How many Baha'is in Iran ? 300 thousand !???

Baha'i life in Iran
Bahaismiran: One of the proselytizing issues of the deviant cult of Baha'ism is the statistics by the center of census of Iran in 1385 (2006), the total number of population in Iran was 70,495,782 out of which 70,097,741 people were Muslims, 19,823 the Zoroastrians, 109,415 the Christians, 9,252 the Jewish, other religion: 54,234 and 205,317 were expressed.

The statistics related to 1390 (2011) are as follows:

The Muslims: 74,682,842
The Christians: 117,704
The Jewish: 8,756
The Zoroastrian: 25,271
Other: 49,101
Unexpressed: 265,995

Because of the lack of the formal statistics by the Baha'is, the exact number isn’t existed. The Baha'i heads want to exaggerate about the number of Baha'is in the country.

According to the results of the public census, the number of Baha’is in 1375 (1996) has been less than 0.25 percent out of the total number of population. This census increased in 1385; that is, 0.37 percent. This census isn’t correspondent with the Baha'i one.

Based on the comparison done on the published census by the Iranian center for census, during the years prior 1375 (1996), less than 40,000 Baha’is were living in Iran; but the universal house of justice (the center for the Baha’i organization located at Israel) has announced this statistics as 300,000 people. It can be said that the number of Baha’is in Iran in the years 1375 (1996) and 1385 (2006) being estimated as nearly 25 to 40 thousand people if the Baha’i shares out of the column of unexpressed is 15 percent. (refer to the website of the Iranian census center)

A website has written about the population of the deviant cult of Baha'ism:

According to the Baha’i texts, Abdul Baha pretended to be a Muslim in Palestine. He was participating in Friday prayer and pretended to be bound with the Islamic commandments in order to live confortably…

The experts have emphasized that the Baha’i organization has continually insisted on exaggeration during the previous decades.

In order to achieve this aim, the Baha’is are ordered by the organization to write the word Baha’i or other in the religion column.

Anyway, it can be observed that their census isn’t right at all in the years 1375 (1996) and 1385 (2006).

According to the Iranian census center, the other and unexpressed columns in 1375 (1996) consisted of 147,295 people out of 60,055,488 total population of Iran (That is 0.25 percent comparing 99.56 percent of Muslims) and in 1385 (2006) consisted of 263,199 people out of 70,472,846 total population of Iran (That is 0.37 percent comparing 99.43 percent of Muslims)!

Meanwhile, this census consists of those who haven’t desired to express their religions. It can be estimated that the total number of Baha’is during the years 1375 (1996) and 1385 (2006) is nearly 25 to 40 thousand while the universal house of justice claimed the number is 300,000 ones.

It can be also said that some Baha’is have pretended to be Muslims due to their benefits like Abdul Baha who pretended to be Muslim when he was in Palestine and participated in Muslim Friday prayers in order live comfortably.

Canadian (Baha'i) deported for illegal business in China

Masoud Khajeh-Sharafabadi (aka Sam Sharp)
Wang Weilan, Chen Zhongqun

SAM SHARP a Canadian English-language trainer, was deported by the Shenzhen police Sept. 13 for running an illegal business, ‘ the police announced yesterday.

Sharp obtained a business license from the Bao’an industrial and commercial administration bureau and opened a translation company in the district in April 1999. But the company was not successful.

He then rented a classroom and established a foreign-language training center in November 1999, without approval from the bureau, the police said in a news release.

Sharp had not obtained a work permit and had not applied for a change of business permit either, according to the police. However, more than 800 students had been trained by the center before he was deported.

Sharp never registered his residence with the police station as required by law.

Bao’an police imposed a fine of 1,500 yuan (US$187) on him July 21. The Exit-Entry Administration of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau canceled his visa Aug. 4, and demanded he leave China before Aug. 14.

Sharp refused to get his passport and a temporary visa from the administration, nor did he respond to the administration’s summons. The bureau then detained him Aug. 30 for “despising Chinese laws,” and “disturbing the normal order of exit and entry.” He was deported Sept. 13.

Source :

Baha'is converting Chinese people by deception

Two Canadian Baha'is Mr. Masoud Khajeh-Sharafabadi (aka Sam Sharp) and Mr. Soheil Sharaf (aka Steve Sha) deported from China for Teaching Baha'i Faith to the Chinese

Two Canadian Baha'is Mr. Massoud Sharaf and his brother Mr. Soheil Sharaf, (aka Sam Sharp and Steve Sha), who were working for Baha'i committee for china were involved in recruiting Baha'is to teach English language to the Chinese people and then finally teaching them Baha'i Faith and converting them to Baha'i cult.

