فعاليت بهائيت در افغانستان

یکي از بهائیان افغاني در معبد لوتوس، هند
به گزارش «اديان نيوز» به نقل از جوان آنلاين :در ادامه فعاليت‌هاي مبلغين فرقه ضاله بهائيت در جهت تبليغ و ترويج اعتقادات اين فرقه انحرافي، اخيراً با اتخاذ شيوه‌اي جديد اقدام به نفوذ در بين اتباع افغاني نموده و تحت پوشش برگزاري كلاس‌هاس مذهبي، ضمن القاء عقايد و باورهاي ضاله بهائيت و همچنين تطميع كمك‌هاي مالي به خانواده‌هايشان آنها را جذب مي‌نمايند.

به گزارش "جوان آنلاين "تلاش اشغالگران براي ايجاد ناامني در افغانستان موجب فراهم شدن زمينه فعاليت اينگونه فرقه‌ها و مكاتب ضاله در بين مردم به ويژه جوانان و نوجوانان است كه در واقع از اهداف اصلي سردمداران اشغال مي‌باشد. چرا كه در راستاي هدف دين‌زدايي مردم مسلمان افغانستان شماري از واحدهاي مسكوني در غرب شهر كابل به مكاني براي ترويج  اين فرقه ضاله تبديل شده است.

گفتني است اقدامات سختگيرانه و مقتدرانه مسئولين افغانستان مي‌تواند در اين رابطه مفيد واقع شود چرا كه پيش از اين نيز ده‌ها تن از اتباع كره جنوبي به دليل ترويج مسيحيت از افغانستان اخراج شده‌اند.

Baha'is of Iran in Cyprus

Baha'i Architecture : The Eagle at the Burial Place of Baha'u'llah

Click to enlarge
The use of Eagles in the United States Patriotic Monuments and those in Baha'i Architectures.
The eagle in the center is mounted near the grave of Baha'u'llah in the Gardens of Bahji, Israel.

Baha'i Architecture : The grave of Shoghi Effendi

The unique Baha'i Architecture
Tsarina's Stone, oldest public monument in Helsinki, Finland.

In the middle of the Market Square is Helsinki’s oldest public monument, the Tsarina’s Stone. It is an obelisk of red granite topped by a globe and an eagle, the emblem used by the Tsars of Russia. The eagle’s breastplate shows a lion, the coat of arms of Finland. The monument was erected in 1835 in honour of the visit by Tsar Nikolai I and the Tsarina Alexandra, who stepped ashore here.
In 1917, the year of the Russian Revolution and Finland’s independence, Russian seamen took down the globe and eagle, but the Finns kept them safe and they were put back in 1971. There are few places anywhere else where original monuments to the old Russian royal family still exist.

Here is the Baha'i story for Eagle & Globe on Shoghi.

Somebody asked this question to Ruhiyyih Khanum the widow of Shoghi :

Where exactly was the eagle that was used as a model for the one on the Guardian's grave purchased?

She answered : Down on Princes Street [in Edinburgh], going down the hill towards Holyrood Castle; in that direction, on the left hand side, there was a very very famous antique shop, run by a woman who somebody yesterday in an antique shop told me they knew very well. I thought she was Scottish; she was Jewish, and she was Mrs something-or-other, I don't remember the name, and she's since passed away, and the shop doesn't exist any more.

The two Factions of Babism - The Baha'is and The Azalis

The Baha'is
Baha'is are those who believe that the Promised of Bayan (i.e. He Whom God Shall Make Manifest) who according to Bayan is to appear after 1511 to 2001 Bayani years was Mirza Hussayn Ali Nuri commonly known as Baha or Baha’u’llah who claimed the office of the promised of Bayan when Bayan was at its infancy.

Given the description provided under ‘Babi’ here, Baha'is correctly no longer identify themselves as Babis.
To Bayanis, Bahaism is a diversionary offshoot of the Bayani faith.

The Baha'i Community (1910)

The Azalis Generally, historians have referred to those followers of the Bab who rejected the claims of Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri and followed the Bab's successor Mirza Yahya Nuri (entitled Subh-i Azal) as Azalis.
This naming was mainly used to make a distinction between what they called two factions of Babis (i.e. Azalis and Baha'is).
It also suited the Baha'i purpose, as it would hide away the relationship between Bayanis and the Bab. In fact this is how Baha'is refer to Bayanis even though Aqdas (the Baha'i principal book) uses same term that was used in Persian Bayan i.e. People of Bayan (or Bayanis).  
The term Azali may also imply that Subh-i Azal had a claim of his own and that perhaps he was the author of new teachings which is incorrect. In essence, Bayanis need not be re-labelled. The term Bayani fully and uniquely identifies them and qualifies their belief. In summary, there is no such thing as Azali as all Azalis are Bayanis and all Bayanis are Azalis. 

The Azali (Bayani) Community of Tehran 

 More info can be obtained here :
http://theprimalpoint.com   /   http://bayanic.com

BBC's commendable services for the Cause of Baha'u'llah!


