Baha'i Pioneer Arrested in Yemen

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Baha'is in Iran

Baha'is in Iran

Iranian national to stand trial in Yemen for espionage

SANA'A, Jan. 12 (Saba) – An Iranian national is to stand trial in Yemen on charges of spying with a foreign country and seeking to spread a new religion.

The defendant was arrested in Mukalla City of Hadramout province in 2014, while other suspects in the case are pursued by the security services, a judicial source at the Penal Prosecution said.

The prosecution completed the case investigation and referred it to the Specialized Penal Court in the Capital Sana'a as a prelude to start the trial, the source added.

According to the indictment, the accused, whose name is Hamid Mirza Kamali Srostani (Iranian nationality), 51, has impersonated the name of Hamid Kamal Mohammed bin Haidarah and lived in the Socotra archipelago and in Mukalla on the pretext that he has free businesses.

During the period from 1991 to 2014, Srostani has sought with a foreign country (Israel) represented in what is called the Universal House of Justice that he works to its advantage, to spread the Baha'i Religion in the territory of the Republic of Yemen, the prosecution said in the indictment, considering that harms Yemen's political status and its independence and territorial integrity.

In the indictment, the prosecution revealed that the defendant incited a number of Muslims to exit from Islam and embrace the Baha'i religion by enticing the poor families and children with money and charitable aid.

The penal prosecution explained that the accused has held a number of meetings and symposiums in several forums and houses affiliated to him comprising Baha'is and Yemenis to elect members of the so-called 'the central sacred lodge' and form its branches in the provinces.

The defendant falsified many official papers, gave false statements and changed his personal documents and used them to buy land and establish business ventures for the purpose of bringing in a large number of Baha'is to Yemen, the penal prosecution added.

Source : Yemen News Agency (SABA)

Also appeared in Arutz Sheva, Israel

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