How Baha'i faith is a Cult?

For Vimeo lovers here :

Abdul Baha (Son of Baha'u'llah) was one of the leader of Baha'i Cult
Based on "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan, here are the criteria for determining "cults":

1. How new members are found

Dangerous Cults: With many cults, you don't get to know what you are getting into until after you have made a commitment

Baha'i Faith: There are secrets but these secrets are not known to the poor, innocent, newly converted Baha'is. Does the common baha'i know that the Baha'i Elections are fully controlled by the "All Male, Supreme, All Infallibale, Haifan Organization"? Do they know that these are not spiritual but highly fraud and controlled? there are many secrets and are available on the internet. Search on google for "Pakistan Baha'i Election Fraud", "Baha'i Control on their Electoral System", "Baha'i Election fraud in India".

2. How funding is obtained.

Dangerous Cults: Commercial operations and/or mandatory donations (often large percentages) by members.

Baha'i Faith: Has commercial businesses, businesses associations, huge property investments, heavy bank deposits. They collect money from poor Africans, Indians, Burmese, Nepalis, Pakistanis in the name of Community Banking and then use these funds for proselytizing. Also auctions are held of different used Clothings of Baha'i Leaders for fund raising. If they know about you have money, they (Especially Iranian Baha'is) will start motivating you to give the HUQUQULLAH, which is then transferred to UHJ in Haifa and it is then used to maintain Huge Gardens on Mount Carmel. Ask the Baha'is what they have done for the destitute of Congo and Sudan? Some of the fund is used for Pioneering purpose and it is allocated by the Counselors to its own people, sometimes exceeding 15000 US$ a year. There are huge financial scams in the Baha'i community. Just google to learn more, Search for Baha'i financial scams in Dubai, India, Italy, Pakistan, Africa, Iran etc.

Recently a Saree (cultural dress worn by women in India) of Ruhiyyih Maxwell was auctioned to raise funds for Baha'i activities.

3. Charismatic central figure.

Dangerous Cults: Cults usually have a central living figure who often lives on income from adherents.

Baha'i Faith : "Baha'i Say: There is no clergy, paid or unpaid" Totally false!

There are no clergies but there are Counselors and ABMs. The ABMs are religious Police just like the one in IRAN and the Counselors are purely MULLAHs. They are those conducting difficult and important lectures on the subjects such as Covenant, Huququllah, Covenant Breaking, Baha'i Elections, Ruhi 8 etc. These are Baha'i MULLAHs and everybody is supposed to OBEY them without any questioning. You cannot be critical of them. Otherwise you are considered Critical of UHJ, the Supreme Baha'i Body. These Counselors and ABMs are mostly paid huge amounts for their services. These amounts are called as "Living Assistance". Even the International Counselors are House of Justice members are paid huge amounts collected from the poors in the name of Huququllah.

4. Investigation of truth

Dangerous Cults: Members are often told that it is dangerous to investigate other religions.

Baha'i Say: Baha'is are encouraged to investigate all religions, and to appreciate truth no matter where it is found. Totally Wrong.

Baha'is are strictly not allowed to read the material of other Baha'i Sects. They are told to immediately delete all the emails received by the "Critics" or Baha'is of other denominations. Immediately handover the 'UNREAD' material received by other sects to the Baha'i Mullas (Counselors). As this can damage their so called weak 'covenant'.

5. Behavior control, as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: Persons may be told where to live, what to wear, or what (and how much) to eat. Sleep and freedom to travel or move about may be limited

Baha'i Faith: Many Baha'is are Alcoholic (although officially it is prohibited). Shoghi Effendi prohibited the Baha'is from keeping long hairs. There is no freedom of travel. Every now and then guidelines (or Orders?) are issued to the Baha'i from their infallible supreme body. Behavior is fully controlled by the Supreme Baha'i Administrative Bodies. Once Baha'i Administration declares any fellow as a "Covenant Breaker" then other Baha'is are supposed to totally boycott / shun him even if he be your brother.

The advice of UHJ to Baha'is
"There is no excuse for believers continuing to associate with ... and those who, knowing everything, still insist on doing so, should be shunned by their fellow-Bahá'ís. The same applies to people who have left the Cause and associate with ..."

6. Thought control as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: There is often use of "thought-stopping" techniques such as chanting or speaking in tongues for long periods of time, setting up a type of hypnotic atmosphere

Baha'i Faith: The "Ruhi Institute" is specially meant to brainwash the newly converted. Read Ruhi Book 6 and 7 and learn yourself. And hypocrisy is the second name of Baha'i faith. See this

7. Emotional control, as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation or forced confession, and indoctrination against leaving the group. *

Baha'i Faith: Exactly same here, Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation (if you are critical of this cult) or forced confession, and indoctrination (Shunning) against leaving the group. Small mistakes are fined with the taking of "Voting / Administrative Rights"

8. What happens when people leave the religion

Dangerous Cults: People who leave cults are often considered to be dangerous and are usually shunned

Baha'i Faith: Exactly Same with the Baha'i Cult. Search the Phrase "Non-association with Covenant-breakers" and read the teachings of Baha'u'llah, Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi.


* Steve Hassan is a Cult Expert


  1. i agree with your definition of cults and its a cheating in the name of teaching. it is a paper faith and nothing beyond.

    1. Well ... the author of this article is a stupid fool who don't have a clue what they are talking about. you just want to spread your stupid comments about a religion you do not know anything about .. you are hoping the people who read your comment are uneducated and uninformed as you are .... to your readers I will advise you to do your own research on the Baha'i Faith and get your truth from that instead of from this poor ignorant fool. .... enough said.

    2. LOL. Baha'u'llah says : There is no God but me the lonely the imprisoned.

    3. i have a totally different faith number 4 and 5 are wrong but sadly the rest is true i can say this personally because i participated in the Baha'i programs and i do wonder where they get funding for 400-4000 kids and hotel rooms with food. Maybe some out side source with there own agenda that they are trying to push........

    4. Just as the Jewish are awaiting the messiah , and the Christians are awaiting the return of Christ and the SHIITE ARE AWAITING the 12th imam and in Iran my beloved IGNORANT COUNTRYMEN DIG WELLS AND OFFER MONEY FOR THE 12th Imam to come ! WOW! WHAT FOOLS! WHAT ARROAGNT IGNORANT FOOOOOOLS! ALL THAT ARE WAITING SHOULD KNOW THEY ALL CAME AND WENT ALREADY! Ignorant COWARDS BLIND DOGS LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO JESUS! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO THE BAB! Look what you did to bahuallah ! YOU ARROGANT DOGS ! You STILLL have the nerve to write BLOGS? Ok now see what prophesies will be yet fulfilled again! LONG LIVE BAHA! Long live CYRUS ! LONG LIVE PERSIANS AND LONG LIVE ZORAOSTER

    5. Excellent language. Slowly you are starting to sound like Baha'u'llah who called his opponets pigs and bastards and animals:

    6. Look what you did to Jesus? When you see Me you see the Father and Jesus. The Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in me, we are all one in the name of Jesus.

  2. This is very sad. You obviously have not read the Baha'i Writings for yourself, or talked with Baha'is. While I could reply to each and every one of your comments, I will only address a few. First, new Baha'is are encouraged to learn all they can about the Faith before they enrol, or as soon as possible afterwards. Although some Baha'is are concerned about talking about money, although I don't know why, we do not hide Huququ'llah or mislead people about it. It is not used to maintaining large gardens. You only need to see how the gardens are maintained to understand that it is done mostly by volunteers, and for far less money than most conventional gardens.

    As for the Counsellors and ABMs, we are not told to blindly obey them. They are not infallible. We are told to consider what they suggest, and then research it for ourselves. And they are not paid for their services. I am not sure where you heard that, or if you just made it up. They generally have to struggle between full-time careers and their services to the Faith. It is not easy, and many of them sacrifice a lot of time with their famillies for the short time that they are serving in that capacity. Oh, and they are only appointed for 5 years at a time, unlike Mullahs, who are for life.

