دستور بیت‌ العدل برای‌ اعضای‌ فرقه‌ در ایران

احبای ایرانی در سراسر عالم که در نظر دارند به ایران سفر کنند بعد از ملاحظه شرایط و سنجیدن عوامل گوناگون دخیل در موضوع، به اتخاذ تصمیم مبادرت کننده. افراد باید دیدگاه‌های محفل روحانی ملی و روابط بین کشور محل اقامت و ایران و نیز توصیه‌های صادر شده از سوی دولت یا سایر منابع مرتبط درباره سفر به کشور مزبور را مد نظر قرار قرار دهند

ادیان نیوز/ اخیراً سران فرقه ضاله بهائیت مستقر در فلسطین اشغالی «دارالانشاء بیت‌العدل» در تقابل با حجم فزاینده خروج بهائیان از ایران و حفظ آمار جمعیتی خود در ایران، با صدور اطلاعیه‌ای محرمانه خطاب به محافل ملی کشور‌های مختلف جهان از آنان خواسته‌اند تا بهائیان ایرانی را به ادامه ایستادگی و اقامت در ایران تشویق کنند و سایربهائیان ایران مقیم کشور‌های خارجی را هم به مسافرت به ایران و در صورت امکان اقامت در این کشور هدایت کنند.

اطلاعیه موصوف خطاب به محافل به اصطلاح روحانی ملی کشور‌های استرالیا، کانادا،فرانسه، المان، ایتالیا، هلند، نیوزیلند، آفریقای جنوبی، اسپانیا، سوئیس، انگلیس و ایالات متحده است.

در این بیانیه آمده است:«بیت‌العدل مقرر فرمودند مواردی از پیام‌ها را که عناصر بهایی ایرانی تقاضای هدایت می‌کنند از جمله‌ این که آیا در ایران بمانند، آن را ترک کنند، به این کشور سفر کنند، به ایران نقل مکان کنند یا برای همیشه به ایران مراجعت کنند و ... را در اختیار شما بگذاریم تا به اطلاع آحاد احباء جامعه خود بگذارید. این اطلاعات نباید در حال حاضر در خبرنامه‌ها یا امثال آنها به نحوی گسترده منتشر شود، بلکه آن را می‌توان در جواب سوالاتی که برای شما مطرح می‌شود، ارائه نمود.»
بیت‌العدل ادامه زندگی بهائیات در ایران را نوعی خدمت تلقی کرده و آنان را مورد ستایش قرار می‌دهد و سپس برای تحریک احساسات بهائیت ساکن ایران می‌افزاید: «اولیای حکومت ایران سعی دارند تا آنجا که امکان دارد زندگی را برای بهائیان مشکل سازند تا در گرو‌ههای عظیم مبادرت به ترک کشور کنند. در مقابل این قبیل فشار‌ها، این امید وجود دارد که یاران بتوانند قاطع و محکم ایستادگی کنند و در ایران بمانند. اقامت آن ها در کشور ایران برای خدمت به مصالح امرالله در زمره ممدوح‌ترین اعمال در این برهه از زمان محسوب است.»

سران فرقه می‌افزایند: «در ارتباط با جوانان بهایی که برای ادامه تحصیل قصد ترک ایران را دارند، باید به یقین بدانند که تحت شرایط فعلی، اقامت در ایران برای خدمت امر‌الله و مساعدت به احبای عزیز بسیار ممدوح و مرجع است و چنان‌چه میل آن ها به ادامه تحصیل که در اتیه ایام در پیشبرد امرالله و مشارکت در توسعه اجتماعی آن موثرتر و اثر بخش‌تر است، امید می‌رود که نهایت جد و جهد را مبذول دارند که بعد از اکمال تحصیلات به ایران مراجعت کنند»

بیت‌العدل توصیه می‌کند: «احبای ایرانی در سراسر عالم که در نظر دارند به ایران سفر کنند بعد از ملاحظه شرایط و سنجیدن عوامل گوناگون دخیل در موضوع، به اتخاذ تصمیم مبادرت کننده. افراد باید دیدگاه‌های محفل روحانی ملی و روابط بین کشور محل اقامت و ایران و نیز توصیه‌های صادر شده از سوی دولت یا سایر منابع مرتبط درباره سفر به کشور مزبور را مد نظر قرار قرار دهند.

