Fake Ayatollah Masoumi Tehrani and the claims of a "poor" Iranian Baha'i exposed !

Here is a short debate from reddit :

Can anyone TL;DR me what they mean by "Baha'i rights"? What are they lacking exactly? (I don't want to insinuate that they don't lack anything, I'm just ignorantly looking for some info)
Good question. Here is a general over view of the persecution of Baha'is by Islamic goverments and (to some extent, people).
As an example, Baha'is in most islamic countries are unable to attend university. My mother was a the top student in her school and had even recieved a perfect score for Islamic Studies (despite being a Baha'i), but since she was a Baha'i, she couldn't attend higher education.
More rights that Baha'is don't have include, passport to travel, able to have their own business, be able to practice their faith privately, meet with other Baha'is for Holy days, and establish and regulate their own Baha'i community and administration (Baha'is respect the islamic theocracy and don't preach to muslims).
As an example, Baha'is in most islamic countries are unable to attend university.
In Iran they can attend University, but they insist on proselytizing their beliefs and that is when they are barred. Only a small number are barred every year while the majority complete their studies.

More rights that Baha'is don't have include, passport to travel, able to have their own business, be able to practice their faith privately, meet with other Baha'is for Holy days, and establish and regulate their own Baha'i community and administration (Baha'is respect the islamic theocracy and don't preach to muslims).
What a bunch of lies. I personally know Baha'is here, one is an optometrist and another sells detergents. They have passports and easily travel back and forth from Iran. The ones I know have children studying abroad. They easily practice their faith and routinely hold their nineteen day feasts... They preach and proselytize to Muslims on every chance they get. I was personally proselytized multiple times and so were a number of my friends. Take your lies and propaganda and post them elsewhere.
You have no idea haha! I love your entertaining posts though. Interesting to see what you make up every time.
Laugh all you want but you can't laugh your lies off.
I feel bad for you :(
Baha'is believe Islam is abrogated and all it's prophecies have been fulfilled through their leader who believes he is God (while nothing has been fulfilled). In most Islamic countries it is considered a deviant cult and thus the followers are prohibited from proselytizing their beliefs. They defy these orders, insist on getting converts in Muslim countries then whine about their rights being abused when they are prosecuted for disobeying government rules.

Just a quick reminder to those people reading this section. This Ayatollah is a fake. He was created by the Baha'is for propaganda purposes. I live in Iran and I have asked people from the Hawza and academics in the field of theology from prominent universities. No one, not a single person has heard of him and no one knows where he has come from.
You don't become an Ayatollah overnight and it is no easy take. You have to study for years. Your credentials, your supervisor, the schools you attended must all be clear. But this fraud is a complete mystery. No nothing, just a name and a picture.

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/3yq97a/ayatollah_masoumi_tehrani_supports_bahai_rights/

Also check : http://masoumi-tehrani-exposed.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. This CIA Bahai "ayatollah" has lately been characterizing Daesh/ISIS as our "our Muslim brothers" on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AbdolhamidMasoumiTehrani/photos/a.10152104103781588.1073741827.291988231587/10153396400101588/?type=3&theater