    As for alcoholism, I have met only a few who struggle with this. Most of us do not drink at all. Those who do are given as much support and help as possible to overcome this afflicting disease.

    I truly hope that you will think about what you are writing, and stop posting what amounts to no more than slander. God be with you.

    1. Dear Mead

      Greetings to you

      This is indeed sad. The Baha'is are making fool of innocent people and the so called super powers providing them unconditional support. There are very few people in the so called civilized western countries to speak openly against the Baha'i cult. It is a matter of concern. A horrible looking man claims himself to be the manifestation of God and people started believing in him. His son travels to Europe and converts some people deceptively and after a 100 years, there are same number of people in that land. There are so many such clever people who claim to be somebody and they get followers.

      I have studied the Baha'i faith very carefully, the result of which is infront of your eyes. After reading this blog and reading the posts can any Baha'i (especially Persian one) say that I am unaware of what the Baha'i faith is. If you believe thatway then you are making fool of yourself.

      I will reply to your comment. Please put more if you have and I will try to talk to you respectfully.

      I have read many Baha'i books. I have many broadminded and fundamentalist Baha'i friends. The Broadminded are weak in 'Covenant' and the fundies are 'Strong in Covenant' as per the Baha'i beliefs.

      Where did I say that the ABMs and Counselors are infallible? This fact is known to everybody that UHJ collectively is considered to be infallible, Which is really a stupid thing to believe. When the members of UHJ decide something alone then that is not considered to be infallible but when it is collective then it is infallible. It is like when a Monkey is alone then he is Monkey but when 'several' monkeys come together they become Human Being and these very monkeys then claim that their decision is 'inspired by God'. How can a sane person believe in this type of rubbish concepts?

      Regarding the Counselors and ABMs, it is their duty to implement the Messages (Farameen) of UHJ and keep a watchful eye on the activities of their members. And if any member of this community thinks the other way then send a report to the ITC and UHJ and then await for their orders. Really this is very cultish. See what happened to Juan Cole, Fredrick Glaysher, Sen McGlinn.

      You said they are not paid. May be this is partially true. Some Baha'i ABMs and Counselors may not be taking money but a Maximum of the ABMs and Counselors are paid. I will be putting the proof of this in my post in a few days of How much they are paid. Every pioneer, ABM and Counselor, even the ITC and UHJ members are the paid servant of the 'Cause'. I will prove that.

      They do have to struggle for retain their married life. Many of the ITC members and Counselors live in other countries and their families live in some their countries. Their married life becomes a hell and many of the counselors are divorced or unmarried. I am going to write a blog on this also and soon you will see it here. Presently, I am studying the lives of various ABMs and Counselors.

      Yes, I know they are appointed for 5 years only, but I know many ABMs and Counselors who are working in that capacity for 15 to 20 years continuously. Take Mr. Ian Semple, the UHJ member who was on that body for 42 years like Gaddafi. And these guys are no different then Mullas.

      You have met only a few. But I have met many. It is only the Christian Background Baha'is, good westerners, good Asians who are somewhat clean. Most of the Iranian Baha'is I have met are Alcoholic, fundamentalists, Anti-other Religion, Dictating, Cultish and women dressing like whores, especially the persian ones.

      I know what I am writing and God-Willing, I will write what is the fact and I will continue to pray to Almighty God to give wisdom to everybody, specially to those innocent people who got entrapped in this cult deceptively.

    2. Dear Mead;

      you are right as bhais have not read the history of faith, there would be confusion, but ask to NSA or ABM why we are not allowed to read and discuss about History, whenever was asked advise came to read tablets, Hidden word, and forget history and obey Universal House of Justice, you have to accept that Abbas Effendi has modified the history in his favor, he changed the teachings of Bahaullah, you can see the result of Independent Investigation of truth here.

      really history says something and we have been fooled for something else, Love, unity, elimination of prejudice, are not seen after Bahaullah in his children, specially Sir Abbas Effendi. read the above blog to know, even I search and found that it is correct most of books scan copy is available on internet.

    3. Eloquent defense Mead. I recently relocated to the small New Mexico town where I went to high school which once had a thriving by community. To my shock and sorrow pretty much it's gone now. And this is a time in my life when I really needed some spiritual support and fellowship. So I decided to do what my ex-wife does and associate with unitarians for some spiritual support and community. In so doing I have to consider what the Covenant means how to keep it and how to avoid losing something so precious. In so doing I have uncovered a tangled web of thoughts some that I agree with and some that I disagree with but I've I've noticed a few inaccuracies in criticisms of the faith that I'd like to address. On the infallibility of the universal house of justice I don't know how many times I was told over and over again as as a child that only the profits and Abdul Baha where infallible I've never heard the universal house of justice described as infallible infallible. What I was told is that theirs is the authority to interpret what has already been written but but it is not infallible authority. I have very often disagreed with the recommendations of counselors and board members and so forth I have often questioned many other uses of authority that appeared hierarchical to me and guess what. My ideas were always welcome and always lead to broader dialogue nobody ever told me I was wrong and I was always free to use my own autonomous discretion in all matters. I consider the Baha'i Faith's core principle to be the individuals own autonomous Spiritual Authority. That's totally counter-intuitive to any claims of thought control. And furthermore I often Break by law and and I've never been called out on it or told to change. As a teenager I used to smoke weed Feast hoping they would kick me out Instead they made me a member of the teaching committee. I have always been critical of of hierarchical authoritarianism over-reaching the bounds that were set down in the Covenant and every time I challenged those authorities they actually listened to me imagine that. Im an iconoclastic agnostic free-spirited non-conformist and only a few sticks in the mud with no Authority on their own had ever been upset about that. I always found a welcome home in in the Faith I was never forced to conform into any way of thinking or doing anything. The faith has a lot of of reforming to do before the institutions are mature enough to be anywhere close to infallible. But my money says they will mature and do a far better job of shaking off mistakes than some others would.

  3. According to your criteria for cults, Christianity is also a cult. Examples: #8, what happens to people who leave the religion -- According to Christianity, people who leave their religion will burn in hell for all eternity. Wow! That goes along with the "guilt and fear" you mentioned in #7! I don't have time to go into this in more depth, but it is only fair to point out the obvious: that Christianity is the world's largest cult.

    1. I am interested in talking about Bahaism. Let's talk about your cult.

  4. And yes, this is criteria is not set by me. Read the post carefully it is by Hassan who is being very often quoted by your cultists.

  5. If you are calling the bahia a cult from this crap lets go back to other religiong shall we and compare. Christanity collects money so there a cult. Musslims make there women cover there head and threaten them so they must be a cult. Lets put it this way all religion fit at least two of theses thins so all religions are a cult no matter what you sayw

  6. Dear Sara

    This article is totally based on the definition of Cult by Steve Hassan. Why I chose Hassan's definition to write this post? Because the Haifan Baha'is very often quote him and try to prove by his definition that their cult is not a cult. But according to his definition your Religion / faith or whatever is 100% cult. Lets analyze again :
    Dangerous Cults: With many cults, you don't get to know what you are getting into until after you have made a commitment.

    Baha'is are the greatest liars. This definition 100% fits for Baha'is. Search for Baha'i hypocrisy and read why? As for Islam or any other religion. There is no deception. It is WYSIWYG.
    Dangerous Cults: Commercial operations and/or mandatory donations (often large percentages) by members.

    In Islam or any other religion you are only answerable to God but in Baha'ism you are being monitored by the ABMs and Counselors. If you have a lot of money and you do not pay Huququllah and do not contribute to various funds then you are in trouble.
    Dangerous Cults: Cults usually have a central living figure who often lives on income from adherents.

    In Islam there is no such central figure. But in Haifan Baha'ism there are many parasites who lives on the income of poor people. ABMs, Counselors, ITCs, UHJ Members all get huge amounts from the money contributed by Poor, Sincere, Innocent, entrapped Baha'is.
    Dangerous Cults: Members are often told that it is dangerous to investigate other religions.