The Sharafs came in 2006 to China in the disguised of recruiting English teaching to Chinese people. After a long series of events the Sharaf brothers were detained on 30 August 2006 for "despising Chinese law" and "disturbing the normal order of exit and entry" and finally they were deported on 13 September 2006.

As appeared in the English language daily edition of the Shenzhen Daily newspaper, on 28 September 2006.

The Sam brothers were organizing Baha'i pioneers to China to teach Chinese citizen English language then in the process they use to deceptively teach them Baha'i 'Religion' and convert them to Baha'i cult. The two brothers were working for Baha'i committee for China that receives its orders from the International Teaching Center and Universal House of Justice based in Haifa, Israel.

Cheater - Massoud Sharafabadi

 Few more examples of Baha'i deceptive conversion in China

UHJ agent in China - Farzam Kamalabadi

Farzam Kamalabadi - Haifan UHJ arm in China

Farzam Kamalabadi, a Persian American, educated in Boston, now residing in Shanghai China for over a decade, is one of the very few personalities widely acclaimed both by the Chinese media and also recognized by the China government leadership at large as a true "China Hand" and a leading authority on China.

Kamalabadi reads and writes Chinese, including writing quality brush calligraphy and composing articles and papers on Chinese ancient philosophy. Moreover, he speaks mandarin as well as a number of other dialects such as Cantonese and Shanghainese.

Before the end of the Millennium, Kamalabadi had visited over 400 cities covering virtually every single province of China. Also, by then he had personally visited some 2000 factories in China manufacturing all types of products; had conducted scores of major public lectures in Chinese, including several key-note addresses to the national leaders of China at the Great Hall of the People and the State Guest House; was published or featured in over 1000 Chinese media (magazines, newspapers, radio, television programs, and internal circulars and periodicals); had first-hand developed the most impressive network DATA of over 10,000 grassroots organizations including government departments, private and public businesses, media, and so on.

In 1993, he established Future Trends International (Group) Corporation, a China specialist US Corporation engaged in investment and trade consulting, media relations, government lobbying, and so on. It is recognized as the leader in grassroots government, enterprise, and media relations and networking throughout China.

Read complete article here :

Bahá'í Faith and slavery (An example of how Baha'is control information on Wikipedia)

By : A35821361

I had created a new Wikipedia article titled "Bahá'í Faith and slavery" and created a new header in the "Criticism of the Bahá'í Faith" article that links to it. Less than 12 hours since posting, Bahá'í editors on Wikipedia who use the site to promulgate the Bahá'í Faith were already threatening to delete the article. (The article has been totally changed in favor of Baha'is)

Original entry on Wikipedia by A35821361
As on September 5, 2016

Both the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh owned slaves of African descent. While the Báb purchased several slaves, Bahá'u'lláh acquired his through inheritance. Bahá'u'lláh officially condemned slavery in 1874, by which time he had actually sold a slave to pay debts. References are made to these slaves in such works as 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Promulgation of Universal Peace,[1] Lady Blomfield's The Chosen Highway,[2] and Nabíl-i-A`zam's The Dawn-Breakers.[3] The details of some of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh's African servants are chronicled in Black Pearls,[4] a book that, despite efforts at censorship by the Bahá'í Administrative Order, was published by the independent Bahá'í publishing company Kalimát Press.


Partial list of slaves

  • Hájí Mubárak- purchased at the age of 5 years old by Hájí Mírzá Abú'l-Qásím, the great-grandfather of Shoghi Effendi and brother-in-law of the Báb, Hájí Mubárak was sold to the Báb in 1842 at the age of 19 for fourteen tomans.[5] Nabíl-i-A`zam relates in The Dawn-Breakers that Mullá Husayn, the first Letters of the Living, was welcomed at the Báb's mansion by Hájí Mubárak.[3] Hájí Mubárak died at about the age of 40 and is buried in the grounds of the Imam Husayn Shrine in Karbala, Iraq.[6]
  • Fiddih- acquired by the Báb when she was no older than 7 years of age, Fiddih served the Báb's wife Khadíjih-Bagum.[7][8] Fiddih would die the same night as her master.[9]
  • Isfandíyár- a servant in Bahá'u'lláh's house in Tehran,[2][10] Isfandíyár passed away in Mazandaran [11][12]
  • Masúd- initially purchased as a youth by Khál-i Akbar, an uncle of the Báb, Masúd would serve Bahá'u'lláh in Acre.[13]

