Baha'i 'Yaran' comes back again!

5 out of 7 Released! So called 'Yaran' of Baha'is were prosecuted for taking part in illegal activities in their homeland.
The seven Baha’i leaders were arrested in early 2008. The most serious charges against them were espionage, propaganda against the regime and founding an illegal organization.

(Freed Baha’i Leader: Jailing Baha’is is Futile and Pointless, IranWire)

From what I understand, the charges include:

(A) Espionage. Sending information to the Universal House of Justice.

(B) Propaganda against the regime. Proselytizing (i.e. attempting to convert) Muslims, which subverts the Islamic theocracy and promotes the Baha'i theocracy.

(C) Founding an illegal organization. That is, the Yaran, which apart from its name and number of members, is identical to a National Spiritual Assembly.

Now, here's what I don't understand:

(D) Since the Baha'i Writings unequivocally demand obedience to one's government to the extent and not including the renunciation of one's faith, why are Baha'is being hypocritical? How are these people considered martyrs? Shouldn't they be rebuked for willfully violating the law of the land?

(E) Let's suppose that I completely misunderstood the Baha'i concept of obedience to one's government. Let's suppose that Baha'is have the right to violate the law of the land if it contravenes their freedom of religion. Why aren't Baha'is being honest about it? Why don't Baha'is admit that they are willfully violating the law of the land because it prevents them from practicing their religion? Why claim that you were arrested for merely being a Baha'i? To garner sympathy?

Something doesn't add up.

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