    In Islam there is open debate between various sects and denominations. But in Baha'ism there is no debate. The Baha'is are told not to read the CB stuff. They are kept away from all the CB material. Show me a place where the Baha'is have had an 'Open Debate' with any Azali or any Orthodox Baha'i.
    Dangerous Cults: There is often use of "thought-stopping" techniques such as chanting or speaking in tongues for long periods of time, setting up a type of hypnotic atmosphere

    The Quran at many places invites its readers to Think and Ponder. But in Baha'ism there is no process of thinking. Haifan Baha'ism is dictating and stalinist and only demands total obedience to the UHJ. This makes the atmosphere in Baha'i meetings 'hypnotic'.
    Dangerous Cults: Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation or forced confession, and indoctrination against leaving the group.

    In other religions, there are no administrative body like the ABMs for Protection (the Baha'i Police). In Baha'ism you are always being watched and you are publicly punished for even a small mistake. They publicly humiliate you by taking your voting / administrative rights
    Dangerous Cults: People who leave cults are often considered to be dangerous and are usually shunned


    I hope I have proved you that you are a Cultist. Please ask me more and I will be glad to discuss with you further.

  7. I was a Baha'i for a couple of years and I learned that it is just about money. They build massive buildings around the world, claiming the buildings will attract new members. New members are pressured to recruit more new members who will pay more money for more buildings. The behavior of the members is no different than the rest of the world. some of them are decent, some of them are pretty bad people. Like most religions, it mainly attracts poor uneducated people who still believe in giving the little money they have to the chosen one. and they lie about their numbers. In my community there was only about a dozen bahai's who were active, but they said they had a couple of hundred......most of them were no longer bahai's but were still part of the statistics because they had not officially resigned.

  8. I am currently in touch with many Baha'is from all over Canada and I have been assured that the situation of the Faith here in the Yukon is the same that is being experienced in many other Provinces and communities.
    As Robert Henderson said in the last issue of American Baha'i enrolments in the Faith are down 60% in the last 5 years. The situation in Canada is most likely very similar. Along with those who have passed to the Abha Kingdom and those who are continuing to become inactive the truth is that we are hardly maintaining the membership level of ten years ago besides growing in membership. I wish the truth was different but thems the facts, people are leaving or not joining the Baha'i Faith because of the distinctive cultish feel which is becoming ever more pervasive in the Faith.
    As a Baha'i I began encountering this cultish overzealous feel in the community of Baha' around twenty years ago, the situation has only worsened, and will continue to do so until creative and intelligent solutions to the growing polarization in the community of Baha' are fostered.
    Ignoring this natural dynamic is no solution, blaming it on " internal " enemies only creates an intolerably paranoid atmosphere which causes Baha'i to flee, to leave the Faith, to go into "hibernation" as Hossein Banani said.
    There is only us, we are them, ' as one soul'.
    Larry Rowe

    1. I am interested in what you have to say.. seems I want what you want. A community that is united in love for humanity.try n find me on FaceBook Akka A Bowden-kerby ~ Alla'u'abha

  9. The word 'cult' doesn't have any negative or positive connotations in itself.
    According to, the meaning of the word 'cult' is "a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies."


    The Jews are the cult of Moses.
    The Christians are the cult of Jesus.
    The Muslims are the cult of Muhammed.
    The Buddhists are the cult of Buddha.
    The Bahá'ís are the cult of Bahá'u'lláh.

    The word 'cult' doesn't tell us anything about whether they are good or bad. It just tells us they are "a particular system of religious worship".

    I find it strange that people assume the word 'cult' has an inherent negative meaning. It doesn't. Perhaps a more specific word could be used for organizations that are recognized as destructive. Any thoughts?

    1. I am sorry friend. You need to see this

      Even if I believe you for some time that other religions are also cult, then I would like to tell you that in other religions there are no deceptive techniques. While this cult of yours is totally based on deception. You guys deceive the innocent people to convert them.

      1. Your Cult Leader says - Earth is one country and mankind its citizens. But on one hand He does prayers for America and call the Africans as "Wandering Savages". Is this one country? How?

      2. Your cult leader says - Total elimination of all kinds of prejudices. But he himself abuses his brothers, his son Abdul Baha also abuses his brothers calls them by dirty names and snatch away their properties. The men of Baha'u'llah kills Azalis in Cyprus. Shoghi Effendi shunns all his relatives. They have all types of Prejudice for Azalis, Shiites, Hindus & Christians.

      3. Abdul Baha Says equality of men and women - But your cult leader is himself involved in Polygamy. He is considered as the "Senders of Manifestation / Prophets" but is involved in Polygamy, murders, slavery, indecent acts & abuse. Even today the women is not allowed to become the member of UHJ. On the contrary women are being used and exploited to spread this cult. They are motivated to dance, sing and entertain newly converted bahais. Why the wives of UHJ members, the Lady ITC members does not sing and dance in the public?

      4. Working for the betterment of society - This is totally Bull Shit. You people do not believe in Betterment of Society. Your only motive behind all the so called "moral and spiritual acts" is to convert the people to Bahaism. Not a single act is done but this agenda is kept in mind. Spread the massage of Bahaism and convert people by deception under the garb of Moral and Spiritual activities.

      5. This is a NWO Cult - read this : "It is the structure of His New World Order, now stirring in the womb of the administrative institutions He Himself has created, that will serve both as a pattern and a nucleus of the World Commonwealth which is the sure, the inevitable destiny of the peoples and nations of the earth." - Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, p. 122

      Do you want me to write more about your deviated and destructive "feel good" cult. I can write more about various scams, scandals involving counselors and AMBs and UHJ members. Huququllah Financial scams, Sexual scandals, money laundering, elections, statistics and more and more. Your cult must be "WIPED OF THE MAP" ;)

    2. Yes please do. I would like to know more about all these things.

    3. Since when is Wikipedia a good source?? Anyone can put information on Wikipedia.The dictionary definition of a cult it simply a group of people, Wikipedia is biased.

    4. Oxford University Press puts it like this :
      CULT : A system of religious devotion directed towards a particular figure or object > a relatively small religious group regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
      Oxford explains it correctly I think.

  10. Ok dear, visit these blogs :

    Explore my blog, there are many true baha'i stories here.

    Thank you for giving me opportunity to write something.

  11. hahaha.... I loved reading your so called "article" and the blogs... and seeing how you actually belive the crap that you have written... keep up the good work... LOL

  12. Read this and decide who is mad & racist

  13. I can make outrageous statements about other people as well and make a (not so) fancy webpage about how it is true. Here is an example: It may take you a while to catch on, don't worry. Why would Abdu'l-Baha claim every race is inferior to Caucasian. The Bahai faith firmly believes that every person is equal. Abdu'l-Baha wasn't even Caucasian. Next time you want to "prove a point" have a substantial argument.

  14. I think that page (DHMO) is the right example of Baha'i Cult. The latest of "NWO Feel Good" cult. It is not WYSIWYG.

    You Said :
    "The Bahai faith firmly believes that every person is equal."!!!!!

    Absolutely wrong...

    The Palestinians are not equal to Baha'is. I hope you are getting me.

    And what more you want it to be a "substantial argument."

    According to the definition of Steve Hassan your cult IS A CULT.

    1. You're bias view shows clearly.

  15. Doth thee Bahai is-th a cult. Massacre thee unfaithful to mine beliefeths. Maketh websites of mine prejuice. Thee doth Bahai believeth in world peace. BLASPHONEY. Spreadith thy hate. Here here oh yee faithful!

