How Baha'is use their women ?


The year 2016 began with sizzling rumor (later confirmed to be fact) of outgoing young Sama Sabet having unusually close friendship with middle-aged international correspondent R. Gandhi. Sabet knew the theory well that, "Happiest moment of a man is his weakest also".

Well versed in the art of baiting men, Sama is well known for the several boyfriends she has. This ability was nurtured by the Baha’i background to which she owes allegiance to. Baha’i Religion is a miniscule cult whose female adherents have a determined intent to convert or influence by hook-or-crook, this is a part of their culture, to be shamelessly appealing to kindle interest in the opposite sex.

Gandhi was just another victim.

Delhi based Gandhi, married with two children and an influential correspondent till recently associated with CBC (and now with a prominent Indian News Media), was another target.

Sama, based in Kashmir, had come to Delhi for service to the nefarious Lotus Temple. Gandhi on a visit to temple was trapped by Sama. Was it just a beginning of another illicit relation, or was it planned? For answering this we must refer to the history of the faith in past 75 years, and we find several rich and influential Indians ending into an affair with Baha’i girls (like Soonawallahs, Sorabjees, Gandhis, Motiwallahs, Gaurs, Jindals and….) only to get weakened from their inherited religion and sucked into the Baha’i cult. Needless to say their wealth, influence and progeny are gifted to the Baha’i Faith.

Statistically today, in India the Baha’i Faith members have highest per capita income. No one has perhaps bothered to analyze the reason. Had such illicit relations and love stories been read more seriously, the truth would have been exposed.

Sama has and is using Gandhi to access International Media, to showcase the Baha’i Faith. Gandhi has opened his heart (and wallet) for continued companionship of (not so) beautiful Sama. Gandhi has further obliged by going against his profession ethics, to give free hand to Sama (read Baha’is) to propagate her religion.

Sama Sabet trapping innocent Indian boys to join Baha'i cult.

Gandhi has been cheated (in return of favors shown by a (not so) beautiful Baha’i lady) but Journalism has been dealt a severe blow. Alas, a tool for exposing injustice has taken a corrupt turn.  Will fellow journalists keep silence?

In fact going a step forward the scam has to be further exposed before other journalists like Gandhi fall in trap.

Pls. Note : Above article has been edited by the blogger. Original can be read at the following link

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