Panama Paper Leaks : Prominent Indian Baha'i among those stashing money abroad.

 Who knew that a Doctor could be a multi-billionaire? Who knew that he could be floating companies abroad? Who knew that he could be stashing away money in his sole proprietary firm in BV Islands?

Who knew a Baha'i could be doing all this??

AND also being the Chairman of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Mumbai and the doctor's mother also being an active member of the National Spiritual Assembly of India.

In this case, the person who brought shame to the Baha'i Faith, is none other than Dr. Jehangir Sorabjee himself, son of Mrs. Zena Sorabjee, NSA member of Baha'is of India.

Unfortunately in past also, there have been instances when some of the Baha'is have been accused for embezzling funds, running Hawala Transactions, obtaining passports by submitting false address proofs, various FIRs have been registered against them but this one has gone a bit too far.

Ex-Continental Counselor Payam Shoghi was arrested by Delhi Police from
Indira Gandhi International Airport while fleeing from the country to Columbia.

The LSA and NSA asks us to contribute to various funds such as Temple maintenance, books publishing, etc etc and last but not least 19% of savings are compulsorily asked in the name of Huququllah - The right of God.

Someone should check how much Jehangir gives as Huququllah or he sends all his money abroad !?

Now, luckily with this scam exposed, it is very clear where all the money of Sorabjee is going ! May be that also includes the money from Zia Mody, his sister.

It is an eye - opener for me and I will now think twice before giving any of my money to Baha'i individuals. The Huququllah board has appointed various individuals to collect money on their behalf. These people many times do not issue the receipt of the Huquq immediately. Only God knows if this money viz. the right of God... reaches its destination or lands somewhere in Panama or British Virgin Islands!

In addition to the accused money squandering, Mr. Sorabjee has been involving himself in commenting on political issues e.g. tweeting against Chief Minister of Delhi, Shri Arvind Kejriwal's policies and telling him that his government is a pathetic failure or criticizing the TCS for giving Rs 231 crores to Carnegie Mellon University instead of Indian Institutions, whereas he himself is transferring his and may be Baha'i money abroad !! Aren't their Tax Saving schemes and opportunities in India ?

Dr. Sorabjee is the chairman of the LSA of Baha'is of Mumbai for years without attending any of the Baha'i meetings. He feels himself to belittle of calling himself a Baha'i. His life is full of anti-Baha'i principles. He has an unsuccessful married life. He has divorced his wife Deepika at the fag end of her carrier where she is suppose to restart her carrier as a DOCTOR.

Baha'is are supposed to be loyal to the country in which they stay but here we see that he has gone against the laws of his country. Only the time will show that!

If the Iceland PM can resign over the Panama incident, the least Mr. Sorabjee can do is resign from the membership of Local Spiritual Assembly of Baha'is of Mumbai and Mrs. Zena Sorabjee taking the responsibility on his son bringing bad repute to the Faith should immediately step down from the membership of National spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of India.

This is a humble suggestion from a Baha'i who has worked with Late Mrs. Shireen Fozdar and I am sure she must be upset in the Abha Kingdom to see her generations bringing bad repute to the Faith.

Shared by : Poonam Sharma, India

1 comment:

  1. I do not know the facts to comment on the matter, I feel like advising you that nothing will happen by writing to UHJ or NSA. As a Bahai since 1991, I have a rich experience how they deal with the matter. If you complain against a 'thief', they will forward your letter to that 'thief' and ask him to do justice. So you know what will happen? So why waste time?

    As a soul in love with Bahaullah, I observe painfully how Bahai faith has been made ransom in the hands of few people. Some of them embezzle funds, others use Bahai Houses for business purpose and so on. And they are "the most trusted friends of the Faith" these days. Everything has been institutionalised, changed into a 'cadre' ... so much so that even if Bahaullah comes, these people will refuse to recognise Him and will ask: "Hi, have you completed Ruhi Book 4?"

    Where is that Bahai spirit now? You don't see what type of people are appointed as international counsellors who promote their own NGO, counsellors who have no bearing, NSA and RBC members with a limping personality? What can you do?

    Be silent and wait for the justice of Bahaullah.
