This is like : Baha'is gifting cake to Bayanis on the 'auspicious occasion of Baha'u'llah's birthday'

Official Website of the Baha'is spreading lies on the internet about a bogus bicentenary cake gifted to Baha'is from Muslims

This image:

Source :

with the description:

A beautifully decorated cake offered as a gift from a Muslim family in Iran to their Baha’i neighbors in honor of the bicentenary of the birth of Baha’u’llah

Has been placed on the official website of the Baha'is and is being propagated by Baha'is widely on Social Media, such as :

There is a major problem with the text written on the cake and postcard beside it. The prose of the Persian text is strictly Baha'i and no Persian Muslim would use the terms inscribed therein. e.g "Hazrate Baha'u'llah" (his highness Baha'u'llah) or "Hazrate rabbe Aalaa" (the most great Lord) which is a strictly Baha'i way of referring to the Bab. There is nothing in the texts on the cake and postcard that would show the slightest evidence that it was donated by a Muslim, rather all evidence, prose and style, shows that the cake was made by Baha'is for Baha'is!

Once more Haifan Baha'i cultists have been exposed.

Source :

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