Universal House of Justice is worried about the Internet !



22 February 2016

Transmitted by email

The National Spiritual Assemblies of the Baha’is of ...

Dear Baha’i Friends,

As you know, although the primary responsibility for coordinating the defence of the Baha’i community from the misrepresentations of its detractors and the attacks of its assailants lies with the institutions of the Faith, the individual believer can contribute to this field of endeavour. However, such individual contributions are best made after consultation with the institutions and the receipt of necessary guidance.

The advent of the Internet and the subsequent proliferation of websites, blogs, social media, and messaging systems create both new opportunities for defending the Faith and new challenges. Instances have arisen in which the intemperate language used on the Internet by individuals in defence of the Faith, and unwise comments made by them, have been seized on by the authorities in Iran to justify the repressive measures they are exerting against the Baha’i community. The Universal House of Justice has asked us to share with you its concern about this matter and to direct your attention to the need to assist those particular friends in your country who are active on the Internet in this field to be mindful of the high standards that the Teachings call on us to uphold in our use of language.

To assist you in this matter, we have enclosed a compilation, “Defence of the Faith and the Use of Language”, in both English and Persian, prepared at the Baha’i World Centre at the request of the House of Justice. It is hoped that through the careful study of the compilation those involved in the defence of the Faith will find ways to frame their remarks in a manner befitting the nobility of the Cause for which the dearly loved friends in Iran are sacrificing so much. 
Dearly loved sacrificing friends of Iran !!!!!?

With loving Baha’i greetings, Department of the Secretariat


cc: International Teaching Centre Baha’i International Community, United Nations Office,

New York and Geneva Baha’i International Community Brussels Office Baha’i Internet Agency Offices of External Affairs of Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States

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