این هدایت همچنین در مورد زوج‌هایی نیز که یکی از طرفین ایرانی و دیگری از تباری غیرایرانی است، مصداق دارد. اگر سفر به ایران باعث لطمه به وضعیت عناصر ساکن ایران می‌شود، از سفر پرهیز کنید، هنگام صحبت درباره امر مبارک، حزم و حکمت را رعایت نمایند، نباید هنگام ورود به ایرن معرفی‌نامه‌های امری را همراه داشته باشید، کتب امری در اختیار باید کتب نیاز شخصی باشد، از ارتباط با مرکز جهانی بهائیت حتی با ایمیل خودداری کنند، گذرنامه افرادی که به ایران سفر می‌کنند نباید ممهور به مهر ورود به اسرائیل باشد، بخش دین برگه متقاضی روادید نباید سفید گذاشته شود بلکه باید خط بکشید، اگر مسئولان مربوط صریحاً متقاضی را به ذکر دین ملزم سازند، البته متقاضی باید دیانت خود را «بهایی» ذکر کند.»

صدور اطلاعیه مذکور حاکی از موفقیت اجرای طرح‌های تشکیلات اطلاعاتی و ایجاد فشار مضاعف بر فرقه که در نهایت به اقبال بهائیان به خروج از کشور منجر شده، می‌باشد و باید این اقدامات با جدیت ادامه داشته باشد./بی باک

The hypocrisy of Prof. Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi and his Haifan Baha'i Organisation

The purpose of the conference in Toronto which was held under chairmanship of Mr. Tavakoli and under the Guidance of Universal House of Justice failed to achieve any of its aim because the conference failed to reflect on very important issues prevailing in the Baha’i organization. For example, The Baha’i NSA of the US recently lost a case in which it attempted to sue rival, schismatic Baha’i groups for trademark infringement of the name Baha’i. The daily increase in the numerous harassment that Baha’is have been subjected to. The existence of a Baha'i Internet Agency one of whose roles is to spy and isolate online critics. Trying to find out their IP addresses then their home addresses and then bullying them to submission. Forcing Google to disband their blogs/sites.

After all, thinking is our freedom to investigate the truth and follow it. If one is truly liberal then his approaches will not suffocate the human mind to certain ideals only. The conference failed to encourage the audience to seek out the truth in their investigation. It failed in encouraging audience to apply truth to their investigation. Mr. Tavakoli and his Haifan Baha’i friends should note that staying in glass houses one should not through stones at others. In future never use Academic Institute like Toronto University as your implementing agenda forum.

