Question and Answers - Baha'i faith and Israel ?

April 1968: A Baha'i delegation met with Israel's President, Zalman Shazar

Question :
(A) Why are Baha'is forbidden to teach their faith in Israel?
Baha'i Answer : Bahaullah, founder of the Baha'i Faith, prohibited teaching the faith in Sham (the Ottoman province of Syria which includes present-day Israel and Palestinian territories) [1]. Note that this ruling was made at least 56 years before the establishment of the state of Israel.
Reality : Yeah! Right! Let's exclude people from attaining salvation simply because they live in a specific geographical location: The vast territories called "Sham"! I can just imagine how this law was introduced: "I Baha'u'llah, have brought a new religion from God but but but (stutters) God told me no one is allowed to teach the faith to those leaving in SHAM." Funny that Baha'is think this excuse is justified for Israel while they call the actions of the Iranian government for implementing the exact same rule but within its own borders persecution. Pure hypocrisy at its finest.
In case you didn't realize in my response, I said nothing about SHAM. I said Israel. The current ruling states Baha'is can have no activities in ISRAEL, not SHAM. ISRAEL is not SHAM. In case you didn't know Baha'is are merrily living in and teaching their beliefs in SHAM: ....
Question :
(B) Why are there no Baha'i community in Israel? Baha'i Answer : With the onset of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Baha'i community of Palestine left the region to avoid becoming involved in the political dispute.
Reality : Meaningless argument. Baha'is claim they do not involve themselves in politics in any manner. Stating that they left Israel "to avoid becoming involved in the political dispute" is pure baloney. Baha'i live in many many regions with grave political situations but they never leave those places. Do Baha'is take us for fools when they put forward these lame excuses?

Question :
(C) Do you know what Local Spiritual Assemblies do?
Baha'i Answer : They register marriages and divorces, organize devotionals (that is when they meet in each other's homes to pray), etc. None of this warrants persecution. 
Reality : Baha'is are not being persecuted or prosecuted for any of that. As I said Baha'is are free to practice their own beliefs within themselves. Get married according to their own customs, divorced, pray and... as long as they don't proselytize in Iran. That is the law in Iran. Disobey it and you will be PROsecuted like all laws in all countries.

You forgot to mention that Local Spiritual Assemblies are part of the Baha'i dictatorship hierarchy, they take orders from the next level in rank and convey it to the adherents. e.g. so and so Baha'i dude is now considered a covenant breaker and no one in the community including his parents, spouse, children can speak with him and must all shun him. The LSA also gathers intelligence from those in the community and threatens dissidents and those that dare to question the rulings of the dictatorship order. You didn't know all this or you simply ignored it?

Question :
A Baha'i pretending to be a Shiite claims : All religions have some sort of organization and hierarchy. Living in Canada, as a Shia, I am blessed to live near Shia mosques, community centers, and even a Shia highschool! All thanks to freedom of religion. And yet, we turn a blind eye to what happens in the only Shia country in the world. We forget that they too (eg, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus) should also have freedom of religion. Truth will ultimately prevail so why does the Iranian government resort to closing down Baha'i business and debar Baha'is from universities? 
Answer : No religion has a hierarchy and organization like that of Baha'ism. The UHJ is a pure dictatorship. They decide if you can be considered a Baha'i or not, they decide who you can or cannot socialize and speak with, they decide where you can or cannot travel to, they even decide what portions of there scripture can be translated or distributed... disobey and you will be punished big time. In its organized form it is a government within a government. No country will tolerate such behavior. If your going to practice your beliefs in this manner you're gonna need a legal Permit from the government and well, they don't have that permit in Iran. They have the freedom to practice their beliefs individually but organizational and proselytization is a big no no, just like in Israel.

Did you know Baha'is believe non-Baha'i schools are: death incarnate, a cause of stagnation, abatement and humiliation? No, well read this:

That is all the stuff they never tell you about. If any organization or faith system with such sick beliefs wanted to erect a school where I live then rest assured that I would be the first person to oppose its establishment and propagation of its beliefs. But they are free to practice their beliefs among themselves, no one would care less let, even the Iranian government.

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