See also


·  ·  Blomfield, Sara Louisa Ryan (2007). The Chosen Highway. George Ronald Publisher. p. 40. ISBN 978-0853985099.
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 5, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 18, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 21, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Munirih Khánum (1987). Munirih Khánum: Memoirs and Letters. Kalimat Press. pp. 26–37. ISBN 978-0933770515.
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 26, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 27, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  ·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 30, ISBN 1-890688-03-7
·  Afnan, Abul-Qasim (1999), Black Pearls: Servants in the Household of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, Kalimat Press, p. 35, ISBN 1-890688-03-7


Now see this Baha'i modified version as from 26 September 2016

The original contributor (A35821361), regarding the policies of Baha'is says :

This is true for virtually every article on Wikipedia relating to the Baha'i Faith. Notice they have removed the list of some of their slaves. They did this, I believe, because enumerating and humanizing the Bab and Bahaullah's numerous slaves contextualizes the degree to which they were slave masters.

Other articles in Wikipedia relating to Baha'i topics have fared as much editorial censorship if not more. The article on Baha'i prophecies does not list the obviously failed ones, but vague ones remain as if having been fulfilled. No reference to the Lesser Peace being expected the last century, Abdul Baha saying the Guradianship would continue in perpetuity, etc. Other examples abound, like Avarih's having left the Faith due to his finding Shoghi in compromising romantic situations, Bahaullah's encouraging violence against followers of Subhi Azal. Or that many of the Baha'i holy sites were expropriated from Muslim waqfs after the establishment of the state of Israel.
I could go on, the point is there is a cadre dedicated to nothing other than editing Wikipedia articles to eliminate facts, truths, call them what you will, that compromise the official narrative. Ultimately, Wikipedia for them is another mechanism to proselytize.

American NSA begs for funds

September 25, 2016

To the American Bahá’í community for the Feast of Mashíyyat

Dearly loved Friends,

Nineteen years have passed since, in May 1997, the Universal House of Justice introduced the Bahá’í world to the new institution of Regional Bahá’í Councils―created to meet the needs of an evolving global community and invested with great promise to facilitate our efforts to decentralize and move closer to the grass roots the coordination of the friends’ efforts to teach. Later that same year, our national community was among the first to elect four such Councils, each of them corresponding to one of the four regions addressed by ‘Abdu'l-Bahá in the Tablets of the Divine Plan.

Over the course of these years―through the increasing part they have played in the victorious prosecution of three Five Year Plans―the Councils have gained experience, skill, wisdom, and maturity. As they have grown, so have their formidable tasks and responsibilities become wider ranging and more complex―to the extent that we have, with the Supreme Institution’s consent, successively increased their number from four to six to ten, and, most recently, to 12, at the same time drawing tighter and closer to them the boundaries of their respective regions. We fully expect this development to increase the Councils’ effectiveness in enabling the friends in cluster after cluster to successfully shoulder the “herculean labor” that will be necessary to fulfill the goals of the current Five Year Plan, enabling us to conclude this first century of the Faith’s Formative Age triumphantly, with a significant advancement in the process of entry by troops to lay at the feet of our beloved Master.

Though the Councils are working toward the development of their own ability to raise funds, at present they continue to rely to a great extent on our National Fund to finance their all-important activities. When we understand that it is they who recruit, place, and provide modest financial assistance to young people volunteering to pioneer in key clusters, they who encourage the formation and travels of mobile teaching teams, they who empower and oversee the work of their Regional Training Institutes and cluster agencies, they who are engaged in responding to inquirers and in much gathering of data, they who bring together at timely intervals members of the Faith’s various institutions to reflect and consult on regional progress, it is not difficult to see why providing each of the 12 Councils with a generous allotment of our precious Funds is both a necessity and a sound investment.

For all this work so critical to the progress of the Plan to proceed unhindered, funds must be readily available when needed. This is why we have established milestones measuring our progress toward our National Fund goal at quarterly intervals throughout the fiscal year.

At present, with about five months of the fiscal year already behind us, our contributions stand at $9.1 million, about 26 percent of our National Fund goal of $35 million. Without a concerted effort to achieve the $14.7 million expected at the year’s midpoint on October 31, we could enter the second half of the fiscal year with contributions lagging significantly behind, once again creating for ourselves an urgent situation requiring extraordinary measures to remedy.

