Baha'i Hack Scott Hakala gets a 'cute' response from Dale Husband

Scott's comment to Dale

Dale's response to Hakala

Mr. Hakala,

First of all, please don't make any more copies of this comment of yours above and try to post them on my own blog ( ) and specifically to post them on a blog entry that has nothing to do with you. ( )

Second, accusing me of lacking honesty and sincerity is ironic considering you defend a religion that is full of unfounded nonsense that produces hypocrisy by its very nature, as noted here. ( ) Your arrogance is amazing, to put it politely.

Third, no I do not remember you, and the possibility of you meeting me at any time is irrelevant. Do not try to mess with my head like that again; I will not be intimidated by that.

Fourth, I became a Baha'i because of both ignorance about the Faith's true cultish nature and because of "love-bombing" by Baha'is that is typical of cultists seeking converts. I left the Baha'i Faith gradually as a result of having more and more questions about it that made it clear eventually that things in it simply did not add up to objective truth.

Fifth, have you even bothered to read my writings on the Baha'i Faith? ( ) If you can dig through all of them and still profess loyalty to the Universal House of "Justice" and its ridiculous claims of being infallible and having the answers to the world's problems, then I really see no more point in dealing with you. You are either a liar or an idiot and either way I have only contempt for you. The world needs better things than the Baha'i Faith and better people than you to save it!


  1. It should be noted that violation of copyright notice and defamatory content notice has been site to blog site manager.

    1. Wow, he must really be getting worried! Maybe I should make some screenshots and post them on my own blog later.

  2. He continued attacking me on the earlier blog entry with these statements:

    {{{SDHakalaOctober 19, 2017 at 10:37 AM


    Your response was as I feared it might be. I had hoped you would have the courage to actually call me and discuss directly, rather than resorting to a caustic online debate which can only inflame. I actually did go through your site recently. Reading your site concerned me with its anger, hostility, and tone. I, frankly, found it confusing, offensive, and plain wrong about many things, not just the Baha'i Faith.
    I had hoped that you would realize I was sincere and take some responsibility for joining in a personal,false, and disparaging attack on me and the Baha'i Faith, realizing that something is fundamentally wrong in such attacks. It is wrong (unethical and immoral) to attack persons and especially publicly and unfairly. It is illegal to alter or use copyrighted images (that picture was from my employer's site) in an impermissible or offensive manner without permission. If you do not see or realize that, then I cannot help you.

    I really do wish you the best. }}}

    1. {{{SDHakalaOctober 19, 2017 at 10:38 AM

      It is easy for people today with a few bucks and some brains to create blogs and web sites to promote whatever views they wish and it is easy to nitpick and find fault to attack other people, groups, and institutions so as to lift oneself up. (It does not really work). That is part of the current problem in our society right now. It just creates anger and hostility, never unity. Those posting such venomous content may not realize the full consequences of doing so and may not realize how many (or most) might see those things differently and react negatively to what they have posted. They may see or revel in the small following they believe they have (such is the human ego) but not see the greater revulsion in others. You have made a number of false and misleading statements about the Baha'i Faith and indirectly or directly about communities of people in particular that I know very well. It is both unfair to them and exaggerated on your part. Selling a book about it just feels wrong to me. Whether you believe what you wrote or not is your right. I frankly do not understand the anger and reaction. No one should feel misled; if you found out some things in the Faith later that you had difficulty accepting, that is perfectly fine. That does not and never made the Baha'i Faith a cult; it has none of the characteristics of a cult (including the false allegations of"love bombing" which I frankly do not see either). You have every right to believe what you will, but you DO have the obligation to fully and fairly investigate facts and understand them and you DO NOT have the right to slander, defame, or disparage others or a religion. What is clear is reliance on and poisoning of attitudes over time (just another form of online brainwashing frankly), some clearly based on material (much of its false) on other Internet sites antagonistic to the Baha'i Faith (often with hidden motives or affiliations by the way). I do not understand the inappropriate name calling and such caustic methods; they are signs of a weak argument and are both inappropriate and unacceptable.

