Baha'u'llah was Jewish ?????

Jews in Israel
Baha'u'llah on his horse
The Most Great Law is come, and the Ancient Beauty ruleth upon the throne of David. Thus hath My Pen spoken that which the histories of bygone ages have related. (Baha'u'llah, Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, page 89)

He was moreover a descendant of Jesse, and belonged, through His father, Mirza Abbas, better known as Mirza Buzurg - a nobleman closely associated with the ministerial circles of the Court of Fath-'Ali Shah - to one of the most ancient and renowned families of Mazindaran. To Him Isaiah, the greatest of the Jewish prophets, had alluded as the "Glory of the Lord," the "Everlasting Father," the "Prince of Peace," the "Wonderful," the "Counsellor," the "Rod come forth out of the stem of Jesse" and the "Branch grown out of His roots," Who "shall be established upon the throne of David," (Shoghi Effendi: God Passes By, page 94)

More on this topic, please read here :
Baha'u'llah was Jewish, from the Throne line of King David!

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