This short documentary shows, how BBC Persian is serving the "Cause of Baha'u'llah"? Right from its founder to the managers of different sections majority of them are Baha'is in BBC. The Baha'is don't involve into politics but they do support in changing the governments of the countries they are interested in and they do work for it sincerely. BBC very often and timely produces Baha'i documentaries and interviews of different Baha'i leaders. Baha'i faith is on the top of their agenda and 'may be' some funding is obtained from the Haifan UHJ.

Why don't BBC broadcasts interviews of Wahid Azal, Fredrick Glaysher, Orthodox Baha'is, BUPC Baha'is, Neal Chase Azalis and so many others? Why doesn't it make a nice documentary about Baha'i Sects with interviews of their leaders? Why doesn't it produces a short investigating film about the Trademark Court Case that was lost by the Haifan Baha'is? Why it doesn't make a film on 'Shundamentalism' in Baha'i faith? Why not a film on Covenant Breaking? Why not a documentary on infallibility of the UHJ? Why not a Film on World order of Baha'u'llah, that will be controlled by the Haifan AO? Why not an investigating film that explores the Frauds and Scams of Baha'is? Why not a film on scams and frauds in Baha'i Elections?

That may be the reason many Iranians call BBC as Baha'i Broadcasting Corporation. They may be true!!!

Does the Baha'i Faith suffer from schizophrenia by it's very nature?

In answer to this question:

The use of the term schizophrenia may have been injudicious but it does describe the collective psychic malady that the Baha'i Faith suffers from.

During the 35 years that I was a BIGS I personally sensed this underlying malady. Every time I read something in the writings which was contradicted by actions in the lives, of the founders, of Shoghi, of the members of the UHJ I experienced this malady.

I felt it as a general sense of unease. I went through periods when I questioned whether there was something wrong with myself in that I didn't see the logic or the reasoning behind the many contradictions between the words in the writings and the actions in the lives of the central figures.

I often asked myself questions such as this: "Why remove the past religious practice of dividing humanity the pure tree from the evil tree, the people of the book form the people of infidelity and error, only to reinstate this self same religious practice in the Baha'i writings, in Baha'i religious practice?" It made no logical sense. The cognitive dissonance this set up in my life finally came to a head and I packed up all my Baha'i books, put them in Styrofoam coolers, and stuck them in the crawl space. ;^)

It is the contradictory nature of Baha'i writings, teachings, and religious practices which causes this cognitive dissonance. Teachings which are supposed to be the very words of God and which state such things as this: Whatsoever hath led the children of men to shun one another, and hath caused dissensions and divisions amongst them, hath, through the revelation of these words, been nullified and abolished. (Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 95) ... teachings which go on to council and advise this very behaviour: shunning.

As well how often did Abdu'l-Baha state that we should see no enemies: Let them see no one as their enemy, or as wishing them ill, but think of all humankind as their friends; regarding the alien as an intimate, the stranger as a companion, staying free of prejudice, drawing no lines. (Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 1) One of the teachings is that love and faithfulness must prevail in the hearts that men may see the stranger as a friend, the sinner as an intimate fellow, may count enemies as allies, regard foes as loving comrades, call their executioner the giver of life, consider the denier as a believer and the unbeliever as a faithful one -- that is, men must behave in such a manner as may befit the believers, the faithful, the friend and the confidant. (Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v1, p. 125) ... teachings which then go on to council and advise this very behaviour: the seeing of enemies, the drawing of lines.

The malady represented in the futile attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable nature of these clear contradictions in the Baha'i Faith may not be schizophrenic but it is unhealthy both psychically as well as spiritually.

IMHO all that afflicts the Baha'i Faith as a religion can be traced to this malady. The malady of turning a blind eye to clear contradictions and even hypocrisy. The myth of infallibility in the Baha'i religion only compounds this malady.


Larry Rowe

Source : http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/browse_thread/thread/a998859b17e007fd#

Supreme Court of Afghanistan declared Baha’i faith as form of blasphemy and followers of it as infidels

"Non-Muslim minority groups, particularly Christian, Hindu, Sikh, and Bahai groups, which together constitute approximately 1 percent of the population, were targets of discrimination and persecution. The minority Shia community continued to face discrimination from the majority Sunni population. Authorities detained at least two converts from Islam to Christianity during the reporting period, although both have since been released. Television programming led to increased negative public opinion and suspicion of Christian activities and targeted violence and harassment against Christians, including converts from Islam. The Afghan Supreme Court ruled that membership in the Bahai Faith constituted blasphemy and that Muslims who convert to the Bahai Faith are apostates. Local Hindu and Sikh populations continued to encounter problems in obtaining land for cremation and harassment during major celebrations."

Source : http://allafrica.com/stories/201109141069.html
Please participate in debate here : http://www.interfaith.org/forum/afghan-supreme-court-rules-bahai-14467.html

Violette Nakhjavani is dead !

Violette Nakhjavani
This is the end to the fake stories of Ruhiyyih Khanum. Many of the Baha'is who used to get bored by all those fake stories fabricated by this lady will take a long breath of relaxation. Violette is no more with them, so now no more boring and fabricated stories of Madame Ruhiyyih!

She went to Abha kingdom early morning of 14th September in France. So now she will narrate all those stories (fabricated ones) to Mr. P. Khan who took a flight to Abha Kingdom on 15th July.