      Over almost 40 years now, I have discussed many of these issues with religious scholars and persons of a number of religious beliefs over the years and with many persons opposed to the Baha'i Faith. I have no desire to argue in circles or convert you. My only hope was that if you actually took the time to try to contact or call me directly, you would have seen I am quite normal and reasonable and that what is represented hear about me was false (in other words, you are being conned and buying into it) and that, even if you disagree with me, I am being honest and have reasonable bases for my belief. Maybe then some of your obvious unresolved anger and venom might go away and you might be happier in life. There are actually studies on the anger and resentment and antagonistic approaches of people that have changed beliefs or religion affiliation; it is sort of like a divorce. Some people get over it and others hang on to grudges and develop a sort of exaggerated anger and hatred that is unjustified and atypical.}}}

    2. So to continue:

      {{{I had hoped you would have the courage to actually call me and discuss directly, rather than resorting to a caustic online debate which can only inflame.}}}
      Why? I like to keep everything public where all can see it. You don't?

      {{{Reading your site concerned me with its anger, hostility, and tone.}}}
      Tone-trolling is insulting to my intelligence.

      {{{I, frankly, found it confusing, offensive, and plain wrong about many things, not just the Baha'i Faith.}}}
      You are welcome to make your own specific arguments online and debunk my points, rather than make vague statements denying their validity. I back up each and every one of my opinions on my blog with detailed historical references and logic. Can you do the same?

      {{{It is illegal to alter or use copyrighted images (that picture was from my employer's site) in an impermissible or offensive manner without permission. If you do not see or realize that, then I cannot help you.}}}
      Why would a mere picture of you, or anyone else, be COPYRIGHTED? Copyrights are for intellectual property that is created, such as my Circle H logo, a book that is written and published, and a TV show being broadcast. A pic of you is not intellectual property!

    3. {{{Those posting such venomous content may not realize the full consequences of doing so and may not realize how many (or most) might see those things differently and react negatively to what they have posted. They may see or revel in the small following they believe they have (such is the human ego) but not see the greater revulsion in others.}}}
      Yes, let's see some actual statements from seekers who claim anything like, "Dale Husband's bitter attacks on the Baha'i Faith were disgusting to me, so that made me more interested in the Faith." Until that actually happens, I have no reason to take such an absurdity seriously! It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever!

      {{{No one should feel misled; if you found out some things in the Faith later that you had difficulty accepting, that is perfectly fine. That does not and never made the Baha'i Faith a cult; it has none of the characteristics of a cult (including the false allegations of"love bombing" which I frankly do not see either).}}}
      So now you are calling me a liar about my own personal experiences and perceptions. Thanks, hypocrite; you are the pot, I am the kettle.

      {{{You have every right to believe what you will, but you DO have the obligation to fully and fairly investigate facts and understand them and you DO NOT have the right to slander, defame, or disparage others or a religion.}}}
      So you think it was acceptable for Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi to defame their own relatives for disagreeing with them? Even having Baha'i "history" written with absurd biases to attempt to destroy their memory?! MY OWN INVESTIGATION AND UNDERSTANDING OF FACTS IS EXACTLY WHY I AM NOT A BAHA'I NOW!

      {{{What is clear is reliance on and poisoning of attitudes over time (just another form of online brainwashing frankly), some clearly based on material (much of its false) on other Internet sites antagonistic to the Baha'i Faith (often with hidden motives or affiliations by the way). I do not understand the inappropriate name calling and such caustic methods; they are signs of a weak argument and are both inappropriate and unacceptable.}}}
      This is projection. Your mere denial of statements made by critics of the Baha'i Faith means nothing; those critics can just as easily deny the claims made by YOU and other Baha'i advocates to support your Faith's dogmas. If they are not credible, why should YOU be? NO ONE should ever have automatic credibility.
