Bahá'í Faith and slavery (An example of how Baha'is control information on Wikipedia)

By : A35821361

I had created a new Wikipedia article titled "Bahá'í Faith and slavery" and created a new header in the "Criticism of the Bahá'í Faith" article that links to it. Less than 12 hours since posting, Bahá'í editors on Wikipedia who use the site to promulgate the Bahá'í Faith were already threatening to delete the article. (The article has been totally changed in favor of Baha'is)

Original entry on Wikipedia by A35821361
As on September 5, 2016

Both the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh owned slaves of African descent. While the Báb purchased several slaves, Bahá'u'lláh acquired his through inheritance. Bahá'u'lláh officially condemned slavery in 1874, by which time he had actually sold a slave to pay debts. References are made to these slaves in such works as 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Promulgation of Universal Peace,[1] Lady Blomfield's The Chosen Highway,[2] and Nabíl-i-A`zam's The Dawn-Breakers.[3] The details of some of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh's African servants are chronicled in Black Pearls,[4] a book that, despite efforts at censorship by the Bahá'í Administrative Order, was published by the independent Bahá'í publishing company Kalimát Press.


Partial list of slaves

  • Hájí Mubárak- purchased at the age of 5 years old by Hájí Mírzá Abú'l-Qásím, the great-grandfather of Shoghi Effendi and brother-in-law of the Báb, Hájí Mubárak was sold to the Báb in 1842 at the age of 19 for fourteen tomans.[5] Nabíl-i-A`zam relates in The Dawn-Breakers that Mullá Husayn, the first Letters of the Living, was welcomed at the Báb's mansion by Hájí Mubárak.[3] Hájí Mubárak died at about the age of 40 and is buried in the grounds of the Imam Husayn Shrine in Karbala, Iraq.[6]
  • Fiddih- acquired by the Báb when she was no older than 7 years of age, Fiddih served the Báb's wife Khadíjih-Bagum.[7][8] Fiddih would die the same night as her master.[9]
  • Isfandíyár- a servant in Bahá'u'lláh's house in Tehran,[2][10] Isfandíyár passed away in Mazandaran [11][12]
  • Masúd- initially purchased as a youth by Khál-i Akbar, an uncle of the Báb, Masúd would serve Bahá'u'lláh in Acre.[13]

See also


·  ·  Blomfield, Sara Louisa Ryan (2007). The Chosen Highway. George Ronald Publisher. p. 40. ISBN 978-0853985099.
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 5, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 18, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 21, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Munirih Khánum (1987). Munirih Khánum: Memoirs and Letters. Kalimat Press. pp. 26–37. ISBN 978-0933770515.
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 26, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 27, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 30, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 35, ISBN 1-890688-03-7


Now see this Baha'i modified version as from 26 September 2016

The original contributor (A35821361), regarding the policies of Baha'is says :

This is true for virtually every article on Wikipedia relating to the Baha'i Faith. Notice they have removed the list of some of their slaves. They did this, I believe, because enumerating and humanizing the Bab and Bahaullah's numerous slaves contextualizes the degree to which they were slave masters.

Other articles in Wikipedia relating to Baha'i topics have fared as much editorial censorship if not more. The article on Baha'i prophecies does not list the obviously failed ones, but vague ones remain as if having been fulfilled. No reference to the Lesser Peace being expected the last century, Abdul Baha saying the Guradianship would continue in perpetuity, etc. Other examples abound, like Avarih's having left the Faith due to his finding Shoghi in compromising romantic situations, Bahaullah's encouraging violence against followers of Subhi Azal. Or that many of the Baha'i holy sites were expropriated from Muslim waqfs after the establishment of the state of Israel.
I could go on, the point is there is a cadre dedicated to nothing other than editing Wikipedia articles to eliminate facts, truths, call them what you will, that compromise the official narrative. Ultimately, Wikipedia for them is another mechanism to proselytize.

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