Can Mr. Tavakoli and his Haifan organization answer?
  • The Haifan Baha’is always preaches tolerance and peace then why do they not extend the same tolerance and peace to their own while demanding it from other religious leaders? is this not hypocrisy?
  • Why excommunicate Academician and University professor like Prof Firouz Anarki the former member of NSA of Thailand just because he believed that to become a good teacher for Children classes one need not do Ruhi book 3.
  • Why excommunicate Mr. Jamshed Fozdar who so sincerely worked for Haifan Baha’is as a counselor for a number of years. His only fault was his assertions that the content of the books of the Ruhi Institute are unjustified, and that the only valid way to teach the Cause to the peoples of the world is through the use of the scriptures of their respective religions
  • Why send Counselors to threaten professors of history and Middle East studies of 'making statements contrary to the covenant' in the Spring of 1996 and bully them out of the religion?
  • Why the crackdown on the talis...@indiana.edu list and its participants? Why bully individuals to retract statements of fact, but when they do under duress, they are Sanctioned?
  • Why bully the editors of dialogue magazine to close it down and accuse them of negative campaigning and lying for an article entitled *A Modest Proposal* which had gone through the process of pre-publication review by the NSA itself and then accuse these editors of being covenant breakers for following the NSA's own rules and guidelines on the floor of National Convention in 1988?
  • Why threaten people believing in freedom of conscience and freedom to express one's opinion?
  • Why expel Michael McKenney for merely believing that women should serve on the UHJ?
  • Why expel Alison Marshall for believing that the UHJ is not infallible?
  • Why sanction those Iranian Baha'is for leaving Iran via Mehrabad airport because they were required to fill out a form stating their religion?
  • Why spy on individuals and violate their fundamental right to privacy a year after they had formally left the religion?
  • Why write libelous and slanderous letters about people and then denounce them as enemies in their national publications?
  • Why attempt to have people shunned and split up their families because they believe differently from the official line? And so on and so forth, ad nauseum!
Given the current UHJ's own track record with its own dissidents, it is the last one who can preach about peace and tolerance towards others! They ought to start with themselves first before telling others what to do? 


The elections of The Universal House of Justice

Casting Ballot

There is little or nothing "spiritual" about Baha’i administration. It is simply a "modernist" facade on backwardness!

The Universal House of Justice is the head of Baha’i Faith. Its permanent seat is at the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, and all members reside here for the duration of their service.

The regular election of the nine members of the House of Justice occurs every five years at an international convention, held in Haifa. The most recent election was in 2008.

Till date there have been 10 elections (‘63, ’68, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98, ’03 and ’08) of UHJ. There have been five by-elections, in 1982, 1987, 2000, 2005 and 2010.

Amoz Gibson, Charles Wolcott and Adib Taherzadeh died while serving. The other 13 former members were allowed by the House to resign, presumably for personal reasons of health and/or age. Five members (Hakim, Kavelin, Hofman, Chance, Ruhe and Peter Khan) have died after their retirement, while the other eight former members are alive, as of August 2011.

The previous change in membership was when two other members chose to retire in 2007. There was no by-election since they stayed on until the regular election scheduled for April 2008. Since the House of Justice is elected every 5 years, it seems that Dunbar and Khan decided to leave ‘early’ rather than wait another few years until April 2013.

Hartmut Grossmann and Glenford E. Mitchell were replaced by Shahriar Razavi and Gustavo Correa – both members of the ITC (naturally).

This clearly indicates that a SELECTION PROCESS is operating behind the scene. 

UHJ membership and International Teaching Centre

The most important trend is that we have, since 2008, a membership drawn completely from the ITC – which itself is appointed by the Universal House of Justice. So in essence, there is a closed loop with the UHJ appointing its future candidates. This also shows that ITC acts as screening committee for future UHJ members.

By having UHJ members constantly elected from the ITC, it is almost a type of silent campaigning going on. These individuals are given a visible role in front of NSAs whereas any normal Baha’i out there would never stand a chance to be known. This guarantees no fresh blood - new Baha’is who are outside of the loop of administration who could possibly bring in a different perspective. Hence you only get people who are inside the system who will perpetuate the same thought patterns. And you get these people because they are the only ones paraded in front of the NSAs!

These special group of people (ITC) are given a platform where they and only they are seen right there and then by a group of people who are about to vote. No other Baha’i, no matter how great his/her service, will ever have that same opportunity to be seen. This is done with a purpose. What happens is that the selection of a group of people that are called future members of House of Justice? This SELECTION PROCESS is called as DIVINELY ORDAINED ELECTION.

The members of the ITC are in fact given a geographic mandate, just like the UHJ members themselves, and travel extensively to meet with the NSA's around the world. They also meet with other parts of the administration and the community at times to give speeches, attend events, etc.

Being on the ITC gives an unparalleled platform for visibility and access to NSAs – (Vote Bank!!). Appointment on ITC is also an indication to the electors that the House is keen in electing these people only.