In her life she got many chances to travel with Ruhiyyih Khanum throughout the world. So, many people saw her with Madame Ruhiyyih and that's why many poor and innocent Baha'is put their faith in her and believed in whatever she said, I mean all those fabricated stories. You can listen to all those hyperbolas on youtube.

Ruhiyyih and Violette in Africa
Her actual name was née Banani. She was the wife of Mr. Ali yullah Nakhjavani, who was as a member of the Universal House of Justice, the supreme governing body of the Haifan Bahá'í Faith, from 1963 to 2003. So this lady is very important. In Baha'i faith the Continental Counselors, International Counselors and UHJ members are very important and their wives are important too.

Ali and Violette have one daughter, Bahiyyih, and one son, Mehran; they currently reside in France. Bahiyyih is a member of "Baha'i International Faith" and about Mehran no info is available.

The Baha'i way of Begging

"All the friends of God ... should contribute to the extent possible, however modest their offering may be. God doth not burden a soul beyond its capacity. Such contributions must come from all centers and all believers. ... O Friends of God! Be ye assured that in place of these contributions, your agriculture, your industry, and your commerce will be blessed by manifold increases, with goodly gifts and bestowals. He who cometh with one goodly deed will receive a tenfold reward. There is no doubt that the living Lord will abundantly confirm those who expend their wealth in His path."

The Beggar is Abdul Baha

Infallibility of UHJ demands NO ELECTIONS !!!

By Robert Well
The Baha’is believe that their administration is divine and the House of Justice is infalliable. The Baha’is should submit themselves to the UHJ and let them decide what is good for them, as the Supreme Body is considered ‘Infallible’.

This means that only the First Election of UHJ in 1963 was required as it was for the first time that the infallible body was formed. After that all the subsequent elections and bye elections were absolutely unwanted for because the UHJ is itself Infallible. The retiring member should have put this agenda in front of the UHJ that due to his advanced age he wants to retire and let UHJ decide a new member in his place. Obviously this decision would have been free of error and the most eligible member’s name would have emerged out.
Similarly, after the end of every five years the UHJ should have a special meeting for appointment of members of UHJ for the next five years, and because the UHJ is free from errors, the most appropriate members will be on the list.

It would have been better that The Infallible UHJ itself appoints the members for the infallible body rather than fallible Baha’is appointing an Infallible Body.

Or let the NSA of different countries nominate a pool of names for the appointment of Members of UHJ and then the present UHJ selects the names of the most suitable members for the next UHJ body. I mean, somewhere or the other the role of UHJ as an infallible body, should emerge.

If this is accepted than all the efforts to hold International convention every five years and any bye elections caused by retirement or death of any member will not be required. Thus the Baha’is will also get rid from the accusation that the Elections of UHJ is not actually ‘Election’ but ‘Selection’. The selection will hence be official.

This would be in true spirit of what Mr. Peter Khan has said: 

“This is the challenge we face and it’s inherent in the Ridván 2009 Message. The solution is childish simple; the solution is so simple, it hardly worth mentioning. The solution is no more and no less than unreserved acceptance of whatever the central authority of the Cause, in this case the Universal House of Justice decrees.

If we would hold to that, if we would contemplate it deeply, if we would absorb the implications and meaning of unreserved acceptance and implementation of whatever the Central Authority in the Cause decrees we are safe. Nothing can trouble us, we are in an impregnable stronghold, and we would become part of this massive movement of humanity to rescue the world from the perilous disorder, the intense suffering of the declining process and to usher in the ordained new world civilization in the Golden Age of the Cause” 

The Baha’is should not hesitate from correcting the situation and accepting mistakes of past. Be logical and adhere to the true spirit of the Faith. The position of Baha’is today is greatly weakened by accepting and following blindly without independent investigation and thoughtful conclusions.

Source :

Freedom of association and Baha'i Faith

Been thinking about why freedom of association is so important that it is included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Have also been thinking about how Baha'i religious practice contravenes this right and how a religion which has progressive aspects has evolved to not recognize this basic human right.

The illogic of the Baha'i religious practice of shunning those it has labeled as covenant breakers is that a Baha'i could be forced to associate with a fellow Baha'i whose character is shady while at the same time being forced to not associate with a Baha'i from a different sect whose character is laudable. Not only is this illogical, in Canadian law it is illegal because it contravenes our Character of Rights and Freedoms right of association.

Which makes more sense? The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or Baha'i religious practice, Baha'i religious law? A Baha'i religious law which can even force family members to not associate with each other on threat of being excommunicated from the Baha'i religion?

There are aspects of Baha'i belief that need to be shed before the Baha'i religion can truly be a humanitarian religion, a religion which truly honors the human rights of all, a religion fit for this time in humanities history.

Written by Larry Rowe
Source : TRB

Yossi Shalom, addressed 40,000 people at the foot of the Baha'i Gardens

Shrine of Bab witnesses the protests in Haifa

Saturday night was the test Israel’s protest movement needed to show that social justice can and should be stronger than fear. Around 450,000 people took to the streets in Tel Aviv and throughout Israel to demand a real change from the neoliberal policies imposed by successive governments over the past 30 years.

