Imprisoned in Dubai

Iranian Born - Baha'i Billionaire - Soheil Abedian
This is an extract, please read complete story at the links given below.

Rush accuses two Sunland executives of dobbing in Joyce and Lee in order to save their own skins in Dubai. “There were two people involved, I suggest, in your deliberate untruths, inaccuracies and incomplete answers,” he said, “and that was you and the other one was your boss, Soheil Abedian, two people that you had to protect, yourself and your boss, by giving incomplete, inaccurate and untruthful evidence.”

“That’s not correct,” Brown maintained.

Iranian-born Abedian, chairman and founder of Sunland Group, has also been put under the blowtorch in the witness box during the course of the Melbourne court case.

“By you co-operating, by maintaining the inaccuracies and the lies of the Sunland position, you avoided for Sunland proper scrutiny in Dubai,” Rush said to Abedian.

“You are so wrong, Mr Rush, it is laughable almost,” Abedian responded.

“It was essential for the Sunland investment in Dubai to ensure that Sunland came out of this squeaky clean,” Rush insisted.

Abedian admitted to the court that former Sunland Group director James Packer demanded the immediate liquidation of the company when the full extent of the bribery investigation in Dubai came to light.

Read complete articles :
Imprisoned in Dubai
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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