Getting chummy with old mates!

"...Sir 'Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l Baha had travelled extensively in Europe and America to expound his doctrines, and on the 4th December, 1919, was created by King George V. a K.B.E. for valuable services rendered to the British Government in the early days of the Occupation....." (This is written by the then British Governor of Occupied Palestine)

Abdul Baha's friendship with the Military Personals
Top Secret British Documents (For more details see :

Top Secret British Documents (For more details see :

Getting chummy with old mates!
The micro community of 5000 Baha'is; most of whom are Iranians, is one of the most dear Community to the government of UK. May be more dearer then the Jewish Community!

In 1918, the world was at war. The British fought the Turks for control of Palestine, and the British occupied Palestine in late 1918 at the Battle of the the Valley of Megiddo ("Armageddon").

Abdul Baha servant of the then Imperialist British Empire !

This is from the Haifan Baha'i Sources :

...on the prompt intervention of Lord Lamington, who immediately wrote to the Foreign Office to "explain the importance of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's position;" on the despatch which the Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, on the day of the receipt of this letter, sent to General Allenby, instructing him to "extend every protection and consideration to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, His family and His friends;" on the cablegram subsequently sent by the General, after the capture of Haifa, to London, requesting the authorities to "notify the world that 'Abdu'l-Bahá is safe;" on the orders which that same General issued to the General Commanding Officer in command of the Haifa operations to insure ‘Abdu'l-Baha's safety,...
The 'love' of the then cunning British Governors for Abdul Baha:

...Nor were the British authorities slow to express their appreciation of the role which 'Abdu'l-Bahá had played in allaying the burden of suffering that had oppressed the inhabitants of the Holy Land during the dark days of that distressing conflict. The conferment of a knighthood upon Him at a ceremony specially held for His sake in Haifa, at the residence of the British Governor, at which notables of various communities had assembled; the visit paid Him by General and Lady Allenby, who were His guests at luncheon in Bahji, and whom He conducted to the Tomb of Bahá'u'lláh; the interview at His Haifa residence between Him and King Feisal who shortly after became the ruler of Iraq; the several calls paid Him by Sir Herbert Samuel (later Viscount Samuel of Carmel) both before and after his appointment as High Commissioner for Palestine; His meeting with Lord Lamington who, likewise, called upon Him in Haifa, as well as with the then Governor of Jerusalem, Sir Ronald Storrs;...

He was knighted "Sir Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l-Baha" by the British in 1920 by General Allenby.
Abdul Baha getting rewarded for his Services rendered to the British Occupiers and Killers.
The man holding the award is Mr. Badi Bushrui, the father of Soheil Bushrui, at the far right, the second man is Harlan Ober, and the woman next to him is his wife, Grace Ober, holding a white piece of paper in her hand.  Two men to the left of Mr. Ober, with his left hand in his pocket and a cane in his right hand, appears to be Dr. Lutfullah Hakim, who was, 43 years later, elected to the Universal House of Justice.
Getting chummy with old mates!
Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government– pictured right – examines personal and historical items associated with ‘Abdu’l-Baha at a reception hosted by the British government for the Baha’i community, 28 November 2012.
5 December 2012 /13 Qawl 169 B.E.

Dearly loved Friends

In an unprecedented event, the UK government through its Department for Communities and Local Government initiated and hosted a reception in honour of the UK Bahá’í community to celebrate the Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s visit to Britain.

The gathering was held on Wednesday 28 November, the anniversary of the passing of the Beloved Master, at Eland House in London and attended by Government Ministers, Members of Parliament, civil servants, and some 80 believers representing the diversity of the UK community. The reception was addressed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP and the Minister for Integration, the Rt Hon Don Foster MP, who both spoke with warmth and appreciation for the contribution Bahá’ís are making to the betterment of their local communities. The Minister for Integration also quoted passages from the Writings of the Master, emphasising their ongoing relevance to the current needs of individuals and communities in the UK and the Government’s support in working towards their realisation.  A representative of the Bahá’í community also shared some remarks about the significance of the Master’s visit to Britain and the current work of the UK Bahá’í community.

The reception at Eland House represents a significant step forward in the Bahá'í community’s relationship with the UK Government and a full report of the proceedings can be found at

With loving Bahá'í greetings


Kishan Manocha
Secretary of External Affairs

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