  16. To the Baha'i haters: Ignorance is dangerous. And so is bigotry.

    1. I know Steven Hassan and was told by him in his own words the Baha'i faith is not a cult. This upset me at the time. I was against this faith and wanted my husband out of it well years later my husband is still a Baha'i. And I do not think it is a cult. We have been married for 26 years. This faith has helped him be a good man. No it is not a cult. One may Not agreeam like it or agree or understand. It but it is far far from the word cult. Call Steven Hassan or read his many books. Sorry Baha'i not in the critria

    2. Why don't you invite Steven Hassan to use his years of experience of mind control knowledge to advise on this faith well His web site is freedom of mind. And Baha'i faith is not on his cult list

    3. Dear Lady,
      It may not be on his 'cult list' but it is still a cult based on his definition of cult. Have you read this blog? What is making you feel that it is still not a dangerous cult? Please tell me lets discuss this. There are money laundering scams, there are Mollahs, there is religious police, there is sexual exploitation, document forgery, there is deceptive conversion, there is exploitation of Junior Youth and Children, women are not allowed to be the members of the all male Godly body UHJ, more over this faith is a JOKE when it talks about itself as the democratic faith, there are election scams, there is too much control of Persians, there is practice of shunning, there is mind control, behavior control, hypocrisy, what more you want to bring it inside the cult list? Don't just see your husband to pass a judgement about this NWO cult! Please... this is injustice. See what baha'u'llah says about establishing a NWO, this 'so called new world' will be 'ruled' (Guided) by the Haifan Baha'is from their Israeli UHJ.

    4. I am both a Christian and a Moslem. Because the spiritual teachings of both religions are the same, and out of obedience to both Christ and Mohammed, and because of the loving way my parents treated everyone (regardless of religion, color, political persuasion, etc) – I became a Baha’i. There was no other logical choice for someone who has come to understand that the teachings of Baha’u’llah are the only remedy to the worlds current problem – specifically its unwillingness to recognize and practice the Oneness of Mankind. All other problems in the world are actually just symptoms of this underlying issue.
      The only way to get a true picture of what the Baha'i Faith is about is through the independent investigation of the truth, without relying on what others say. Here are some suggestions.
      1) Go to the actual sources, like the actual writings of Baha'u'llah. Read them with an open mind and heart.
      2) Read what un-biased scholars have to say about the Baha’i Faith.
      3) Look up the definition of Cult in the Dictionary. Then look up the Baha'i Faith in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
      4) Then research the early history of the Christian and Islamic Religions, and of Christ and Mohammad. The critical and negative things attributed to the Christians and Moslems, and to Christ and Mohammad, during the early history of their religions, is the same as what is now being attributed to the Baha'is and to Baha’u’llah. Then consider the sources of these criticisms and the motives behind these criticisms. Also look at why Islamic regimes that are “anti-progress” are attacking the Baha’i Faith.
      5) Get to know a few Baha'is whom you think are living according to the spiritual tenets of the Faith.
      6) The Bible says you can know the truth of something by the “fruits” it produces. Apply this concept to your study of the Baha’i Faith, and to the life of Baha’u’llah.
      After doing this, then judge for yourselves. Otherwise you are merely following in the footsteps of others, without doing the intellectual and spiritual "homework" required to get a clear understanding of the truth about the Baha'i Faith. Do you want to know the truth through your own eyes, your own knowledge, or simply rely on someone else?

    5. Dear Iranian friend Rhassen,


      Thank you for your comment. You did not write even a single line about this BLOG-POST.
      All that you have written is well known to me and all those who come here "investigating the truth".
      All the claims of Baha'i cult are just baseless. Search for HYPOCRISY on this blog and read the results. You talk about love and unity and don't see the unity in the Family of Hosein Ali Nari, Abbas Effendi and Shoghi Effendi. You talk of writings of these scandalous people, and you ignore what they did to their families. This is unity? You talk of unity and you fight for trademarks with the baha'is of other sects. You talk of equality between men and women then you exploit women, use them and do not allow them positions in the supreme body. You talk of equality between people, then you ignore the lifestyles of UHJ and ITC members! How they spend the money lavishly while the full-time pioneers from poor countries are given less than 100$ a month.
      You talk of Britannica Encyclopedia, but you did not talk of exaggerated BAHA'I POPULATION that it publishes, then corrects it after receiving true information from people like me. See this blog :
      You talk of Holy Bible and Qoran but you did not talk about how you interpret it according to your interests. See this video :
      I am an Ex-Baha'i and for 20 years I have seen more Baha'is then you may have seen. I have seen all the group-ism, racism, fundamentalism, inequality, exploitation of women, abusing other religions, involvement in politics (indirectly), exaggeration of Baha'i population, Election scams, financial scams all sort of things. See this :
      And lastly, baha'i writings !!!! - All rubbish - the UHJ has only translated some writings of Hosein Ali, there are many writings untranslated. No full works of Bab ever translated. When was the first official translation of Aqdas published? You know nothing my dear friend. Read my blog carefully with open mind, you will understand many things.
      Don't forget to visit this website :
      Best Regards

    6. I don't know what happened to cause you to feel as you do and it is sad. You may be pleased to know that the reasons women were not allowed on the UHJ were due to times and circumstances. Not a likely thing to have happened back in the day of the Middle East (one of the more sexist regions). Instead we saw the first women getting one to LSA's and NSA's in North America and Europe where the equality of Men and Women was far more prevalent. Understanding is shifting, and there is a surfacing understanding that women are allowed to serve of the UHJ.

      As for extorting money from poor people, you might be referring to ... I grew up in Kenya, where there was a significant portion of both wealthy and poor. People are not forced to contribute, and give what they can, if they choose to. Nobody, looked down on those who could not afford to donate because they had to feed their families. Even the Huququllah is based upon what you can afford to give, after all needs are met.

      The Baha'i Faith is an NWO cult? You seem to have watched too much Alex Jones. While I like to watch people with the devil's advocate position, open minds are good, I try to not take the hysteria to heart and to think of the bigger picture. We DO need a New World Order, and not one with an elite running the world. We NEED one for the purpose of functionality of human society. We have finances and trade that crosses boarders freely, but labour can not. We have international tax havens that can be used to smuggle the corporate profits out of a society where they're to be taxed (and used to finance the country). There are plenty of global issues that need a Federated Global Society to tackle. The World IS but one Country, and Mankind its Citizens.

      I hope one day your heart will soften, but that is not for me to decide. Instead, I'll use my independent investigation of the truth and make up my own mind, by what I've seen and experienced. And yes, the Baha'i Faith will have its issues, just like anything that had PEOPLE involved, secular or divine. Much of what you claim seems Slanderous, and biased with your negative POV.

  17. The information presented to prove that the Baha'i Faith is a cult is a complete misrepresentation of facts. Anyone who can access Baha'i Holy Writings on the Internet will come to this clear conclusion.

    1. Mr. Sarwal
      Can you please elaborate what do you mean "misrepresentation of facts". Why don't you clearly put-up the facts? Don't just get free from your responsibility by saying a simple sentence. Please clarify which facts are misrepresented? I have aware of what is going on in the Indian Baha'i community. I will enlighten you if you engage with me.

  18. Thank you for speaking the truth.
    I agree that Baha'i is not what it appears to be, but you wont know that until you sign up.
    They don't let non-Baha'is into their church(feast). If they did, you'd never join.
    They told me repeatedly not to go to websites that say anything bad about Baha'i.
    I went to one of their recruitment training events(reflection meeting). Young people were being trained how to be deceitful.

    Then I decided to ignore the Baha'is and read the writings myself.

    They say men and women are equal, but women are forbidden from leading.
    They say all mankind is equal....except for gays, they are handicapped.
    They say they want to save humanity, but there is not a single Baha'i institution devoted to helping people.
    All they do is collect money from the poor and apply it directly to recruitment efforts.


    Based on Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan, here are the criteria for determining "cults":

    1. How new members are found.

    Dangerous Cults: With many cults, you don't get to know what you are getting into until after you have made a commitment.

    Baha'i Faith: What you see is what you get: there are no secrets.

    2. How funding is obtained.

    Dangerous Cults: Commercial operations and/or mandatory donations (often large percentages) by members.

    Baha'i Faith: Has no commercial businesses, collection plates are never passed, and donations are completely voluntary and accepted from enrolled members only.

    3. Charismatic central figure.

    Dangerous Cults: Cults usually have a central living figure who often lives on income from adherents.

    Baha'i Faith: There is no living central figure in the Baha'i Faith (and there has been none since 1957); government is by bodies freely elected from the membership. There is no clergy, paid or unpaid.

