Bicentenary Celebrations only for the propagation of Baha’i faith.

Supreme Baha’i Administrative body, the UHJ in one of its message states :

“These glorious Festivals will be opportunities for Bahá’ís in every land to attract the largest possible number of believers, their families, friends, and collaborators, as well as others from the wider society, to commemorate moments…”

(Universal House of Justice, 29 December 2015 to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors, paragraph 50)

A non functioning hotel owner asked his employees, how to increase their hotel’s prestige and to improve their business?

“The public relations officer proposed that the management stage a celebration of the hotel’s thirtieth anniversary. A committee is formed, including a prominent banker, a leading society matron, a well-known lawyer, an influential preacher, and a banquet planned to call attention to the distinguished service the hotel has been rendering the community. The celebration is held, photographs are taken, the occasion is widely reported, and the object is accomplished.”

The situation is not very different with the Baha’i Faith where the Baha’i officials routinely stage events and try to propagate about the Baha’i Faith in which they try to interact and try to present themselves in the best possible light. They orchestrate a situation as Baha’i faith organization wants it to and proceeds in ways that favor the Baha’i Faith. This orchestra is done because Baha’i faith has zero acceptability amongst the general masses it failed miserably to let people believe that a man made faith can gain the status of a revealed religion.

Recently The Baha’i Administration wants to celebrate the 200 years of their twin manifestation Bab and Baha’u’llah for that they have send the invitation to every political leaders of every country. The Messages which these political leaders have given out of courtesy is posted and propagated all over the world and it is shown in the light as if the leaders have some affection and attraction for Baha’i Faith. Let these leaders be assured that after their demise these messages will be shown as a proof of them accepting the Baha’i Faith. The Baha’i Faith and hypocrisy are synonyms.

These celebration also have dinner event for ultra rich and influential leaders (read dinner diplomacy) to show that most who participate in them are also fairly accepting the Baha’i Faith, or at least highly appreciative of Baha’i Faith.

A message given by the Universal House of Justice (highest governing body of the Baha’is) on the Bicentenary celebration dated 1, October 2017, refers to every non Baha’i of the world as SEEKERS to attain the shores of Ocean (means to embrace Baha’i Faith as all other revealed religion are manmade dogmas) . Extract of reference is reproduced as under:

“It is the duty of every seeker to bestir himself and strive to attain the shores of this ocean,” Bahá’u’lláh states. The spiritual teachings brought by successive Messengers through the ages found expression in religious systems that, over time, have become fused with aspects of culture and weighed down with man-made dogmas.”

Finally, The House of Justice asks the Baha’is to translate the message into other languages and to distribute to all the Local Assemblies and hopes that, the message will remind the friends of the privilege that belongs to them in acquainting others with the Cause of Baha’ u’llah i.e. propagation Of Baha’i Faith.

What a deceit! What a cheating!. What a fraud in the name of Unity of Religions.

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