Why Baha'is are persecuted in Iran and some other countries ?

The students of underground Baha'i university "BIHE" in Iran

The students of underground Baha'i university "BIHE" in Iran

It is actually PROsecution not PERsecution.

Putting aside all the propaganda and exaggeration that Baha'is spread about what happens to them or how they are treated in Iran; the answer to this question is very simple.

Baha'ism is not a simple religious entity where you keep your beliefs to yourselves. It is an ORGANIZATION where the adherents are required by their beliefs to participate in all matters of the cult in an organized matter taking orders in a hierarchical form from the highest in rank, the Universal House of Justice, down to the Local Spiritual Assemblies.

Any organization, and I repeat any organization in any country, must first obtain the necessary legal approvals in accordance with that country's laws for it to be able to start its activities. Baha'is have received no approvals whatsoever and their organizational activities are all illegal in Iran. When they are busted by the authorities for their illegal activities they go around claiming that they are being PERSECUTED FOR THEIR BELIEFS while in reality it is LEGAL PROSECUTION.

Funny thing is, the Israeli government does not allow them to have any activities in Israel and Baha'is happily oblige and never protest. Their persecution in Israel is so harsh that they are not even allowed to live in Israel (only allowed a short few day visit to visit their holy sites, and only IF the Universal House of Justice allows them), yet they never ever protest to this. This hypocritical behavior makes matters even worse for them in Iran because they are obviously making themselves a tool of the western governments against Iran by this attitude.

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