Freemasonry, British Empire and the formation of Bahá'í Cult

Posted By : Hermano Maximiliano

From the alliance with Sufism during the eighteenth century, it was only a short step during the nineteenth century for the British to sponsor the creation of the cults and pseudo-religions as a tool of the Empire policy. Having carefully studied the Roman Empire as their model, the British had concluded that one of the chief reasons the Roman oligarchy had survived for 1,000 years was because it had learned how to use cults and "religions" to control its people.

During the 1820s the British Oligarchy established the so-called Oxford Movement, a groundswell of religious reform fever organized by Oxford University, the Anglican Church, and Kings College of London University. Their movement created a special kind of British "missionary", whose task it was to spread the perverted gospel of the Oxford Movement into other parts of the world.

The umbrella for this movement was not a church, but the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

The missionaries of the Oxford Movement were assigned to build subsidiary branches of the Scottish Rite throughout the Empire.
When approaching an area like the Middle East, the Oxford Movement's freemasonic evangelists would not attempt to convert Muslims, for instance, to Christianity. Instead, they would try to bring the Muslim (Sufi) belief system into harmony with the cult practices of the Scottish Rite.
Because of their highly heterodox, cult beliefs, the Scottish freemason, were bitterly condemned by the Catholic Church as an antireligious conspiracy capable of undercutting the authority of the Pope within the Church.

The Oxford Movement and the British freemasons had an ally that had also been condemned by the Vatican: the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. The Anglo-Jesuit alliance still stands today as the centerpiece of the European nobility's dark ages plot.

The chief sponsors of the British cult-building project during this period were the British royal family itself and many of its leading prime ministers and aides, such as Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Palmerston, Lord Shaftesbury, and Edward Bulwer-Lytton. From the 1820s onwards, the British aristocracy was ruled by the clique of the most degenerate, sexually perverse, and evil men and women the world has known. For their model, they took the image of the monstrous cult center that was Pompeii, in ancient Rome, where animal worship and bestiality were rule of "civilized" behavior.

Bulwer-Lytton, who served as the head of Britain's Colonial Office and India Office for years and then was succeeded by his son, was a practicing member of the ancient cult of Isis and Osiris, a death cult of Egypt under the late pharaohs that spread its poison throughout the Mediterranean world in the years before the coming of Christianity. In his cult novel "The Last Days of Pompeii", Bulwer-Lytton set the foundation for the cults of the future generation. This paragon of the empire-builder is the grandfather of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of John Ruskin, the 1860s Metaphysical Society of Bertrand Russell, the 1880s Isis-Urantia Temple of the Golden Dawn of Aldous Huxley, and the Theosophy Society of Madame Blavatsky, who published "Isis Unveiled". Rites of black magic, devil worship, and self-mutilation were common feature of the British aristocracy during this period. Jack the Ripper was the most degenerate product of this cult life. His gruesome murders of whores in London's streets were part of a cult ritual!

The first recorder project of the nineteenth-century British cult aristocracy was the movement of the Bahais in Persia. Although it began as an experimental British foray in nonreligious, freemasonic cults, the Bahai movement would spawn the organizer of the future pan-Islamic movement - Jamaleddine Al-Afghani.

The Bahai cult was founded in approximately 1844 by the missionary named Miza Husayn Ali. He called himself Bahaullah. Today, the Bahais number over 300,000 in Iran alone, although many of them have quietly fled since the arrival of Khomeini's regime. But if their largest number is in Iran, the largest Bahai temple is in Haifa, Israel, and the world headquarters of the organization is in Wilmette, Illinois. Bahaiism began as a radical messianic cult in Persia that claimed to be a new religion and drew on a mishmash of Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian, and Jewish ideas. The Bahais argued that their new doctrine superseded all other religions in a "one world faith". Although they preached love and universal brotherhood, they quickly found themselves most unwelcomed throughout Persia and the Middle East, for the Bahais became known as religious fanatics who were willing to do anything to further the cause of their faith.

In 1852, a Bahai leader was arrested after he tried to assassinate the Shah of Persia. The Bahais were suppressed in Persia, and many of their top leaders rounded up and exiled, first to Baghdad and then to Constantinople.

During this time the Bahai leaders - then including Bahaullah and his son, Abdul-Baha - maintained close ties to both the British Scottish Rite and to a proliferation of branch temples and movements spreading into India, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and even Africa. In 1868, the Turkish government decided that it was too dangerous for the Bahais to be allowed to function freely, and they were placed under house arrest in Care, in Syria. But, with their powerful friends in London, the Bahai clique always managed to surface again.

By the 1890s, the cult was again gathering momentum, especially in Persia, E. G. Browne, a British cult specialist who studied Persia, went so far as to proclaim that the Bahais were the wave of the future in the Mideast.
The British administrator in Egypt, Lord Curson, declared that if they maintained their pace, the Bahais might "replace" Islam as the dominant religion in Persia!

By the firs years of the twentieth century, it was common knowledge that the Bahai was product of British inspiration.
They were accused by the Turkish government of trying to establish a pseudo tribal “colony" in Syria as beachhead for the British in the Ottoman Empire. In 1904 and again in 1907, the Turks investigated the Bahais, and the investigation's report recommended that they be banished from the Empire.

Before the sentence could be carried out, however, the so-called Young Turks - another fifth column of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the Gran Orient Lodge - seized power in their revolution. Abdul-Baha was released from prison.

After his release, the Bahai leader went to London and New York, where he met the elite of both cities.
In 1912, he set out on a speaking tour of the United States where, according to the official Bahai publications, he spoke to "university students, socialists, Mormons, Jews, Christians, agnostics, Esperantists, peace societies, New Thought clubs, women's suffrage societies" and many other centers.

In 1918, Abdul-Baha was knighted by the Queen of England.

Everywhere he went, he preached a single message: the necessity of abolishing nation-states, existing wolrd religions, and national borders to melt everything into a single world order. The Bahai cult took a leading role in the founding of the World League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations, and his organization had close ties to the World Nations, and his organization had close ties to the World Federalists.

Abdul-Baha's daughter married the founder of the so-called Esperanto language, a project to abolish all tongues and replace them with one language.
The Bahais could also be founded in the middle of the British-led social reform movements.

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