    4. Investigation of truth.

    Dangerous Cults: Members are often told that it is dangerous to investigate other religions.

    Baha'i Faith: Baha'is are encouraged to investigate all religions, and to appreciate truth no matter where it is found.

    5. Behavior control, as defined by Hassan. *

    Dangerous Cults: Persons may be told where to live, what to wear, or what (and how much) to eat. Sleep and freedom to travel or move about may be limited.

    Baha'i Faith: Baha'is do not live in communes, but in the world as normal individuals and families. They wear no special or required clothing. The religion has no food requirements other than abstaining from alcohol, and the annual nineteen-day fast during which food and drink is not consumed during daylight hours only. Baha'is may get as much sleep as they want, eat whatever they want, work and live where they want.

    6. Thought control as defined by Hassan. *

    Dangerous Cults: There is often use of "thought-stopping" techniques such as chanting or speaking in tongues for long periods of time, setting up a type of hypnotic atmosphere.

    Baha'i Faith: Chanting and prayer are not prolonged, nor is their intent to block thought. There is no speaking in tongues. Thought and investigation are encouraged.

    7. Emotional control, as defined by Hassan. *

    Dangerous Cults: Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation or forced confession, and indoctrination against leaving the group.

    Baha'i Faith: Confession to and humiliation of others are forbidden. Members are free to leave the Faith at any time if they so choose, without stigma.

    8. What happens when people leave the religion.

    Dangerous Cults: People who leave cults are often considered to be dangerous and are usually shunned.

    Baha'i Faith: Baha'is are generally permitted and encouraged to remain friends with people who leave. The only exception is in the case of a person declared to be a "Covenant breaker" by the Universal House of Justice due to an attempt to split the Baha'i Faith. There is no condemnation of those who voluntarily choose to leave.

    1. Here is my refutation. For Proofs please read my blog :

      1) Baha'i Faith: What you see is what you get: there are no secrets.
      WRONG : There are secrets, new comers are told that Baha'u'llah is a Prophet of God, While Baha'u'llah claims of Godhood, He says he is Lord of Lords, He is the sender of Prophets, He was the one who talked to Moses on Sinai and a lot of such insane claims. New comers are not told about the Murders, the killing of AZALIs. They are not told that the Baha'i religious are TRADEMARKS. They are not told WHY a large number of writings of Bab and Baha'u'llah still remained untranslated. They are not told about Shunning and Administrative Rights Removal. All the Big bosses, like UHJ members, ITC Members, Counselors, ABMs are all involved in some or the other scandals. See this blog : - There are many more things that are kept secret like NWO, Relationship of Founders of this cult with the Imperialists and colonialists of that time, etc. But they present a very rosy picture of their cult to the new comers.

      2) Baha'i Faith: Has no commercial businesses, collection plates are never passed, and donations are completely voluntary and accepted from enrolled members only.
      WRONG : They had commercial Businesses (Google for "Naw-Nahalan: baha'i money laundering scheme"), Some of their Big Leaders are involved in Big Financial Scams. Huge money is paid to the Supreme Body UHJ and around 70 US$ to poor workers (Pioneers) of the faith who work for 10 hours a day. Donations are accepted from Governments in the form of "Tax Exemptions" by showing totally wrong STATISTICS and through DECEPTION and MISINFORMATION. They force the older Baha'is to Pay Money. Constantly Keep Huququllah conferences to motivate for Funds. Those who do not contribute are seen as lowly.

      3) Baha'i Faith: There is no living central figure in the Baha'i Faith (and there has been none since 1957); government is by bodies freely elected from the membership. There is no clergy, paid or unpaid.
      WRONG : There are many Living Central Figures. There are many Self Proclaimed Guardians of this Cult (see The Will and Testament of Baha'u'llah and Abdul Baha clearly states that there must be a Guardian of the Faith who is the Chairperson and Guide for the UHJ. He is the Supreme Leader. The Baha'i Leaders after the alleged Murder of Shoghi Effendi, introduced an Islamic Concept of 'BADA' in the Baha'i cult and broke the Baha'i Covenant. According to many Learned Ex-Baha'is the UHJ of Today is actually a Bunch of "Covenant Breakers" who are controlling this cult. Baha'is call them Infallible and no Female is allowed to be a Member of this Supreme Body. There is No Free Elections. Search for "Baha'i Election Scams" on this blog and read the stories with proofs. Some of the UHJ members are on this body are ruling from 20 to 30 years, some even more The Counselors and ABMs are clergies. There is also Religious Police in this Cult. They are called as ABMs for protection.


    2. CONTINUED.....

      4) Baha'i Faith: Baha'is are encouraged to investigate all religions, and to appreciate truth no matter where it is found.
      WRONG : Baha'is are strictly not allowed to read the material of Other Baha'i denominations. They are called to immediately give such material to the counselors. Baha'u'llah strictly calls his followers to Shun the Opponents and considers their breath to be Poisonous. They promote hate towards the AZALI faith. See RUHI book 8.

      5) Baha'i Faith: Baha'is do not live in communes, but in the world as normal individuals and families. They wear no special or required clothing. The religion has no food requirements other than abstaining from alcohol, and the annual nineteen-day fast during which food and drink is not consumed during daylight hours only. Baha'is may get as much sleep as they want, eat whatever they want, work and live where they want.
      WRONG : Baha'is are not allowed to drink the Alcohol in Public. I personally know Many staunch Baha'is who drink alcohol privately. Yes, there is no special clothing, some wear very less and vulgar clothes in religious parties (see Baha'is cannot Express them freely, they cannot associate with anybody freely. See and

      6) Baha'i Faith: Chanting and prayer are not prolonged, nor is their intent to block thought. There is no speaking in tongues. Thought and investigation are encouraged.
      WRONG : There are certain chantings. But many new Baha'is are not aware of it. There are certain words "Alláh-u-Abhá", which they repeat 95 times per day. There is full thought control and behavior control. Read the articles of Juan Cole and Fredrick Glaysher in this regard.

      7) Baha'i Faith: Confession to and humiliation of others are forbidden. Members are free to leave the Faith at any time if they so choose, without stigma.
      WRONG : Those who leave are expose this cult are declared as Covenant Breakers, then all type of psychological punishments are waiting for him. His family tear apart, his friends leave him and associating with him becomes a sin that is not excusable.

      8) Baha'i Faith: Baha'is are generally permitted and encouraged to remain friends with people who leave. The only exception is in the case of a person declared to be a "Covenant breaker" by the Universal House of Justice due to an attempt to split the Baha'i Faith. There is no condemnation of those who voluntarily choose to leave.
      WRONG : Normally Baha'is do not leave this cult. They become inactive. They loose interest when they See Hypocrisy, Backbiting, Vulgarity, Groupism, Persian Dominance, Scams and Scandals. The one who exposes them is termed as a COVENANT BREAKER and severely punished. In the earlier times the Followers of Baha'u'llah killed many such covenant breakers. Their books are full of hate against these people. But these people are increasing day by day and they are exposing this ugly cult more and more.


  20. these fools seems to be mad, in their endevour to malign the Bahais and their faith they are saying anything. nothing is based facts. Let them continue to live in their cocoon

  21. "Nothing is Based Facts"
    So simple to say. You just entered 4 words to refute 350 posts. You Haifan hypocrite.
    Go and see this and refute this also :

  22. My dear friends i am 26yrs old,born and raised in a Bahai family and not one day have i ever seen people being decieved to join the faith or contribute money forcefully..its sad for ppl to judge the faith terming it as a cult,Bahai r vry open n no one is restricted to read any material concernin the faith. .please no one has the right to judge excpt God and evryone is entitled to their choices of faith .Bahai is the most open n truthful faith coz u search for your truth and then you make your own decision. Its not a Cult but a religion like muslim and christian.

    1. Bravo ! The truth is spoken ! FACTS ! Bravo

    2. Giving you kin a pat on the back. There is a saying in Persian which translates to: The fox uses his tail as his witness...

