This is how the Baha'is believe in "the independent investigation for truth"!

September 17, 2019

To the American Bahá’í community

Dearly loved Friends,

The history of our precious Faith has been shaped by a continuing interplay of crisis and victory, where every onslaught of hate, enmity, deceit, and calumny has been followed by strengthened unity, triumph, prestige, and growth. Over the past few years, campaigns of misinformation against the Faith have continued in what are futile attempts to distort the message of Bahá’u’lláh and misrepresent the Bahá’í community.

The National Spiritual Assembly has learned of recent, subtle activities on the Internet of an individual opposed to the Faith who introduces him- or herself as “Bahareh Moghaddam.” This person attempts to present him- or herself as a Bahá’í sympathetic to the Plans of the Universal House of Justice, then subsequently questions the Supreme Body’s authority and tries to sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of believers of Iranian descent. In messages to individual Bahá’ís and in posts on social media, this individual gives the impression of being very familiar with the institute process and praises the Bahá’ís for their involvement in it, and then gradually shifts the focus to that of questioning the House of Justice, attempting to invalidate its guidance and undermine Bahá’í institutions.

Falsely posing as a Bahá’í, this individual has sought friendship with Bahá’ís on social media platforms. He or she is most active on Facebook and Telegram, while some posts have appeared on Twitter and Instagram.

The National Assembly urges the believers to ignore any posts by “Bahareh Moghaddam” or any attempt on his or her part to connect with them. It is not inconceivable for individuals such as this to appear using a different identity to deceive and misguide the friends. We have full confidence that the beloved friends are keenly aware of such tactics used by enemies of the Faith and will act appropriately by simply ignoring their vain attempts to promote doubt and suspicion within the Bahá’í community.

Should you have additional questions, you may contact our Persian Public Information Office at

The prayers of the National Assembly accompany you always.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Kenneth E. Bowers Secretary

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States

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