Complete news here :

Picture Courtesy :
Avishag Shaar-Yashuv

Baha’i Faith is Hypocrisy personified

The Baha’i faith as it stands today faces a challenge of becoming irrelevant to the sayings of Baha’u’llah and Abdul Baha. Having failed to attract converts and not getting acceptance from the world society, the Baha’i Faith today is trying to serve itself as a religion in terms of writing OPEN LETTERS (as against Holy writings!!) that have no bearing whatsoever on the targeted people.

Very recently we heard about a petition made by 31 Imminent Indians to the Government of Iran, on another occasion we heard that Baha’is wrote an irrelevant letter to the people of Egypt.

There was again an ‘Open letter’ in the Wall Street Journal republished Dr. Kishan Manocha, Director of the Office of External Affairs of the Bahá’í community of the UK.  The document, dated 7th December and addressed to Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Larijani, stating the injustices meted out to Iranian Baha’is. Many more open letters must be in the pipe line.

These open letters afford Baha’is opportunity to be in touch with Media, non-governmental organizations, various government officials and prominent individuals.

Although The Guardian of the Baha’i Faith has forbidden Baha’is to take part in any such campaign, which is political in character, the present Baha’is have resorted to this as a last measure. Extract of the Guardians advice is indicated below:

“The Baháís should refrain from signing petitions designed to bring pressure on the Government which may have any political character whatsoever. There are so many other people who can carry on progressive types of activity, but only the Baháís can do the work of Baháulláh”…
(Shoghi Effendi, dated March 19, 1946, in The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahá'í Community, p. 44)

The Baha’is know it very well that these reactions will harm the Baha’is in Iran but the fact is that the UHJ wants MARTYRS IN IRAN so that they can shout BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD, Money, Money, Money.

The Baha’is of World have done nothing to help their fellow Baha’is inside or outside of the Iran. They have been content to benefit economically and extract cheap propaganda for themselves. The Baha’is are an inward-looking community which can sacrifice its own people for monetary gains.

We see so much injustice and oppression prevailing in the world, and thousands are dying, but the only thing that comes to the mind of Baha’is is perceived threat, violence to themselves. No mention is made of the fact that Jews, Christians and Muslims have been threatened or attacked. The Baha’is seem to judge the justice of a regime according to how well it treats the Baha’is. An unjust regime treating the Baha’is well is tolerated or even extolled, while a popular regime which deprives Baha’is of certain freedom (perhaps along with other religious groups) is regarded as evil.

When UHJ was approached to give a statement on ‘Iraq invasion’ it said that we follow the policy of non-involvement in politics. This ‘non involvement’ tag on Baha’is are ‘get-out passes’ from just about everything.

Needless to say, the Baha’is are gradually gaining a reputation for hypocrisy and self-interestedness. The world of Internet has exposed the Baha’i Community that has a deliberate agenda of using education / educational institutions / educational programmes to promote their activities and their faith.

The Baha’is also have a deliberate policy of targeting prominent people, including teachers and other educationalists – all influential strata of society. Issues of common concerns are used to attract these strata but without making apparent it is the Baha’i Faith propagation that gets priority. Crowds are drawn in the names of these prominent personalities but intentions are different.

Look at how events are twisted to know the true character of the Baha’is. Baha’is were caught teaching Baha’i Faith to the children in IRAN, which is an illegal activity in Iran.  Instead of humbly accepting their mistake, the Baha’is said they were teaching the underprivileged children (knowing Baha’i nature this can only be far from truth!!!). Baha’is indulge in such ‘social’ activities (read ‘anti-social’) for influencing the children of other community not only related to Iran but in many countries where such activities are not seen appropriate. A question arises in ones mind – is need of education in Baha’i community totally established that they have to educate only other communities?

In Uzbekistan, during a police raid, the Baha’is were caught proselytizing the children as young as 10 years about Baha’i Faith. On being questioned,  if they had the consent of the parents, they said, ”we were having Tea together and for having a cup of tea neither the consent of parents nor any authority is required”. Have you heard ten year olds having tea with matured men? Needless to say the Baha’is were immediately deported out of Uzbekistan. Refer http://uzbekbahai.blogspot.com/ for details.

In India they said, “We are creating Promoters of the Community Well being”. When the Baha’is were taken to the police station, Baha’i officials said that “we were conducting practicals for these students”. They were told that schools were better places for the students to get their practical training. On further questioning, the students confessed that they were going to villages for conduction of Baha’i religious classes for children and youths and they were told by their teachers that their course will be completed only when they do these activities. The teacher had also warned them to be ‘TACTFUL’ while propagating the Baha’i religion. On seeing the Baha’i books it became clear for the Police that it was a conversion class. As the 'Ruhi Book' that they were having, contained Baha'i religious material and chapters such as "UNDERSTANDING THE BAHA'I WRITINGS." (Refer http://panchgani-bahais.blogspot.com/ for details)

In Indonesia the Bahá'ís were arrested and prosecuted under the Law of Child Protection (23-2002) trying to convert children of other faith as young as 9 to 10 years. The Police found that there is very compelling evidence for the crime and violation of law of land. The Indonesian Government requires that Religious groups and social organizations must obtain permits to hold religious concerts or other public events. Permits usually are granted in an unbiased manner; unless there is concern that the activity could anger members of another faith who live in the area. Baha’is had once again violated the code of conduct (refer http://agamabahai.blogspot.com/ for details)

In 2008 in Yemen four Baha’is, Mr. Zia'u'llah Pourahmari, Mr. Keyvan Qadari, Mr. Behrooz Rohani. and Mr. Sayfi Ibrahim Sayfi, were arrested and deported on charges of “proselytizing” in a manner against Yemeni law.

