Kazemzadeh is dead !

Found this interesting entry on TRB - posting it again in the memory of Firuz Kazemzadeh!

Firuz Kazemzadeh, was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the U.S. for more than 40 years. He was also appointed a member of the U.S. International Freedom Commission, that reviews report on religious freedom worldwide by the Government of U.S.

Source : TRB

In my previous post, I researched Baha'i POLITICIAN Firuz Kazemzadeh's act of forcing the USA to ratify the Genocide Convention.

Why on earth, after the ratification, didn't the Baha'is and their leader Firuz Kazemzadeh-- assist the UN in order to stop the genocide of Rwanda and Bosnia.

Could it be that Firuz Kazemzadeh was not well received by then President Clinton?

Or a more likely answer: the RATIFICATION OF THE GENOCIDE CONVENTION BY THE USA has been used by the World Baha'i Administration for their own personal cause- namely for financial enrichment of the Iranian Baha'is by :

1) Allowing Iranian Baha'is to obtain refugee status in their host country and then be swiftly placed on the host country welfare system.

2) For this extremely pleasant financial program, most Iranian Baha'is migrate to the USA. Has anybody seen an Iranian Baha'i become refugee of the Sudan, Congo, Mozambique? The answer is NO-NO-NO. There is no financial interest in those third world countries.

3) By having more Iranian Baha'i "voters" on their side in their host country, these Baha'is are able to distabilize the government by forcing the government to abide by the financial request of the Universal House of Justice. Refer for example to how Baha'i "politician" Firuz Kazemzadeh was able to force Jessie Helms to abstain from voting against the Genocide Convention- with the assitance of a slew of red-white- yellow- black Baha'is standing on the private property -lawn-of Jessie Helms (and therefore disturbing a very private reception).

4) The Universal House of Justice welcomes genocides as it is seen by Baha'i administration as having more "receptive" people towards the baha'i cult. Genocides are used by Baha'is to further their own cause in the context of their squirmishes with the Islamic Republic of Iran-- with total disregard for the lives and welfare of those of non-Iranian origin- such as Bosnia-rwanda-Sudan.

5) Can any Baha'i provide authenticated documents related to the Universal House of justice taking a stance on genocide of world population-- other than IRANIAN BAHA'IS? The answer is NO-NO-NO.

6) It is truly UNACCEPTABLE for Baha'is to use the murder of innocents Africans and Muslims in Rwanda (1 million) and Bosnia (300,000) respectively, for their own personal financial gain- through their Iranian Baha'i refugee program.

7) To make matters worse, the Baha'i propaganda machinery has claimed that up to 200 baha'is have been executed in Iran. Through my research, I have been able to uncover some inconsistencies- some of those who were executed HAD COMMITTED CRIMES- OTHERS WERE MURDERED BY OTHER BAHA'IS AND THEN MADE IT LOOK LIKE THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN WAS RESPONSIBLE. I will post more on the specifics of the Baha'i committed wholesale murder of Iranian NSA member Dr. NADJI, and the execution of Jewish baha'i Mahboubian on ground of theft- lying about religion- bribery ( after he had returned back to Iran from San Diego, CA to retrieve more stolen wealth).

8) Mr. Sabet cleaned up the Iranian Bank "NOW-NAHALLAN" just before the Iranian revolution- He brought billions of dollars to the USA. As a gesture of good will, Sabet gave 11 million dollars --OF HIS STOLEN MONEY-- to the Universal House of justice. Needless to say, the Universal House of justice graciously accepted the "generous offering" of stolen wealth.

9) Now, the Universal House of justice is determined to have the Islamic Republic of Iran pay back each Iranian Baha'i -his-her share of the stolen money from the Iranian Bank "NOW-NAHALLAN". In effect, that is DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!

10) Mr. Sabet is silent now- he died several years ago in Los Angeles. His loyal followers all live in Los Angeles- and are made up of prominent Jewish Baha'is- including the Amanat family. These followers have enough financial clout to sway the US political scene as to avoid a full senate inquiry into the BAHA'I FAITH defrauding its own members in Iran, and then bringing all the stolen wealth through the SABET conduit to Los Angeles.

1 comment:

  1. Firuz Kazemzadeh's wife is also Robert Calvin Henderson's Mammy. She spent $20,000 dollars one year on a full length sdable coat, so that
    she would be "presentable" as a Cousellor. Her son, the GREAT Secretary General regularly adds to HIS wardrobe of 5000 dollar suits from the National Fund.
