Ruled the 'Baha'i World' for 42 Years - Ian Semple is no more !

Like Ghadafi Ian Semple occupied the Baha'i Supreme Seat for 42 Years !
Ian C. Semple occupied the seat of "Universal House of Justice" for 42 years. He died on 1st December 2011. He became a Baha'i when he was young. He was an NSA member, then he was selected by his seniors to serve as an ABM, then he was pulled up to ITC, then finally to UHJ. Now he is 'enjoying' in Abha Kingdom with his friend Peter Khan and his 'like' Ghadafi.

Here is a good article written by Juan Cole (an ex-Baha'i scholar) about Ian Semple :

I am producing some extract here, full text is available on the above link :

Al-Qaida believes in the destruction of secular, civil governments and replacing them with a fascist theocracy.

Baha'i theocrats believe in the destruction of secular, civil governments and replacing them with a fascist theocracy.  Ian Semple, a member of the Baha'i Universal House of Justice, has for decades cast scorn on civil governments and spoken of his dream of a future when Baha'i Institutions will rule in their stead.

One pilgrim wrote,

"I recall being in Haifa in the '70s ('72 and '78) and hearing long talks about this from Ian Semple, on how the world was destined to be ruled by houses of justice and there will eventually be no distinction between church and state, with rather snide and smug comments about how at last the world will finally get it right and have God and Government fused through the power of the Baha'i covenant."

Note that this is the opposite of what `Abdu'l-Baha says in the Treatise on Leadership:

May God do justice with Ian "Sample"