Reports are also there that the Christian priests have warned the Baha’is, in no uncertain terms, that they should conduct the Ruhi book courses only with Baha’i children and not with non Baha’i children.

With such frustrating experiences the Faith has no option but to gain sympathy from world by writing ‘Open Letters’. The world has now seen the true face of Baha’is and can no longer be deceived. History has never seen such deception ever. The Baha’is should spend rest of the time left for the Faith and reflect on validity of their Faith and the hoax care-takers of the Faith (the Universal House of Justice). Reality will not be hidden then. In the interest of humanity this is a MUST.

Source : http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/browse_thread/thread/9a6883eba05e6a2f#

How Baha'i faith is a Cult?

For Vimeo lovers here : https://vimeo.com/172849142

Abdul Baha (Son of Baha'u'llah) was one of the leader of Baha'i Cult
Based on "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan, here are the criteria for determining "cults":

1. How new members are found

Dangerous Cults: With many cults, you don't get to know what you are getting into until after you have made a commitment

Baha'i Faith: There are secrets but these secrets are not known to the poor, innocent, newly converted Baha'is. Does the common baha'i know that the Baha'i Elections are fully controlled by the "All Male, Supreme, All Infallibale, Haifan Organization"? Do they know that these are not spiritual but highly fraud and controlled? there are many secrets and are available on the internet. Search on google for "Pakistan Baha'i Election Fraud", "Baha'i Control on their Electoral System", "Baha'i Election fraud in India".

2. How funding is obtained.

Dangerous Cults: Commercial operations and/or mandatory donations (often large percentages) by members.

Baha'i Faith: Has commercial businesses, businesses associations, huge property investments, heavy bank deposits. They collect money from poor Africans, Indians, Burmese, Nepalis, Pakistanis in the name of Community Banking and then use these funds for proselytizing. Also auctions are held of different used Clothings of Baha'i Leaders for fund raising. If they know about you have money, they (Especially Iranian Baha'is) will start motivating you to give the HUQUQULLAH, which is then transferred to UHJ in Haifa and it is then used to maintain Huge Gardens on Mount Carmel. Ask the Baha'is what they have done for the destitute of Congo and Sudan? Some of the fund is used for Pioneering purpose and it is allocated by the Counselors to its own people, sometimes exceeding 15000 US$ a year. There are huge financial scams in the Baha'i community. Just google to learn more, Search for Baha'i financial scams in Dubai, India, Italy, Pakistan, Africa, Iran etc.

Recently a Saree (cultural dress worn by women in India) of Ruhiyyih Maxwell was auctioned to raise funds for Baha'i activities.

3. Charismatic central figure.

Dangerous Cults: Cults usually have a central living figure who often lives on income from adherents.

Baha'i Faith : "Baha'i Say: There is no clergy, paid or unpaid" Totally false!

There are no clergies but there are Counselors and ABMs. The ABMs are religious Police just like the one in IRAN and the Counselors are purely MULLAHs. They are those conducting difficult and important lectures on the subjects such as Covenant, Huququllah, Covenant Breaking, Baha'i Elections, Ruhi 8 etc. These are Baha'i MULLAHs and everybody is supposed to OBEY them without any questioning. You cannot be critical of them. Otherwise you are considered Critical of UHJ, the Supreme Baha'i Body. These Counselors and ABMs are mostly paid huge amounts for their services. These amounts are called as "Living Assistance". Even the International Counselors are House of Justice members are paid huge amounts collected from the poors in the name of Huququllah.

4. Investigation of truth

Dangerous Cults: Members are often told that it is dangerous to investigate other religions.

Baha'i Say: Baha'is are encouraged to investigate all religions, and to appreciate truth no matter where it is found. Totally Wrong.

Baha'is are strictly not allowed to read the material of other Baha'i Sects. They are told to immediately delete all the emails received by the "Critics" or Baha'is of other denominations. Immediately handover the 'UNREAD' material received by other sects to the Baha'i Mullas (Counselors). As this can damage their so called weak 'covenant'.

5. Behavior control, as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: Persons may be told where to live, what to wear, or what (and how much) to eat. Sleep and freedom to travel or move about may be limited

Baha'i Faith: Many Baha'is are Alcoholic (although officially it is prohibited). Shoghi Effendi prohibited the Baha'is from keeping long hairs. There is no freedom of travel. Every now and then guidelines (or Orders?) are issued to the Baha'i from their infallible supreme body. Behavior is fully controlled by the Supreme Baha'i Administrative Bodies. Once Baha'i Administration declares any fellow as a "Covenant Breaker" then other Baha'is are supposed to totally boycott / shun him even if he be your brother.

The advice of UHJ to Baha'is
"There is no excuse for believers continuing to associate with ... and those who, knowing everything, still insist on doing so, should be shunned by their fellow-Bahá'ís. The same applies to people who have left the Cause and associate with ..."