The UHJ election process is obviously fixed. The ITC members are pre-screened for ideological purity and are then provided with unparalleled exposure which obviates the need for explicit campaigning.

UHJ membership and Iranians

Presented below is an interesting piece of statistic:

Total years
Years of Iranians
Charles Walcott

Amoz Gibson

Hushmand Fatheazam
Hugh Chance

Borrah Kavelin

Ian Sample

Lutfullah Hakim
David Hofman

Ali Nakhjawani
David S. Ruhe

Glenford Mitchell

Adib Taherzadeh
Hooper Dunbar

Peter Khan

Douglas Martin

Farzam Arbab
Kiser Barnes

Harmut Grossman

Firayduon Javaheri
Paul Lample

Payman Mohajer
Shahriar Razavi
Gustavo Correa

Mr. Stephen Birkland

Mr. Stephen Hall



Till today there are 25 members who have been elected on UHJ for different duration, out of which 8 members are of Iranian origin. This amounts to 31.5% which is reasonably very high for just one country. The Cradle of the Faith gets priority!!The present UHJ has 4 Iranian members and the percentage is 44%.

The total number of years of all the 25 members who have served on UHJ is 431 years out of which the 8 Iranian members share is 135 years which comes out to be again 31.3 %. Strange coincidence, isn’t it?

When comparison of Iranian Baha’i population with respect to World Baha’i population is done it is again found to be 30%, which puts everything in its proper perspective. (30,000 Iranian Baha’is against 100,000 total Baha’i populations.)

Till today there have been 26 members from International Teaching Centre, out of which 6 were Iranians. Percentage 23%.

If we take account of all the members of NSAs of the world, the percentage of Iranian Baha’is on the NSAs of different countries will be approximately 25% to 30%.

Even for the 85 continental board of Counselors appointed all over the world, the percentage of Iranian counselors will be near the same percentage.


This clearly shows that Baha’i Faith is Iranian dominated Faith where the citizens of other countries are enrolled to work under and for the Iranians.

Baha’i administration has a distinct Iranian culture of domination and tendencies toward predatory corporatism. It is deeply anti-democratic and anti-progressive.

In reality these Iranians, who rise to the top of Haifan Baha’i Administration are only proficient and successful at one thing: perpetuating dysfunctional organizational culture, lies and abuse of authority. For example, Mr. Payman Mohajer (of Iranian origin) has claimed that by 2021 there will be 50 million Baha’is all over the world. An extreme case of delusion.

There is little or nothing "spiritual" about Baha’i administration. It is simply a "modernist" facade on backwardness!

Source : TRB

Baha'i Gardens to witness mass social protests

Demonstrations set to take place in north and south Israel; for first time since start of the social protests nearly a month ago, Tel Aviv will not be holding a march.

By Eli Ashkenazi and Revital Hovel

Mass demonstrations are set to take place throughout Israel on Saturday evening, spreading to peripheral cities in both the north and south of the country. For the first time since the start of the social protests nearly a month ago, Tel Aviv will not be holding a march.

Major demonstrations are planned in Be’er Sheva, Afula and Haifa on Saturday. Protests will also take place in Eilat, Dimona, Modiin, Petah Tikva, Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon, Netanya, Beit She’an as well as other cities throughout Israel.

Be’er Sheva is expecting tens of thousands of protesters to show up to the demonstration to take place on Rager Boulevard near the tent city. Achinoam Nini, Kobi Oz, the rap group Hadag Nachash and Margalit Tzan’ani will be performing.

Haifa is also expected a turnout in the tens of thousands, with the march set to begin at 8:30 P.M. from Meirhoff Square in Kiryat Eliezer to Hameginim Square at Ben-Gurion Junction, and then to the Baha'i Gardens. Chemi Rodner, Daniel Solomon and Monica Sex will be performing.

