وزير الداخلية حسين المجالي : الأردن رفض ترخيص الطائفة البهائية

Interior Minister Mr. Husain Al-Majali refused to recognize the Baha'i cult in Jordan 

Translation : The minister in front of the House of Representatives on Wednesday (02-07-2014) declared that his government has rejected the Baha'i appeal to grant their cult a Non-Muslim, minority "Religion Status" in Jordan. About other 11 christian sects he has removed 2 sects from the list and did not gave his decision about the remaining 9 christian sects.

Interior Minister Mr. Husain Al-Majali refused to recognize the Baha'i cult in Jordan. United States is again worried. See the condemnation of United States in its so called "Human Rights" report of this country. US is interested in having the Baha'i nets everywhere in the Muslim world. After gaining success in Indonesia, they are now behind Jordan and pressurizing the Jordanian Government to recognize this cult as a Religion.

If you are interested in the translation of the above text. Please help yourself with google translate. Thank you.

Following are the two links where Baha'is are teaching the Arab Muslims about the Holy Quran and Islam !!!!! They say, this way they are building a better society and establishing unity!! I say do this in Israel. Teach Zionist Israelis about Baha'u'llah and your universal peace!


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