  23. Badi i disagree with you because during 19day fast frm sunrise to sunset Bahai's do nt eat its da same wd Month of Ramadhan whre Muslim fast wdout fd n drnk durng the day and no one is prohibited to read any material frm ada religion. My community in kenya we have devotional meeting with christian whre we pray together as 1people and the issue of women not leading is untrue because everyone is given an opportnty to share and ask any quiz and the other members help in answerng women and men have the same are equal.

  24. Dear Anonymous,

    I will only answer your comments with this link.

    Please visit and watch every video. You will learn what I am talking about deception.

    Regarding Women. I totally agree, that your cult gives 'full freedom' to women. They are given every opportunity to 'Entertain' the youth and the audiences at the Baha'i centers. They are full used by your cult. I Agree that.

    See this blog :

    Thank you.

  25. As a Baha'i, let me tell you a few facts about what we do and what the Faith is actually like. We pay the Huququ'llah 19% of our earnings in excess of what we think is enough to live comfortably and after we have remitted any debts, VOLUNTARILY. At the age of 15, after reading the Baha'i Writings and researching the Faith for ourselves, we decide on our own whether we want to sign the card that officially makes us a Baha'i. The 19-day Fast is between March 2 and 21, where we do not consume any food in daylight, and if you are sick or have a lot to deal with at the time, you can decide yourself if you want to not do it either for a few days or the whole time. Many many families have the Holy Writings of other world religions, such as the Holy Bible or the Qur'an, in their homes. The definition of "covenant breaker" is a person who questions the unity of the Faith or wants to divide the Faith into different sects. This definition does not apply to people of other religions or people who just simply left the religion. The feasts that we have are not in any way like a Christian church. Like me, there are a few other Baha'is here, reading a post that is against the Baha'i Faith, which apparently is not allowed according to zoozoozoo. I am angry at this complete ignorance and closed-mindedness of a lot of people, but then, previous religions have gone through the same thing. It's just the fact that at the time that the Baha'i Faith is growing, we are at a time that technology has developed and given people the right to say whatever they want.

  26. What new you have said?
    This is all half truth. You have not said a lot of things.

    Shunning, Spying of 'ABMs for Protection' on the Cult Followers, Sexual Scams, Financial Scams, Documents Forgery, Elopement, Inflating population by means of deception, converting innocent children and youth in the name of Moral Education, Homosexual activities of Counselors, favoritism, racism, class system and so much more. declaring Ex-Baha'i exposers as Covenant Breakers and Heretics, preaching hate for Azalis in Ruhi Books. Misrepresenting Historical Facts, hiding (not translating) original writings of Bab and Bahaullah. Using women as a means to attract new followers, Influencing politicians. This blog has a lot of articles to read and understand.

    Thank you.

    1. The enemies of our faith have BEEN DEFEATED ! 6 million and growing Fast ! Just read the writings open
      Your Empty brain and get on your knees AND BEG YOUR LORD FOR FORGIVENESS

    2. 6 million! A world religion that only has 6 million followers after more than 150 years. This is so pathetic and sad. This isn't anything to have pride in.

  27. I feel like some of the points made in this article are kind of disingenuous. If someone converts to Lutheranism, are they aware of all the various offices, doctrines, rituals, and literature of that denomination? Generally not. So saying converts don't know 'everything' isn't valid, since conversion to any faith simply can't involve all knowledge. There's too much to know. If someone coverts to Catholicism, are they joining a cult? Because Catholicism certainly isn't a democratic institution! But by the definition above, it is.

    I spent two years with the Baha'I, and ultimately decided I didn't believe in it, but I didn't find any rituals or observances that were more stringent than, say, Lent, or more evangelical than Mainline Christianity (I'd say it was less evangelical, really). I've had a lot of experiences with cults, and I didn't find the Baha'is to be culty. I also had no run-ins with the 'religious police' you're talking about, and in the two places I worshiped, there was no clergy.

    Now, there's stuff I didn't like about it: their devotion to the UHJ as infalable is every bit as problematic for me as is the Catholic devotion to the Pope as infalable. That's the reason I'm not a Catholic, and it's part of the reason I'm not a Baha'i. Baha'is *ARE* rather fearful of internal criticism, but unlike cults they're extremely tolerant of other faiths, tolerant of outsiders hanging around keeping an eye on them, and tolerant of people (Like me) deciding they don't believe and leaving.

    Baha'is are forbidden from military service (Unless it's compulsory), forbidden from seeking political office, forbidden from voting, and they DO NOT take monetary donations from outsiders.

    We can call them a cult if we want, but I think that's unfair. It's more appropriate to call them a 'new religion' as they're not creepy and mind-controling and what have you.

    1. Thank you sir for stating facts

    2. Facts like this: "forbidden from seeking political office". But somehow the first Iranian ambassador to the United states was a Baha'i.

      Or facts like this: "Baha'is are forbidden from military service" which simly equals to chickening out of defending your country and watching your countrymen die defending their country.

      Or this "forbidden from voting"!!! An obvious lie.

      I could go on for ever...

  28. The Bahai have many similarities with the Jehovahs Witnesses, key ones being a Governing Body and the practice of shunning.

  29. wow i seen some crazy people on the internet but this is the real cream of the crop lol i have never read so much dumb crazy ranting ever.... why so mad Naser? is it because your from Iran or you just a new level of Troll?

  30. If this is really crazy then this is becoz of Hosein Ali Nari, the charlatan. The Manifestation of Satan. Thank you.

  31. "The eye that covers faults looks toward the Creator of souls. He created them, trains and provides for them, endows them with capacity and life, sight and hearing; therefore, they are the signs of His grandeur. You must love and be kind to everybody, care for the poor, protect the weak, heal the sick, teach and educate the ignorant.”

    ― Abdu'l-Bahá

    I challenge you to explore the Bahai faith for yourself. Read the texts. May your eyes be opened.

  32. I am not a Bahai, in fact, I am not religious at all. However, I have quite a few Bahai friends here in the UK. Some of them are lovely people, others are not so much. What worries me about them, is the fact that this 'religion' causes them to suppress their real feelings and emotions. It seems like the religion prohibits them to feel angry or speak out their minds clearly if their ideas can be somewhat offensive. I think it is unnatural to suppress the basic human emotions because of a religious writing.
    I have been to a lot of their meetings where they discuss religious texts etc... To me it seemed like a group of totally brainwashed people who have nothing else to cling to.
    Instead of hating them, I feel sorry for them because it seems they can't get out of this.
    Just by using common sense it is clear that it is more of a cult than a religion.
    Why do they not question who this Bahaula is?

    1. We question ALL OF THE WRITINGS AS WE ARE TOLD TO BY OUR MESSENGER! I have yet to find ONE WORD THAT IS NOT VALID AND TRUE ! Not one word ! So go find yourself a new debate ! Just as Christ was THE LAMB SO WAS BAHAULLAH! A peaceful martyr of THE LORD ! read and get your facts straight

    2. Your leader couldn't even right a single book properly (the Iqan) and had to change it multiple times due to numerous mistakes. Yet you come here claiming "I have yet to find ONE WORD THAT IS NOT VALID AND TRUE ! Not one word". Seriously dude, who are you trying to fool.

  33. Dear Anonymous,

    Very Good Observation.

  34. I'm from Sweden and the Swedish goverment gives money for each and every religion for a tempel, church or what ever. But the Swedish goverment don't recognize Bahai as a religion and they get ZERO money from the goverment. Why do they not get money? Bahai is recognized by the Swedish goverment as a cult, not a religion.