The Haifa protest will include both Arab and Jewish citizens alike, and is set to take place in some of the less affluent neighborhoods of the coastal city.

The demonstration in Afula will be held for residents from the Galilee and northern valley area, who call themselves the “northern front”. Protest organizers are expecting more than 10,000 participants. Muki, Yuval Banai, Keren Peles, Shiri Maimon and Shimon Buskila will be performing.

An amalgam of speakers has been invited to address the protesters, meant to represent the different sectors of northern Israeli society. They will include students, farmers, Arabs, workers, youth and residents of development towns.


A Public Letter to Mohamad Tavakoli - Targhi

From :

The following is my letter to one of the main organizers of a recent corporate/institutional financed conference in Canada about Intellectual Othering and Bahaism.

Dear Mohamad Tavakoli - Targhi,

The thrust of the narrative about Anti-Bahaism in the manner you are presenting it is loaded and open to serious theoretical debate as well as factual deconstruction from all angles because underlying it, to me, are clear political motivations privileging a specific "hegemonic" narrative, in this case one presenting the victimization of the Iranian Baha'i community by the mullahs as unique - which it is not. What is most troubling about such narratival constructions as the one you are engaging in is that it conveniently leaves out the systematic patterns of "Othering" and abuse that the Baha'is themselves are guilty of throughout their history, whether with schismatics, with the Bayani (Azali Babi) community or with, yes, Muslims.

For the record, I am an ex-Baha’i and have experienced Bahaism very much as an abusive cult much like a Scientology. I am sure you are not completely unaware of the circumstances in which Juan Cole was run out of this organization, libelled and "Intellectually Othered" by it during the '90s. This organization even attempted at one point to destroy Juan's academic career, which they failed, but which they had earlier succeeded in the case of Denis MacEoin. I was personally witness to that whole spectacle in the '90s. But what happened to Cole is not unique. It has been a consistent pattern from generation to generation, and this organization has employed every form of underhanded method and tactic of abuse to silence and "Other" all of its critics, schismatics and dissidents exactly in the manner the mullahs and the Islamic regime are being accused. I know this because I have been at the receiving end of it. Are you aware, for example, that the Bahai NSA of the US recently lost a case in which it attempted to sue two rival, schismatic Bahai groups for trademark infringement of the name Bahai? Are you aware of the numerous public examples of harassment that former members have been subjected to? Are you aware, for example, of the existence of a Baha'i Internet Agency one of whose roles is to isolate online critics? http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php%3Ftitle%3DBaha%25E2%2580%2599i_Internet_Agency

The purpose of the conference in Toronto you were notably involved with together with its presentations, in my mind, has all the hallmarks of what Chomsky once designated as Manufacturing Consent. Besides yourself, the participation of at least one of its participants, namely Moojan Momen, renders the overall integrity of this conference a complete joke, particularly given the following: http://www.northill.demon.co.uk/relstud/apostasy.html. There are forces and actors, specifically in the big lobbyist foundation establishment of North America, out actively promoting Bahaism and in such endeavour they are simultaneously pushing Islamophobia as a political narrative: a narrative which as Hamid Dabashi proved is nothing more than a 21st century form of Antisemiticism. This is what you are supporting and are involved with by your involvement. Throughout this all other Iranian minorities groups who have been persecuted and othered by this regime have been sidelined in the corporate propaganda spree of the Haifan Bahai organization and its Washington/London allies.

Why aren't you writing about the social and intellectual "Othering" of the Iranian Sufi Orders or the Ahl-e-Haqq - who have been subjected to far worse and for far longer than the Baha'is have - and holding conferences about this subject? Is it because big corporate or institutional sponsors don't fork out money for such things as readily as they do for the Haifan Bahais that they are promoting?

In a world where the Academy has become nothing more than a venue for perception management by entrenched elites, it is truly sad to see scholars of such promise as yourself being used in this manner to promote dubious political agendas that have absolutely nothing to do with Human Rights but everything to do with dirty geopolitics and multinational capitalist greed.

