Bad days for Baha'is in United States - One more attack on a Baha'i Centre in Colorado

February 3, 2012

Colorado Springs, Colorado, Baha’is arrived at their Center for Feast Jan. 19 to find a scene of utter devastation.

Bookcases smashed and toppled. Chairs strewn about. Electronics and cash missing. A layer of fire extinguisher foam covering nearly everything.

Dismay quickly turned, though, to concern for the perpetrators.

“We stood outside and said prayers, and the first prayer was for whoever did it,” John Cole told reporter Mecca Rayne of KKTV Channel 11 News for a piece airing that evening.

Photo : Picture used is only for presentation purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Typical. A normal human response is to be angry at being abused. Baha'i's want to be seen as "loving", when they should expect to be respected, as they should respect others. Justice would be the appropriate motivation.