6. Thought control as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: There is often use of "thought-stopping" techniques such as chanting or speaking in tongues for long periods of time, setting up a type of hypnotic atmosphere

Baha'i Faith: The "Ruhi Institute" is specially meant to brainwash the newly converted. Read Ruhi Book 6 and 7 and learn yourself. And hypocrisy is the second name of Baha'i faith. See this

7. Emotional control, as defined by Hassan. *

Dangerous Cults: Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation or forced confession, and indoctrination against leaving the group. *

Baha'i Faith: Exactly same here, Guilt and fear are often used to control members, including alternating praise and public humiliation (if you are critical of this cult) or forced confession, and indoctrination (Shunning) against leaving the group. Small mistakes are fined with the taking of "Voting / Administrative Rights"

8. What happens when people leave the religion

Dangerous Cults: People who leave cults are often considered to be dangerous and are usually shunned

Baha'i Faith: Exactly Same with the Baha'i Cult. Search the Phrase "Non-association with Covenant-breakers" and read the teachings of Baha'u'llah, Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi.


* Steve Hassan is a Cult Expert

The Guardian problem in the Baha'i Faith

Hands of the Cause at their plenary meeting, April 1963. 

1. The station of Guardian was decreed by the Last Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, a document which some have alleged to be a forgery.

2. If the LW&T is not a forgery, then the Guardian's failure to obey his self-described duties are contrary to what a divinely appointed authority would be expected to do.

3. These self-described duties include the critical task of appointing a successor guardian, who would take over after the death or incapacitation of the preceding guardian. The successor was to have been appointed in a manner that would leave no room for doubt as to the validity of the successor’s appointment.

4. There is no credible evidence that any successor guardian was ever appointed in such an unambiguous manner, although there were claimants.

5. No provision had ever been made concerning the contingency of a guardian dying without having appointed a successor. Indeed, such a possibility had never even been mentioned by Shoghi. That is why his death intestate led to the crisis it did.

6. The combination of these facts decisively refutes the notion that the Guardianship was ever a divine institution. It also demonstrates that Shoghi himself never believed that it was. He never made any
attempt, neither to ensure a clear line of succession, nor to anticipate the lack of a succession.

7. Upon Shoghi’s unexpected death (or Murder?), the Hands of the Cause took it upon themselves to resolve the matter by declaring that henceforth, the Baha'i Faith would have no living guardian. But they had no authority to make that declaration.

8. Shoghi’s death created an unresolvable discrepancy, a contradiction, that pits the alleged divine authorship of the station against the physical facts. One cannot have it both ways. For the station to be of divine authorship, there must be a succession of guardians, or absent that, some provision to account for a lack of succession.

9. While the Hands made the best they could of a bad situation, their best was not enough. Nor could it be. It should become apparent that such an irregularity could not be explained in terms of a divinely appointed station. Shoghi Effendi had been inexcusably, and inexplicably, derelict in his duties, duties which he himself had repeatedly affirmed in the most emphatic manner.

10. Claimants to the succession of guardianship make such a weak and flimsy case for their divine authority that their claims make no improvement regarding the failure of Shoghi Effendi to be clear and unambiguous in the appointment of a successor.

11. Attempts by the UHJ to uphold the actions of the Hands are equally flimsy and unjustifiable. Even their most contorted explanations do not suffice to resolve the contradictions.

12. In all likelihood, the LW&T was a forgery by those who sought power in what they thought would become a powerful world religion. Even if it was not a forgery, it certainly had no divine authorship, as demonstrated by its abject failure to bear the fruit which it had promised.

Source :

The Kitáb-i-Aqdas and Bahá'í Fundamentalism

God hath decreed, in token of His mercy unto His creatures, that semen is not unclean. Yield thanks unto Him with joy and radiance ¶74
Bahá'u'lláh is said to have written the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in 1873, or perhaps several years earlier. This was relatively early in his ministry, so much was added or ammended afterward, but the Aqdas stands as the book that Bahá'u'lláh intended to serve as the foundation of his scriptures. The Aqdas, when viewed with its Islamic, Shi'i, Iranian, and Bayanic origins in mind, presents very little original material, and is hence a very traditional book in the Shi'i style, and it contains much that western Bahá'ís and non-Bahá'ís might find hard to swollow. It is therefore no surprise that the Bahá'í authorities did not complete an authoritative English translation until 120 years after its release in Arabic. Its release in English, along with the advent of the Internet, preceeded a surge in fundamentalism in the previously liberal western Bahá'í community.
First and foremost, the Twin Duties assigned by the Aqdas to all men are (1) belief in Bahá'u'lláh and (2) obedience to his laws and ordinances. ¶1 The Aqdas states quite clearly that good deeds—without satisfying these two duties—are worthless. This fundamentalist doctrine of salvation leaves no room for the unbeliever and those who cannot manage to live by the entirety of Bahá'u'lláh's rules and regulations, which are—as well shall soon see—quite hard to swallow hole. The Bahá'í community, in fact, does not follow many of the directives of the Aqdas, though they claim they will one day when mankind has reached a sufficient level of maturity.