    1. Hmm ! Great piece of information.

    2. on 1844 when the world was in the darkest days of living no i phone no electricity non of any thing we have know imagine we all go back and live in that style what would you do?
      so go promise to the tree of the religions it is time for the faurot so as good promised 1844 this was a year all over the world was waiting for the faurot so to have a faurot first this tree of religion has to give a bloom the after the bloom will give the faurot and some people so busy playing withe root and damaging the root of this tree of religion so there head is down to the root the never see the faurot the next group of religious people there hand so dirty the see the faurot bout the can not touch the faurot just looking and wondering the other group of people the call are ordinary people the see the faurot there hand is clean the picked the faurot and the eat it and enjoying it and the helping the gardener to pick and packaging it for the mass production for the every one in this world and no one get paid all volunteering work because gardener only chose how he want to help him and Baha'ullah is a gardener at this garden at this time and garden is always same garden bout the Gardner changed by the will of God it is very simple

  35. Dude, take a breath and relax a bit before you stroke-out. You don't believe in Baha'u'llah? Fine and dandy, you don't have to....always your choice. Reading your hyper screeds against the Baha'i Faith brought to mind some words from the Quran:

    "Hatred flows out of their mouths and what they hide in their chests is far worse. We thus clarify the revelations for you, if you understand."

    [3:119]..." but as soon as they leave they bite their fingers out of rage towards you. Say, "Die in your rage." GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.

    1. LOL. I am relaxed.

      Thank you indeed for providing me the quotes from the Quran.

      These are some quotes from Baha'u'llah. Please read.

      After calling non-Baha’is evil non-humans who have no dignity, he (Baha'u'llah) goes on to calling them animals that neither deserve the name nor the description of humanness:

      Today, according to the decree of the Point of Bayān (meaning the Bāb), those individuals who turn away from this Novel Affair (meaning Baha’ism) are deprived of the garb of being called and described [as humans?] and are assembled and mentioned as animals in the presence of God.[i]

      Bahā’u’llāh says non-Baha’is are animals in the presence of God. Are they at least humans in this world? Of course not. In yet another contradicting stance he says:

      Know that none of the servants who have had any sense, have never held the belief that those who face towards [Baha’ism] (muqbil) and those who turn away from it (mu`riz); or monotheists (meaning Baha’is) and polytheists (deniers of Baha’ism), have the same status and rank. What you have heard [contrary to this] or have seen in the previous books, was meant in the presence of God.[ii]

      Whereas he earlier claimed that those who have turned away from this affair are animals in the presence of God, he later says everyone is equal in the presence of God and if you have heard anything contrary to this it was meant in this world! Here are a few more relevant quotes:

      Do not see the polytheists (deniers of Baha’ism) but as earthworms and their sounds but the buzzing of flies.[iii]

      O group of polytheists(deniers of Baha’ism), if you take pride in your name remaining amongst the animals or being mentioned amongst the livestock, then take pride in that for you are worthy of it.[iv]

      Oh you donkeys! Whatever God says is the truth and will not become void by the words of the polytheists(deniers of Baha’ism).[v]

      Encompassed as I am at this time by the dogs of the earth and the beasts of every land, concealed as I remain in the hidden habitation of Mine inner Being.[vi]

      When the one who turned away from God halted (in accepting me) and fell off the path, in that moment his body left the garb of humanness and appeared and became visible in the skin of animals. Sanctified is He who changes the beings how he likes.[vii]

      There are many more instances but we will suffice with these. Baha’is sometimes claim that similar instances can be found in the verses of the Holy Books thus Bahā’u’llāh too was justified in calling non-Baha’is animals. Whether this is really the case or not is another discussion and will not be examined here. What is relevant here is that this justification is unacceptable from a Baha’i perspective, because Baha’is claim they are different from other religions. While in all other religions there is a distinction made between the faithful and disbelievers, Baha’is claim the Oneness of Humanity is a new principle that they adhere to. Thus, even if similar remarks exist in the Holy Books, Baha’i leaders cannot repeat them, because they claim their creed has removed this attitude:

      In all religious teachings of the past the human world has been represented as divided into two parts: one known as the people of the Book of God, or the pure tree, and the other the people of infidelity and error, or the evil tree. The former were considered as belonging to the faithful, and the others to the hosts of the irreligious and infidel—one part of humanity the recipients of divine mercy, and the other the object of the wrath of their Creator. Bahā’u’llāh removed this by proclaiming the oneness of the world of humanity, and this principle is specialized in His teachings, for He has submerged all mankind in the sea of divine generosity.[1]

    2. References for above quotes.
      [1] `Abdu’l-Bahā, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 454.
      [i]Bahā’u’llāh, Badī`, p. 213.
      [ii]Bahā’u’llāh, Majmū`iy-ialwāḥ-i mubārak-ih, p. 154.
      [iii]Bahā’u’llāh, Āthār-i Qalam-i A`lā, vol. 1, no. 20, p. 183.
      [iv]Bahā’u’llāh, Āthār-i Qalam-i A`lā, vol. 2, no. 81, p. 452.
      [v]Bahā’u’llāh, Badī`, p. 174.
      [vi]Bahā’u’llāh, Gems of Divine Mysteries, p. 4.
      [vii]Bahā’u’llāh, Badī`, p. 110.

    3. Again, believe as you will. As a Baha'i for over 40 years, I think I've seen just about all the calumnies denouncing the Baha'i Faith. Very thin gruel...but, whatever floats your boat. Again, I'll quote from the Quran:

      "To You Your Religion and To Me Mine" (Qur'an 109:1-6)


    5. Blah blah blah. Baha'u'llah validated no Prophet. He simply claimed he is the reincarnation of all Prophets and they were him all along:

    6. Maz, not only are you a blind snake and a dog, you're a fag.

  36. For a useful article on the subject go to:

  37. To be valid, any attempt at interfaith understanding must begin with, or at least take into account, the characteristic self-understanding of the religion(s) under study. In other words, one of the first questions to be raised is how this Faith defines and views itself. Even though any individual is free to make evaluations of the faith of others, the observer will not do justice to the evaluation until he or she has taken into account the perceptions of the participant — the one who looks at that faith from "the inside out." Udo Schaefer's paper helps to ensure that the self-understanding of the participant-faith is taken into account-As the public awareness of the Bahá'í Faith continues to grow, studies like the present one will continue to be of value for all who seek to better understand the Bahá'í Faith as a full-fledged member of the community of world faiths.

  38. The Concepts of 'Sect' and 'Cult' are found in the sociology of religion and Udo Schaefer deals with these concepts in his useful essay.-Ron Price...the link is:

    There exist few words whose common usage differs so radically from their scientific denotation as does the word sect. The layman in religious studies quickly ascribes a meaning to the word: religious communities outside the large churches and world religions are labelled 'sects' most readily when their membership is relatively small. These sects in turn — whether the appellation is accurate or not — invariably deny the charge vehemently. If usage were to depend solely on the sociological self-interpretation of the individual religious communities themselves, there would be no sects at all. The reason for this emotionally negative reaction is that the word sect, far from being neutral, conveys a wealth of historical undertones and is considered to be pejorative. That this is the case is even clearer from the word's derivative, sectarian, a term which invokes unambiguously negative associations and which in common usage is only used polemically and pejoratively.

  39. Imagine this: One "declares" himself a Baha'i while in high school. He is active in the local community, then goes away to university where he redoubles his efforts to teach "the faith" by hosting firesides, and manning an information table at the university...for 7 years.
    After graduation, said individual "pioneers" to Mexico...where he teaches hundreds of seekers, and helps to establish new assemblies.
    In the course of the next 15 years, this believer sacrifices all he owns and cherishes to "raise the standard". He is renowned as a teacher...and travels to more than 50 countries as "travel Teacher" and pioneer. He "opens" an area of Northwestern Russia, the size of Germany and France put together, to the faith.
    He pays his "huququllah".
    He sings in the choir at the "world congress", in 1992. Only then, does he begin to wonder at certain improprieties and secretive decisions which are made in committee and have affected his life for years.
    He is admonished to "desist" from making further inquirey into allegations.
    He is barred from attending community events.
    He is stripped of "voting rights", because he dares question authority.
    He resigns from "the faith", to pursue, "independent investigation of Truth", as was taught by the faith's founder.
    He embraces what he considers to be the TRUEST form of his faith...only to be informed that the "NSA", and "House of Just Us" has declared him a covenant breaker.
    As a result, the hundreds of people he taught and brought into this faith are ordered to shun him.
    He is now, persona-non-grata around the world. His years of sacrifice and painstaking travel teaching are erased. ("Let the name Moses be erased from all public buildings." Pharoh Ramses in The Ten Commandments)

    Is this not, then, a Cult?

