Obama & Abdul Baha : U.S. Standard Bearer for Peace

Thanks to Wahid Azal for posting this on TRB

First see the above video then read this.

Obama Says : U.S. Standard Bearer for Peace

& Abdul Baha Says : U.S. is a Standard Bearer for Peace
I find the United States of America vast and progressive, the government just and equitable, the nation noble and independent. I attended many meetings where international peace was discussed and am always extremely happy to witness the results of such meetings, for one of the great principles of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings is the establishment of agreement among the peoples of the world.........

America has arisen to spread the teachings of peace, to increase the illumination of humankind and bestow happiness and prosperity upon the children of men. These are the principles and evidences of divine civilization. America is a noble nation, the standard-bearer of peace throughout the world, shedding light to all regions......
Click on the Image to see the 'Shoe Gifting'
But America—praise be to God!—is at peace with all the world and is worthy of raising the flag of brotherhood and international agreement. When this is done, the rest of the world will accept. All nations will join in adopting the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh revealed more than fifty years ago.....

Baha'u'llah's 100th Birthday Celebration in Chicago 1917.
The Servant of the then British Empire. He was awarded the title 'Sir' for his valuable services rendered to the British Government during occupation.
What he received in compensation?
Mrs. James Jackson Presents a House to Abbas Effendi.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
PARIS, June 3.—Bahaism, the religion of Persian origin which has been steadily gaining adherents for several years, has just received a fresh impetus through the generosity of one of its most prominent disciples, Mrs. James Jackson of New York and Paris.
Mrs. Jackson has presented a handsome residence to the present head of the movement, Abbas Effendi, 'Abdul Baha, " the servant of God." When she went to the East some time ago to study the teachings of the new faith, she built for herself a house in Persian style at Haifa, a small town at the foot of Mount Carmel, or the "Mountain of God," as it is also called, and it is this house which she has now made over to Abbas Effendi.
The prophet, who declares himself to be the " third manifestation of God" is the son of Baha‘u’llahh, who first brought the movement into prominence. He spent several years in prison, being regarded as a political offender by the Persian Government. His representative in Paris is Hippolyte Dreyfus, who recently married Miss Laura Barney.
Published: June 4, 1911 Copyright © The New York Times


  1. Normally Baha'is do not keep flags of any country into their homes or centers. I have visited many Baha'i centers and witnessed many Baha'i functions but never ever saw a flag of any country. The flag of America in this Baha'i program is very suspicious I doubt it's originality.

  2. abdul baha was a bloody begger.
