVID-19 and pray for all those affected. Together we will ensure that Viruses like Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, do not succeed in their devilish plans.

Stay safe.


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  3. I would like to remind Mr. Farzan Kamalabadi, that Hurofe Hai are 19, Baha'i months are 19, fasting days are 19, and Corona Virus name given is Covid-19, think about it..? before opening your mouth that it is curse of Baha'u'llah, people are suffering from it instead of having sympathy and support you just want to propagate your religion in such grim situation, for your kind information number 19 is holy in your religion, if Covid-19 is curse of your prophet Baha'u'llah then what about 19 Hurofe hai, 19 Baha'i months..? Then with all this 19, he himself was curse to humanity.
    Gamal Naseer

  4. The Quarantine of Covid 19 is giving everyone the taste of how spiritually disconnected a baha'i under the administration feels.

    The Baha'is have been under spiritual isolation since shoghi effendi !!

  5. The medicine doctors are talking about dangers and precautions to be taken. This PhD doctor talks about 'curse of God'😆

  6. Only a sick person can talk such kind of words against Global pandemic. I wonder how can a person call himself a Doctor and talk such rubbish.

    But what more can you expect from a Baha'i individual.

  7. Baha'is clearly accepted that Bahullah is the prophet of Punishment and wreath which world is not in need world is in need of Prophet of Mercy, and all Divine Prophets were Prophet of Mercy and man made prophets are Prophet of punishment and wrath.
