Baha'is are not just Political, they are Hypocritical as well

The Baha'i faith is one of the most political movements around. After all, principles such as the ending of absolute national sovereignty, world government, universal currency, universal language, world tribunal, anti-communism, retention of constitutional monarchism, the abolition of non-Baha'i religious legal systems the retention of a class system, the abolition of tariffs, international police force, and so on are among the hottest political agendas.

Baha'i Faith is now no more concerned about Writings of Baha'u'llah, the laws of Aqdas and so on. What it is now concerned about is : The Trademark Registration, The Incorporation of the so called ‘Spiritual Assemblies’, The formation of External Affairs Departments with the objectives of establishing cordial relationship with political leaders and Media etc.

Having lost acceptability in the society the Baha'is have indulged themselves into cheap publicity for their so called Faith by writing open letters and having peace marches - read political marches - all over the world. These are indications of extreme depression and frustration enveloping in the Baha'i Administration.

Caring a damn for India, the Persian Baha'i representative in India, Mrs. Farida Vahedi betraying Indian hospitality, scolded and humiliated the Indians working at the Baha'i House at Delhi and went to the extent of saying “I care a damn for your country and its laws.” Well, Indians do care for their country and its laws.

Farida Vahedi and Nazneen Rowhani - Persian Ladies who control the Indian Baha'i Community
Baha'i Publicity in Germany
Baha'i Publicity in Australia
Baha'i Publicity in UK
Baha'i Publicity in US
Baha'is around the world are making attempts to use the media to proclaim the name of their Faith, to attract innocent non-Baha'is to their fold who are potential converts. And to make known the aims and existence of the Baha'i community. A first step of propagation and conversion.

The imprisonment of their Leaders in Iran is not a cause of concern to them, but an opportunity to develop a good rapport with Media. Here is an extract :
“A few preliminary thoughts on how the development of relations with the media can support and reinforce the major areas of activity of the Baha'i community. It seems important to acknowledge at the outset that many of the values which seem to underpin the work of the media today—an attachment to sensationalism, preoccupation with short-term concerns, and attraction to controversy, to name but a few—will likely present certain challenges in this regard. It is hoped that Baha'is making efforts in this field will be able to engage in learning about using the media to reinforce the efforts of the Baha'i community in ways that are consistent with its beliefs and activities.

The question of “newsworthiness” - For a story to be considered newsworthy by journalists, it generally needs to be seen as unusual, interesting and current. Unfortunately, this often leads to a focus on controversy and contention. While the persecution of the believers in Iran, such as the imprisonment of the former members of the Yárán, can meet the accepted criteria for newsworthiness from time to time, the longer the detention continues the more difficult it becomes to maintain media interest. To try to tell the story of Baha'is endeavoring to make a contribution to the material and spiritual wellbeing of the neighborhoods and villages in which they reside might well provide an even greater”
Not only is it disgraceful, but it is extremely hypocritical for the Baha'is seeking its condemnation of Iran for persecution of Baha'is, when they are doing the same to other sects of their own Faith namely, Orthodox Baha'is, Baha'is Under the Provision of Covenant and Reform Baha'is.

The persecution of the Haifan Baha'is towards the other sects of Baha'is may be different in scale (but only because the Haifan Baha'is does not have the power to imprison or execute them), they are motivated by the same idea that they perceive these sects to be heretical and because they are opposed to their religious authority, the so called ‘Universal House of Justice’. Such is the intolerance that Baha'is expect the federal courts in the United States to enforce their version of the Baha'i Faith, and say they are the one true Faith and other sects cannot be Baha'is.

Thank God that they were humiliated and disgraced by the Federal Courts in United States not once, not twice but thrice. The Baha'is should organize a peace march against the court ruling of United States as well.

Their entire Baha'i organization is a house of cards ready to tumble down at any time.

It is hardly enough to say that Baha'is are ‘non-political’ — they are not just a political group but they are politics personified and hypocritical as well.

By : Ravi Kumar
Source :

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