Baha'i Gardens to witness mass social protests

Demonstrations set to take place in north and south Israel; for first time since start of the social protests nearly a month ago, Tel Aviv will not be holding a march.

By Eli Ashkenazi and Revital Hovel

Mass demonstrations are set to take place throughout Israel on Saturday evening, spreading to peripheral cities in both the north and south of the country. For the first time since the start of the social protests nearly a month ago, Tel Aviv will not be holding a march.

Major demonstrations are planned in Be’er Sheva, Afula and Haifa on Saturday. Protests will also take place in Eilat, Dimona, Modiin, Petah Tikva, Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon, Netanya, Beit She’an as well as other cities throughout Israel.

Be’er Sheva is expecting tens of thousands of protesters to show up to the demonstration to take place on Rager Boulevard near the tent city. Achinoam Nini, Kobi Oz, the rap group Hadag Nachash and Margalit Tzan’ani will be performing.

Haifa is also expected a turnout in the tens of thousands, with the march set to begin at 8:30 P.M. from Meirhoff Square in Kiryat Eliezer to Hameginim Square at Ben-Gurion Junction, and then to the Baha'i Gardens. Chemi Rodner, Daniel Solomon and Monica Sex will be performing.

The Haifa protest will include both Arab and Jewish citizens alike, and is set to take place in some of the less affluent neighborhoods of the coastal city.

The demonstration in Afula will be held for residents from the Galilee and northern valley area, who call themselves the “northern front”. Protest organizers are expecting more than 10,000 participants. Muki, Yuval Banai, Keren Peles, Shiri Maimon and Shimon Buskila will be performing.

An amalgam of speakers has been invited to address the protesters, meant to represent the different sectors of northern Israeli society. They will include students, farmers, Arabs, workers, youth and residents of development towns.

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