    1. What I would not give to speak to you ! I will personally call all the people that I know to see why were you treated this way ! I sense you are actually a very very kind soul ! At the end of the day your deeds WERE MAGNIFICENt! And how dare anyone try to diminish your hard earned heartfelt tasks for all
      Of those years ! AS A fourth generation Baha'i and one who escaped religious persecution I humbly apologize if anyone mistreated you and hurt your sincere feelings ! IN my humble
      Opinion only God can judge us and this committee must answer for its sins ! None of us are perfect ! I really wish I could have spoken to you maybe I could have done something to gain your love back ! You did so much GOOD! I feel I am an underachiever !!God bless you always ! I have had 4 miracles in my life and I can not explain how or why but THE BAB AND BAHAULLAH and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad were all with me ! I SAW GODS HAND A FEW TIMES ! We must not forget at the end of the day WE ARE ONE ! WE ARE ONE ! God bless you always and again thank you for allllllll
      You did ! And all
      You DO!

    2. So are you the official spokesperson for all Baha'is? Because you come off like one. Based on my knowledge of all Baha'i doctrine, this is forbidden by the UHJ. I'm going to report your posts; you are dangerous to the Faith and are Breaking Covenant.

  40. I have to agree it is a cult, money mad, car mad Don't know were God comes into it, the Money God maybe, they want to live in the Arabian gulf or any were out of Iran, were they can shake the money tree. The people years back I knew to be selfish, and full of them self's maybe life has not been so wonderful for them Like all cults it will die out!

  41. hahahaha i see Iranian trolls i'm not aa bahai but i do have some bahai Friends they are by far the most open minded and kindest ppl i knw and i think ur wrong about the huququla thing because they say they cant give that because they dont have enough, u have to reach a certain state of wealth to contribute

    1. Well said ! Thank you


    3. At least more more polite than Baha'u'llah. I appreciate that. You see Baha'u'llah would refer to his deniers as donkeys, pigs and bastards. You only call the deniers snake. Good step toward renouncing the cult.

  42. I know this is the same teacher Kiana whom I am debating on youtube. According to wikipedia Huaqullah is that "Bahá'ís should make a 19% voluntary payment on any wealth in excess of what is necessary to live comfortably, after the remittance of any outstanding debt."
    There are Huququllah conferences throughout the world. People are motivated / encouraged (Forced) to pay this "voluntary payment". Those not contributing are degraded and seen lowly. Every Baha'i is a witness to this.

      GIVE MONEY? I WAS IN CHICAgo temple ! I have a check for 200$ from my LLC! They sent the check back to me saying that they could not prove that the owner of the check was Baha'i hence they could not take it ! LISTEN ! THESE LIES ARE SILLY! THE ENEMIES OF THIS FAITH HAVE LOST! READ BAHAULLAHS LETTERS TO WORLD LEADERS! Read and REJOICE THE PRINCE OF PEACE RETURNED

    2. "The prince of peace returned" but peace is no where in sight... because the cult was one big lie.

  43. Bahais are indeed brainwashed into the bahai system with sophisticated systems of psychological abuse that are forceful. For example, threats of shunning for wavering from the party line or questioning the authority of the Bahai institutions is a form of force and abuse. The bahai system also uses tactics such as drawing wedges and manipulating families. Whatever smiley face you put on it, Bahaism is very much a cult.


    2. Just because you are diverse doesn't mean you are correct. And let's not forget how this diversity came by: sending pioneers and missionaries to all corners of the world. Jehovas witnesses do that to.

  44. As a fourth generation Baha'i I can tell you that all of the prophesies of the BAB and Bahuallah have come true ! These dual manifestations challenge all
    Of us to read their writings and to PROVE THEM WRONG! What is beautiful is that the enemies if this glorious faith HAVE LOST ! 6 million and growing fast! Peace unity equality love education and peace is the message of this faith ! We believe there are many roads to salvation and the title of ones faith IS IRRELEVANT! NOW READ AND BE EDUCATED FOR THE ONE PROMISED BY ALL OTHER MESSENGERS CAME AND WENT ! Wake up and READ YOU BLIND FOOLS THAT DOUBT! Read

    1. Yeah prophecies like the miserable failure of the Guardianship because Shoghi was gay and sterile and couldn't have children. Or the instance about all Iranian Jews converting to Baha'ism:

      Or let's not forget Abdu'l-Baha's claim about Iranians sacrificing themselves for England. When Abdu'l-Baha travelled to Britain in 1911, he stated the following sentence:

      "The people of Iran are overjoyed that I have travelled here. My coming here will be a cause of friendship between Iran and England. A complete relationship will be forged. The [relationship] will increase to such an extent that people from Iran will sacrifice their lives for England and likewise England will sacrifice itself for Iran." (Abdu’l-Baha, Khaṭabat (Egypt), vol. 1, p. 23))

      Every single sentence in this statement is a lie...

      Did I forget to mention this:

      "The House of Justice, however, according to the explicit text of the Law of God, is confined to men this for a wisdom of the Lord God's which will erelong be made manifest as clearly as the sun at high noon."

      How long is "ere long" anyway!!!

  45. Enter your comment...bahaI faith is a satanic religion n
    and bahaullah was a satan in his life bahais worship him and after his death they worship his grave

  46. I just stumbled across this site and watched the short video when reading about Baha'i faith. I think this:----
    'it is our human duty to provide all the necessary requisite constructive guidance to shape humanity. No one has the right to castigate, condemn...or even judge the next person. I am sure sure no one can claim to be perfect. I imagine while trying to fault the Baha'i faith for instance, one may as well be reminded of the "perceived inherent gaps" across almost all faiths...and the "perceived faults" committed by not only the founders of the said faiths but also by the followers. I am yet to meet any Baha'i faithful in person. I however presume that going by the principles of the faith, the faithful are just striving to contribute to the betterment of society; just like any normal human being should'.

  47. April 11. On this date in 1912, 'Abdu'l-Bahá arrived in New York, marking the
    start of the

    North America leg of his journeys to the West
    . His arrival was
    widely covered
    in the press
    , with such

    titles as
    "Abbas Effendi Plans to Convert Americans to His Cult" and claims
    "that about a third of the Persians are now members of the cult," made




    , and


  48. This religion/cult has changed my sister into someone I don't even know anymore. My sister has always been very suggestible and into many fads, which I think this cult is (for her)! I can't believe how much time, money and travel they have spent on this endeavor. She has 2 adult children who have followed her footsteps and they all work for Haifa. They blindly follow Bahia beliefs and think they are superior to everyone. Very disturbing....

  49. My grandfather joined the Bahai's over a decade ago. It seemed alright, but it was very secretive, we never got invited to any of his events, and I actually dont think we were allowed. When his wife (my grandmother) died, they slowly manipulated him until we no longer see him anymore. Because of constant Bahai events, he misses birthdays, weddings, wont talk to his own son anymore, and has gone so far as to act like he is isn't even his son, that his son is this terrible person. We caught him forging legal documents involving familial information, so that it appears as though we dont exist. He's lost everything financially, and he is now trying to hide his address. You'd think there was some dramatic feud, but there was none. He just became completely absorbed into the Bahai's. For about a year, we had no idea that our neighbors were actually Bahai and that he was visiting them for meetings without us knowing! This is even after the bahai neighbors had come to our house to visit, to ask about our background and how we all grew up! The few times we have been able to talk or do some kind of normal event, he talks very strangely. He says that if the end of the world comes, the Bahai's will be the only ones to survive and repopulate the planet as a diverse unified world. But that everyone will be Bahai. All of this pieced together has left me sick. I've lost a close family member, and it all sounds like its due to a cult. I dont care what the Bahai's claim to be in front of cameras, with all that "peace and unification" nonsense. Their actions are horrendously anti-social and deceptive, and I could only describe it as a cult.
