UHJ is interested in having more Martyrs from Iran!

'Great' Ayatollah Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani gifts a writing of Baha'u'llah to the Haifan UHJ
The Bahá’ís of the World
Allah u Abha
In a very recent incidence as mentioned by UHJ in letter dated 7 April 2014 that an Iranian senior cleric has presented to the Bahá’ís of the world, an exquisite calligraphic prepared by him of a passage in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas wherein Baha'u'llah calls upon His followers to: “Consort with all religions with amity and concord, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God.” 
The letter requested the Bahá’ís to contact their Office of External Affairs to take immediate steps, in consultation with individuals and like-minded organizations, to draw widespread attention to it. The Office of External Affairs was also to call upon its contacts in the mass media, as well as Bahá’ís and others with whom it has established relationships and who have achieved distinction in such fields. The letter assured the Bahá’ís that alongside the foregoing action, the Bahá’í International Community, will be apprising its contacts at the United Nations and among international non-governmental agencies of the significance of this gift. The UHJ also hoped that The Brussels Office of the Bahá’í International Community will, in addition, pursue related action at the level of the European Union.

Surprisingly the letter further states that “Given the considerable risk to the personal freedom and safety of Ayatollah Masoumi-Tehrani on account of this courageous act, the fact that people of prominence in the political, religious, and civil spheres express their support publicly, may well serve as a protection for him. Your Office of External Affairs may consider making approaches to some of its high-level contacts in government and elsewhere on this matter, on a confidential basis.”

I have been a member of NSA of an Eastern country for almost twenty years and since then every month I see a Message from House asking the Bahá’ís to meet the prominent people or government officials or writing open letters to Iranian leaders. It surprises me that what is the purpose of this. It looks like the UHJ has no concern with the teachings of Baha’u’llah and its just involved in political matters. And then claims that Bahá’ís do not indulge in politics.

The recent letter of the UHJ has many unexplained points:
  1. Even if the said cleric has gifted his calligraphy to the Bahá’ís, then it is a gesture. Why  the Government of Iran should eliminate him and moreover in which way the governments of other countries are concerned with it. Isn’t the UHJ itself is suggesting the government of Iran to take some action against the cleric? It looks like the UHJ is playing a part of clever enemy and not a good friend for the cleric inspite of his gesture. UHJ by this way is really putting the life of the said cleric in danger. UHJ is not trying to PROTECT the cleric they want to further EXPOSE the cleric to the Iranian authority. 
  2. The UHJ is trying to make this incidence as an excuse of meeting various governments’ officials and influential people. I guess that the Bahá’ís must have informed and UHJ must have realized that the Government officials of various countries are no more interested in meeting them and are refusing to give any hearing to Bahá’ís. The declining support of countries towards various motion tabled by western countries on human right issue is an indication towards it.
  3. My Persian Bahá’í friends who echoed same sentiments regarding this letter believed that this recent incident is fake, the Website is fake and it is operated from outside Iran. He said that this will put further restrictions on Bahá’ís and Bahá’í Faith. He narrated a recent incident that a couple of months back there was a news originated from some corners that an Iranian Mollah has praised Bahá’í Faith on Iranian TV. He said that we investigated the matter and found that the whole news is fictitious. When he talked to other Bahá’ís they were of the opinion that Bahá’ís themselves are putting these fake news on internet to get some publicity for them and putting their own Bahá’í brothers under more problems. He further said UHJ is interested in having more Martyrs from Iran.
  4. A Persian Bahá’í recently informed me that he has come to certain conclusion that It was only UHJ who was interested in death sentence for Yaran so they could easily gather money from the Bahá’ís of the World. But the Iranian government acted smartly and waved off their death sentence and destroyed the Party of UHJ.
  5. Never UHJ has taken some concrete steps to help the Bahá’ís of Iran. Whatever steps they took resulted in increased persecution of Bahá’ís.
  6. Same policy UHJ has followed in other countries resulting in imprisonment of Bahá’ís in Indonesia, deportation in Uzbekistan arrest in India. The list is endless.
  7. Isn’t it is the responsibility of parent body to see that if the situation is not favorable in some parts of the world to ask Bahá’ís to slow down their activities till the situation turns favorable but always the Messages of the House and directives of the counselors are “Go to Court” , “Go to police”, register a complaint. Even a layman will understand that UHJ is interested in blowing the situation out of control so as to gain some benefit and in return Bahá’ís are put to more harassment, in the name of reforming and transformation of the society. Really is the Blood of Bahá’ís become so cheap!!!.
  8. He was very apprehensive of certain Iranian members of the UHJ whom he thinks are misguiding the UHJ and probably they are more close to Iranian Government then the teachings of Baha’u’llah. Instead of taking inspirations from the writings of Baha’u’llah they are being directed by friends of Iranian regime on regular basis.
  9. The problem of the Bahá’í world are Persian Bahá’ís. They make a group, they decide amongst themselves they dictate terms, they humiliate non-Persian Bahá’ís in every country, make mockery of them and all of them are interconnected to each other. If this tendency went unchecked then very soon we will see all nine members of UHJ as Persians. We will see an Iranian flag over UHJ and the same Ayatollah leading Friday prayers in Haifa.
Source : http://singaporebahais.blogspot.co.nz

1 comment:

  1. It is clearly opposite of teaching of Bahaullah in Eqtedarat Bahaullah has cursed Shia Mullas and warned Bahais to be away from them, and Universal House of Justice is praising the said Ayatullah. now Baha'is should know that UHJ is declaring that they are above the teachings of Bahaullah and they can disobey Bahaullah for their own interest. shortly they will inform Baha'is of world in their Ridhvan Message that while praying Baha'i should shift their position from Akka to Tehran, because of courtesy of said Ayatullah.
