Human rights groups 'Trojan horses of the West'

The Libyan example proves to the world that so-called human rights organizations are really the Trojan horses of Western foreign policy, Middle East expert Sukant Chandan told RT from London.

­Doctors Without Borders recently suspended its mission in Misrata, saying it had to treat patients for injuries sustained during interrogation. Chandan believes that the so-called humans rights organizations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders traditionally have a Western-centric tinge to everything they do.

“They seem to provide 'human rights' justification for certain Western policies of foreign aggression,” he said. And once a country is invaded with humans rights organization helping to justify the aggression, there is always the sudden surprise that such an intervention could bring violations of the human rights such groups are meant to protect.

“Doctors Without Borders expresses surprise, but frankly they are being used in this way and they are allowing themselves to be used in this way. And it is high time people across the world see these human rights organizations like they really are the – basically the Trojan horses of Western foreign policy,” Chandan continues.

Libya has developed into torture state, Chandan says, while during the Gaddafi days “there was a much better human rights situation – by any standards.”

Human rights groups say the torture and killing of detainees is an ongoing problem in Libya, but it is doubtful that the militias responsible for torture will ever be held accountable, Chandan says.

And with Libya's new government accused of abuse in the country's detention centers, it’s been revealed that one former senior official could have fallen victim to torture too.

Libya’s ex-ambassador to France, Omar Brebesh, has died in custody the day after being detained by an armed group.

Chandan pointed out that he was by the city of Zantani's militia, which has been accused of torturing its political opponents to death.

“There are a lot of interesting political games going on in Libya,” he told RT, explaining why Zantani's militia is in the spotlight. “The Zantani militia are holding Seif al-Islam Gaddafi. And the West, especially the International Criminal Court, is very fearful of what the militia is going to do with Seif al-Islam.”
Because Gaddafi’s son does not have any means of communication and has not made any public statements, he remains militia’s “biggest power play.”

Looking at Iraq and Afghanistan, one can say that stability and peace is a remote prospect for Libya, Chandan concluded.

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