Shame on you!

N. W. Azal

Book released by Iran : Role of Bahai'ism in the 2009 Crisis

Two new English books were unveiled this morning (August 9, 2011) at the Resaneh Culture Center by the Islamic Revolution Documents Center. The books deal with the unrest following the 9th presidential election in Iran.

More :

Mirza Husayn Ali (alias Baha'u'llah) God incarnate?

Mirza Husayn Ali (alias Baha'u'llah) was so out to lunch he actually believed, as did some of his followers, that he was god incarnate:

It was perhaps owing to this inadequacy that, at one stage during the ministry of Bahá'u'lláh, there were two major schools of thought among the believers concerning His station. Some believed Him to be the Supreme Manifestation of God, while others went further than this. When Bahá'u'lláh was asked about His station, He confirmed that as long as individuals were sincere in their beliefs, both views were right, but if they argued among themselves or tried to convert each other, both were wrong. This indicates that man because of his finite mind will never be able to understand the true station of the Manifestation of God. The criteria are sincerity and faith. Knowing man's limitations, God accepts from him what he is able to achieve.

(Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 1, p. 303)

Thankfully they have medication today to help those that begin to believe they are god incarnate ;^).


Larry Rowe

At the age of 74 Baha'u'llah was a father of fourteen children from his three wives.

Baha’u’llah married three (Baha'i Version).

1]. At age 18 in October of 1835, Baha’u’llah married His first wife who was named Asiyyih Khanum; She is reported to have been very beautiful caring and very kind; she was the daughter of Mirza Isma'il Vazir [minister] a wealthy person of the region of Yarlud . 2 years earlier before the marriage of Baha’u’llah, Asiyyih Khanum's brother, Mirza Mahmud, had married Baha’u’llah's older sister named Sarah Khanum. Of course this marriage was in Iran.

2]. When Mirza Buzurg [Baha’u’llah’s father] fell from favor with the Shah, and lost his homes, Baha’u’llah in 1839, after the death of His father, moved to Tehran were He rented a home in the Uldajan Qurter of Tehran and also took in His own mother and most of His father's wives and their children to live with Him. From this marriage, Baha’u’llah had 7 children and only three survived. These three were born in that house in Tehran;

A) In 1844 Abbas was born; He became known by the title He chose, Abdu'l-Baha.
B) In 1846 Fatimih Sultan Khanum was born, who in later years became known as Bayhiyyih Khanum and was given the title of The Greatest Holy Leaf, by Baha’u’llah.
C) in 1850 the youngest son was born and his name was Mirza Mihdi. When Baha’u’llah was exiled to Baghdad they left Mirza Mehdi with family in Tehran because he was too young to withstand that hard trip over the Al Borz Mountains. Mirza Mahdi joined his father later on when he was older, and so he accompanied Baha’u’llah on His exiles to Istanbul, Ediren and Akka were he died at a young age; Mirza Mehdi fell down on a wooden crate from a skylight on the roof of The Most Great Prison and died in there. According to Aqa Husyan Ashch’s unpublished memoirs, and in tablets of Baha’u’llah and Abdul Baha, Mehdi’s dying wish from Baha’u’llah was that the doors of reunion be opened for the friends to be able to attain the presence of Baha’u’llah. Restrictions eased soon after his death…When they buried Mirza Mehdi, an earthquake happened in Akka. Both Asiyyih Khanum and Mirza Mehdi were buried in a cemetery outside the gate of Akka named Nabi Salih…later in 1939 Shoghi Effendi exhumed the two remains and entered them on Mount Carmel close to the Greatest Holy Leaf.. that area is under the House of Justice and is called the Maraaqid. Asiyyih Khanum died in 1886.