The Foundation: Original Sin

The Bahá'í doctrine of the Twin Duties rests upon the foundation of the Bahá'í version of the doctrine of original sin. The Bahá'í idea is not that Adam and Eve blew it for the rest of us, but rather that we are inadequate by design, and not just morally, but we are futhermore incapable of discerning right from wrong. Our only hope is to fear God, recognize Bahá'u'lláh, and obey him.
O people of the world! Follow not the promptings of the self, for it summoneth insistently to wickedness and lust; follow, rather, Him Who is the Possessor of all created things, Who biddeth you to show forth piety, and manifest the fear of God. ¶64
Regard men as a flock of sheep that need a shepherd for their protection. This, verily, is the truth, the certain truth. We approve of liberty in certain circumstances, and refuse to sanction it in others. We, verily, are the All-Knowing. ¶124
Bahá'u'lláh makes this point in different ways throughout his writings:
man is unable to comprehend that which hath streamed forth from the Pen of Glory and is recorded in His heavenly Books. Men at all times and under all conditions stand in need of one to exhort them, guide them and to instruct and teach them.
Lawh-i-Maqsúd (Tablet to Mirzá Maqsúd)
Thus the Aqdas states in no uncertain terms that we are to follow Bahá'u'lláh strictly according to his own terms:
Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men. In this most perfect Balance whatsoever the peoples and kindreds of the earth possess must be weighed, while the measure of its weight should be tested according to its own standard, ... ¶99
Thus it follows that one cannot rest ones conscience on good deeds alone, because one cannot distinguish good from evil in the first place.
Blessed is the man that hath acknowledged his belief in God and in His signs, and recognized that "He shall not be asked of His doings". Such a recognition hath been made by God the ornament of every belief and its very foundation. Upon it must depend the acceptance of every goodly deed. ¶161
This, of course, puts men in a position of being incapable of measuring the appropriateness or fairness of any of Bahá'u'lláh's laws and ordinances, or for that matter, anything Bahá'u'lláh has said. Therefore, men must simply believe and obey:
The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. It behoveth every one who reacheth this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him Who is the Desire of the world. These twin duties are inseparable. Neither is acceptable without the other. ¶1


There are certainly passages in Bahá'í scripture that exhibit tolerance of the unbeliever, but there are certainly passages that exhibit a less than complimentary attitude:
The peoples of the world are fast asleep. ... So bewildered are they in the drunkenness of their evil desires, that they are powerless to recognize the Lord of all being, Whose voice calleth aloud from every direction ... ¶39

Islamic Legalism

One of the most striking characteristics of the Aqdas, especially in light of the fact that such gravity is given to its laws and ordinances, is that a number of important issues are omitted while several less important topics are addressed in great technical detail. What the Aqdas chooses to address appears to follow the pattern of Islamic tradition and Bábí law more than issues that concern modern civilazation. Indeed, the Aqdas itself indicates that Bahá'u'lláh wrote the Aqdas to appease the many contemporary Bahá'ís who saw great importance in addressing Islamic law. ¶98

Severe Punishments

It is not enough to say that the Aqdas endorses capital punishment. In many parts of the world where capital punishment is used, it is reserved for extreme crimes. In the Aqdas, the application of capital punishment is more straightforward: if one kills (with intent), one is to be killed. ¶62
Even stronger is the punishment for arson, which appears to be the equivalent of burning at the stake. ¶62 Not to imply that arson is not a dreadfully serious crime, but isn't that a bit cruel and unusual? Is there no other crime that calls for a punishment of proportionate cruelty?

Unfair Penalties and Allotments

Though Bahá'u'lláh dealt with a handful of topics in great detail, his handling of these topics left something to be desired with regard to fairness.
One example of this are the flat monetary fines applied to fornication ¶49 and manslaughter ¶188 and flat amounts assigned to dowries ¶66: did it ever occur to Bahá'u'lláh that this approach favors the wealthy? It has the effect of making fornication and manslaughter similarly minor offenses for those who can easily part with a little gold.
I have, on occasion, stopped to wonder how a modern criminal court system might be served by the additional load of fornication cases. I also wonder how people might come to be accused of fornication. It's good for a laugh or two.
Manslaughter is treated as a civil offense for which the blood money is set to about 11 troy oz. of gold. The fine for first offense adultery is about an ounce.

Marriage and Inheritance

The passages of the Aqdas on marriage ¶63-70 are noticeably gender-biased. Men are permitted to have two wives ¶63 (`Abdu'l-Bahá later abrogated this allowance of bigamy). Men are presumed to be the sole bread winners, so no consideration is given to the likelihood that a woman might work ¶67. Whereas adultery is considered to be an offense that men and women can commit ¶49, divorce appears to be justifiable by female adultery only, for, in keeping with Islamic tradition, divorce is not a two-way street: the man divorces the wife; not the other way around. ¶68.
Dowries are set to a couple ounces of gold for city urban Bahá'ís and a couple ounces of silver for rural Bahá'ís. ¶66 Silver is, of course, worth much less than gold. This system favors rural residents whether they are rich or poor, but more importantly, why even bother with such detail? Why require dowries in a modern age in which wives are presumably no longer possessions?
Bahá'u'lláh's rules for inheritance clearly favor men over women. ¶20–29 The only defense Bahá'ís have for this is that Bahá'u'lláh's rules are merely a default to be used when Bahá'ís don't leave a will (which would be illegal). Is this to suggest that Bahá'u'lláh's inheritance rules are not to be used, even as a model? Of course they are to be used! If failing to leave a will is forbidden, why else would Bahá'u'lláh have specified these allotments? To punish the female descendants only?

