CRISTINA H. VILLAMIL – Former National and International Resource Person to non- active clusters, Former Auxiliary Board Member for NCR-CALABARZON, Former Regional Institute Coordinator For Southern Luzon, Regional Baha’i Council for Southern Luzon- Former Member, Local Spiritual Assembly of Caloocan- Former Member, Interfaith Dialogue- Former Representative - RESIGNS FROM BAHA'I CULT

After a very careful scrutiny and study about the Baha;i Faith, my family have found out that the teachings of Baha’u’llah is not the Truth. It did not conform with the teachings of Christ and the Holy Bible. We know that the Spiritual Teachings of Moses and Christ would last forever and will not be altered by an ordinary man like Baha’u’llah. Just as we are overjoyed in becoming Baha’is before same is our exultation now of professing this new found truth-we want to inform all the Baha’is that since the month of March 2012, me and my husband Rudy and my 3 sons namely Christopher, Rudy Jr. and Francis have decided to recant our Faith as a Baha’i.

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1 comment:

  1. The Purpose of Religion is to make us Humans better people, to improve ourselves, so as to bring us closer to our God (creator). All religions that promote this including the Baha'i Faith ....are for the betterment of the world. If you believe in one ....essentially you believe in all, because you believe in the betterment of Humanity... It really does not matter what path you take to God, your Creator. He is the All Merciful, the All Knowing, the All Wise. But, to incite differences between all Religions, to Knowingly create animosity, to bring disharmony and disunity ..... Then we have to reflect.... on our own motives !! ....It is definitely not a spiritual approach and maybe self serving.