Dearest friends, the challenges of the current Plan will be with us for some time to come; if they are to be successfully surmounted, the multitude of vital activities taking place in the 12 regions of the country must be maintained. As a letter written on behalf of the beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, so aptly puts it:

“The Guardian would advise your Assembly to continue impressing upon the believers the necessity of their contributing regularly to the [N]ational [F]und. . . . Nothing short of a continuous flow of contributions to that [F]und can, indeed, ensure the financial stability upon which so much of the progress of the institutions of the Faith must now inevitably depend.”

We turn to you, members of a community characterized by a loving Guardian as “the outstanding protagonists of the Cause of God,” confident in your readiness―so often and so remarkably demonstrated―to respond, at any hour, to the pressing needs of that Cause. Let us, with a fresh outpouring of contributions to our National Fund, ensure that the exciting community-building work taking place in scores of clusters across the nation continues, without abatement, to be encouraged, aided, and stewarded by our highly capable 12 Regional Bahá’í Councils.

Our love and prayers for your happiness, well-being, and great success surround you at all times.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,


Juana C. Conrad Treasurer

Baha'i Trend exposed by Google Trends !

Courtesy : Google Trends

Some interesting facts, thanks to Google Trends :

•  Iran is the most interested country with Search Interest 100. The most interested city in Iran is Qom! Imagine why ;-) ?
•  Israel - 4th
•  Australia - 11th
•  Canada - 13th
•  Pakistan - 15th
•  Saudi Arabia - 16th
•  United States - 19th
•  India does not stand in the first 25 interested countries ! But according to Baha'is this is the country with largest Baha'i population. Latest Indian Census Data (2011) released in 2016 puts the Baha'i figure at 4572. What a Shame !

Baha'i 'religion' losing the race. From 2004 to 2016 interest in the Baha'i cult declined most. Google Trends.

Courtesy : Google Trends

The graph is self explanatory.

Here are some comments by Haifan Baha'is.

Steve Cooney :

It probably represents declining interest in the Bahai Faith vis a vis other things like Pokemon Kanye etc. This is not a new trend The Bahai Faith has been in decline esp in the West for quite a while Blogging activity is another downward trend. If it weren't for paid bloggers the Bahai Faith would be invisible in the blogosphere. The Bahai World Centre cannot find volunteers for hundreds of unfilled positions. There is no wait list for pilgrimage now you can go on demand pretty much. The number of publications on the BF has been declining especially since 2001. There are however some signs of a grass roots renewal in the under 30 demographic. None of this is really a surprise....

Don Calkins :

I think there is a strong correlation in the U.S. w/ the way Ruhi and the Core Activities were implemented. People were told to stop doing the things they had been doing that attracted people to the Faith. Enrollments have plummeted. Enrollments had been in a decline in 2000 for around 15 years, but they really took a nose dive soon thereafter.

Don Calkins :

Enrollments in 94 when the USNSA met w/ the House of Justice was about 130 per month. 2000 they were down to about 100, around 2003/4 they were down to around 75 and the last 5 years or so have rarely been over about 55, currently running below 50. If you have access to old TAB you can track this via monthly stats.

Another indicator is the number of Baha'is noted in various newspaper by non-Baha'i organizations as Baha'is for their community involvement. I used to track it via google and brag about it. We were running several a month, sometimes more and they quickly nearly stopped. Since about 2003 we rarely have move than a couple per year.

This should not be blamed entirely on Ruhi. The religious well is being poisoned by religious right rhetoric. The true silent majority is quietly walking way from all religion. And they are not going to be particularly impressed by Ruhi or the Core Activities.

It is not an issue of which is more important or effective. that is a bogus discussion. IMO Ruhi and the Core Activities were supposed to be an additional level of functioning, not a replacement. While the House of Justice has indicated this older type of activity is needed, we have lost 20 years of experience and good will, experience and good will that could have been used to feed into the Core Activities. and it is prob going to take a lot longer than that to get it back.....

Robert Moldenhauer :

Australia is similar to the US. Enrolment has been dropping for years. It dropped below 100 per year the previous year and recovered to 124 last year. Even adding in youth reaffirmations the net is still negative.

The trend in Australia has been the slow replacement of the (mainly white) Baha'is with Persians. My old community (Parramatta) had about 500 members in 1980 with no Persians. It now has a membership of about 500 with 1 non-Persian.

What a Joke !? Baha'is of India identify themselves as Muslims due to persecution !