Important Topics Avoided

It seems a bit peculiar that, having dealt with incidental topics in great detail, Bahá'u'lláh found his way to sidestep some important issues, such as circumcision—especially the female variety practiced in parts of the Muslim world. He must have been aware of the practice, yet he did not seem to believe it was an issue deserving of his attention.
Some heinous crimes are not touched by the Aqdas. Thievery is addressed in detail, but robbery—the violent equivalent—is not touched.
The Aqdas does not address sexual crimes such as molestation and rape. These heinous offenses may not have been considered as serious from Bahá'u'lláh's Islamic perspective, but of course that's no excuse for a universal manifestation.

Good Old-Fashioned Homophobia

The Aqdas fails to discuss rape, sexual assault, or molestation, but it does express great abhorrance for something it ambiguously calls the subject of boys. ¶107 Shoghi Effendi interpreted this as a general forbiddence of sexual relations between males. As ambiguously grossed out as Bahá'u'lláh appeared to be by the subject of boys, Shoghi Effendi was probably reading Bahá'u'lláh right.

Silly Stuff, But Not Harmless

Though the Bahá'ís claim to respect cultural diversity, the very fabric of the Bahá'í Faith threatens cultural diversity, because the Bahá'í Faith is no mere code of international and interracial good will as it has been sold to us; rather it is a complex set of behavioral codes that dictate manner of dress, eating, worship, marriage, and on and on. One directive that drives this point home is Bahá'u'lláh's directive on the trimming of hair:
Shave not your heads; God hath adorned them with hair, and in this there are signs from the Lord of creation to those who reflect upon the requirements of nature. He, verily, is the God of strength and wisdom. Notwithstanding, it is not seemly to let the hair pass beyond the limit of the ears. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Lord of all worlds. ¶44
It's a good thing Shoghi Effendi clarified the prohibition against long hair to be directed only toward men! Still, given the apparent spirit of this passage, consider how Bahá'u'lláh kept his own hair. We have included a photo to assist the reader.
This question ought to also be put to `Abdu'l-Bahá's appearance. Still, this lack of integrity is not the most troubling aspect of the twin directives on hair. The keeping of hair is a part of many cultures. What are the Bahá'ís to say people who have used the grooming of their hair as part of their cultural and religious heritage for thousands of years? For example, in many Native American cultures, the cutting of ones hair is a sign of grieving or shame. Are the Bahá'ís prepared to follow in the footsteps of the Christian missionaries of old?
This is certainly not the only place where the Bahá'í Faith imposes on perfectly harmless cultural practices. The Bahá'í Faith requires burial of the dead, for instance, and the Bahá'í Faith brings its own set of rules and form of ceremony to marriages and funerals. Even the dinner table is not spared:
Take heed lest, when partaking of food, ye plunge your hands into the contents of bowls and platters. ¶46
Does this mean we must eat pizza with a fork?
And in keeping with the Tidiness-is-Godliness principle, we have another gem:
Should the garb of anyone be visibly sullied, his prayers shall not ascend to God, and the celestial Concourse will turn away from him. ¶67
Well, I should say: what if the garment is invisibly sullied by some horrible bacteria? Then his prayers would be welcome because there is no visible dirt?
And finally, another silly rule:
If ye should hunt with beasts or birds of prey, invoke ye the Name of God when ye send them to pursue their quarry; for then whatever they catch shall be lawful unto you, even should ye find it to have died. ¶60
The obvious question here is: what if one hunts with a gun, a net, or a bow?
This is a discussion about the culturally insensitive nature of the Bahá'í Faith that goes beyond the Aqdas itself, but the Aqdas is a prominant part of the problem.

The Roots of Shundamentalism

Shundamentalism, the distictly Bahá'í practice of shunning other Bahá'ís who follow another Bahá'í leader, was put forward again and again by Bahá'u'lláh, and an example is to be found in the Aqdas:
Erelong shall clamorous voices be raised in most lands. Shun them, O My people, and follow not the iniquitous and evil-hearted. This is that of which We gave you forewarning when We were dwelling in Iraq, then later while in the Land of Mystery, and now from this Resplendent Spot. ¶37
Later, in Questions and Answers, Bahá'u'lláh utters this remarkably divisive statement regarding non-Bahá'í family members, giving great legal weight to the practice of shunning apostates:
Any heir, from whichever category of inheritors, who is outside the Faith of God is accounted as non-existent and doth not inherit.
Answer #34

Why one should not become—or remain—a Bahá'í, according to the Aqdas

Finally, here are some selections from the Aqdas to help motivate good people to keep clear of the Bahá'í Faith:
It is inadmissible that man, who hath been endowed with reason, should consume that which stealeth it away. ¶119
Burden not an animal with more than it can bear. ¶187
How much really changed in the Aqdas?
Courtesy : The National Spiritual Assembly of the Covenant-breakers of Eastern Oregon and Tiajuana.