Soheil Mehrabkhani Convicted Over 4 Building Charges

Soheil Mehrabkhani was in court to be sentenced over 4 building charges brought against him by Hobart City Council. The HCC case was lackluster, but even so Mehrab-Khani was fined a total of $1240 plus costs.

I was out of the country at the time, however I was told it was covered by The Mercury newspaper. As soon as I can find a copy of it, I will post the details. It seems that The Mercury is intent on covering all court cases involving Mehrab-Khani. In my view this is because of his nearly incomprehensible ravings in Court, they add great entertainment value to the proceedings.

I will post the outcome of the Tribunal as soon as it is known.

Latest about Baha'i Mehrabkhani here :

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