Shoeb Khan | TNN | Sep 10, 2016, 11.36 AM IST

JAIPUR: The state has just one registered Jew and about 85 Parsis among its population of 6.85 crore, as per the Census report on other religions released recently.

Parsis, who set foot in this region during the British era over a century ago, are on the verge of `extinction' in the state. Both these ethnic minority have their roots in Ajmer, Merwara, which was directly under the colonial rule.

In a surprise, Rajasthan also has 50 persons who identified themselves as members of Natural Religion (religion of nature), which follows Native American traditions.

However, none of them could be traced. Pushkar in Ajmer has a rich history of Jews which goes back to the period before the founding of Israel (1948).

Over the past few decades, the number of Jews outnumbers other foreign tourists in Pushkar. It's also home to one of the nine Chabads (religious centre of Jews) in the county , where Jewish festivals are still celebrated.

Though TOI tried to track the lone Jewish person registered as a Rajasthan national, he couldn't be traced. The Jewish population is barely above 500 in the country. Parsis, known for their business acumen, came to Ajmer to establish the railways from Gujarat and Bombay . They numbered 300 during the period between 1870 and 1890. With the Parsi population fast declining in the country , their numbers have dwindled to 85 in 2011.

Adarbad Motafram, a lone priest living in Ajmer and a caretaker of the fire temple, says, "Barely 20-21families from my community are left in Rajasthan. Ajmer has nine families, Udaipur five, Jaipur three, Jodhpur and Kota one each.We gather during our festivals, with Nowruz the most popular." Motafram is a geography professor at the Government College of Ajmer.

Buddhism, which had flourished in Hadoti region, has only about 12,000 followers in the state now. The Buddhist monasteries or complexes at four places -Bhairat in Alwar, Kholvi in Jhalawar, Bandarez in Dausa and Ramgoan in Tonk -testifies to the strong presence of Budhism in this region, which has disappeared with time.

Discovered by the Archaeological Survey of India's (ASI) first director-general Alexander Cunningham in the late 18th century , these historical sites are today crying for attention from the state.

Baha'i, considered one of the most persecuted religions, also has its presence in Rajasthan, in Jaipur. They often hit the headlines for being persecuted in Iran and Turkey . Figures say that the state has 18 Baha'is. They also have a religious centre in Sanganer which faced attacks in 2015 over the ownership of property . Most of their religious practices are identical to Islam, and names similar to Muslim names. Baha'i religious leaders claimed they have followers numbering to about 20,000 in the state."Due to persecution, we identify ourselves as Muslims," said a Baha'i leader, requesting anonymity.

Source :

Baha'i cult UHJ admonishes Jamshed Fozdar

Mr. Jamshed Fozdar - disenchanted Baha'i of Singapore

Bahá’í World Centre • P.O. Box 155 • 31001 Haifa, Israel
Tel: 972 (4) 835 8358 • Fax: 972 (4) 835 8280 • Email:

6 November 2009

The Spiritual Assembly of
the Bahá’ís of Singapore

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

The Universal House of Justice has received your letter dated 2 November 2009, together with its enclosures, regarding the further actions of Mr. Jamshed Fozdar. His latest communication to your Assembly is indeed highly regrettable. Your Assembly should write to him to say that it has nothing further to add to what was conveyed to him in your letter of 15 October 2009 and to urge him to reflect upon the guidance it contained.

The House of Justice has also noted Mr. Fozdar’s actions in sending critical and contentious messages to Bahá’í institutions and agencies in Singapore. It is confident that your Assembly will assist them not to be disheartened by such communications and remind them that there is nothing to be gained by attempting to engage in a dialogue with the writer. Rather they can be encouraged to move forward with vital work of the Cause within the framework of the Five Year Plan, turning their faces to the Abhá Beauty and trusting in His unfailing care and protection.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat

cc: International Teaching Centre
Board of Counsellors in Asia
Counsellor Irene Chung

Source :

NSA Netherlands : "The Universal House of Justice has advised us... to remove your name from our membership roll"

Self enthusiastic Baha'i Theologian - Sen McGlinn
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the Netherlands

November 2005

Dear Mr. McGlinn,

The Universal House of Justice has advised us of its conclusion that, on the basis of your established pattern of behaviour and the statements you have published, you cannot properly be considered as meeting the requirements of Baha’i membership.

Accordingly, we have removed your name from our membership roll and have informed the Baha’i institutions concerned.

Sincerely …[signature]

Source : Sen McGlinn's blog.