3]. As customary of His high social position and what may have also been some family pressure, Baha’u’llah Married His cousin Fatimih in about 1848. This Fatemeh was really a widow when she married Baha’u’llah.. before Baha’u’llah she married off at a very young age to a very much older man, a relative of hers and Baha’u’llah by the name; Shaykh Muhammad `Allamih Nuri, a high ranking Muslim cleric. He dies soon after this marriage and thus Fatimih was a young widow. Fatimih became known as Mahd al Awliyaa.. which in Farsi is pronounced as Mahduliya. This marriage happened in Iran and NOT in Baghdad about the year 1848. From this marriage there were 6 children; only three males and one female survived to adulthood.
Muhammad Ali, Diya’u’llah and Badiy’u’llah… Diya’u’llah died without children, Badi’u’llah had two daughters and Muhammad Ali, al Ghusn al Akbar, at the time of Abdul Baha, had Musa, Shua’u’llah.

4]. In About 1862, Baha’u’llah takes his third; it was upon the insistence of her father who was a staunch believer. Her name was Gawhar Khanum of Kashan. Gawhar Khanum, does not go with Baha’u’llah to exile, she remains in Baghdad and joins Him in Akka in the 1885. From this marriage result in only one girl; Furigiyyih she marries the nephew of the wife of the Bab; his name was Siyyid Ali, who had 4 sons as explained by our brother Abdu’l-Husyan.
In conclusion, Baha’u’llah takes three wives; has 14 children, all marriages were before His public declaration at the Najibiyyih Garden on the River Tigres, in April of 1863.

More here

The Iranian Version (In Persian) - Baha'u'llah Married Four

چهار زن حسینعلی نوری در تضاد با منع تعدد زوجات در بهائیت
بر اساس استفتائات بهائیان از شوقی افندی و عبدالبهاء ( سران بهائیت ) درباره تعداد همسران ، بهائیان مکلف به قبول تک همسری شده اند در حالی که بر اساس نص صریح کتاب اقدس ( نویسنده پیامبر بهائیان داشتن دو زن در آن واحد جایز است . و از سویی با نگاهی بر تاریخ بهائیان به نام چهار زن در لیست زنان بهاء الله می رسیم

میرزا حسینعلی نوری چهار زن به ترتیب زیر داشت  :

1 ـ بانو نوابه که اولین زن میرزا است و پس از آنکه میرزا با یک جهش از مقام بندگی به رتبه ربوبیت و الوهیت ارتقاء یافت بانو نوا به از طرف وی به لقب (( ام الکائنات )) مفتخر گشت . میرزا از این زن دارای سه فرزند گردید دو پسر به نام عباس ( ملقب به غصن اعظم ) . مهدی ( ملقب به غصن اطهر و یک دختر به نام که بعدها به بهائیه خانم و ورقه علیا ملقب گشت .

2 ـ مادر میرزا محمد علی (( غصن اطهر )) و میرزا ضیاء الله و میرزا بدیع الله که اسم دقیقی از ایاین زن بهاء الله در کتب بهائی منتشر نشده است .

3 ـ گوهر خانم کاشی مادر فروغیه خانم .

4 ـ جمالیه خانم که از دوازده  یا سیزده سالگی در خانه میرزا بعنوان خدمتکار می زیسته و چون به سن 16 سالگی رسید میرزا حسین علی نوری که درآن زمان هفتاد سال داشته است دریای مهرش در حق وی به جوش و خروش می آید و نسیم لطفش وزیده او را به همسری خود برگزیده است .

منبع : کتاب جمال ابهی

Iran busts intl. network promoting Bahaism

Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - Iranian security and intelligence personnel have identified and arrested the members of an international moral corruption network promoting Bahaism.

The network was carrying out its activities in the cities of Tehran, Karaj, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Yasuj, as well as the town of Evaz, which is located in Fars Province, the Fars News Agency reported on Sunday.

The leaders of the network were receiving $400 per month from certain foreign countries to promote the teachings of Bahaism in Iran.

Picture : 'Abdu'l-Baha kissing Sarah Farmer, Green Acre, 1912